The scorching sun in midsummer almost melted the asphalt road, and there were many parents sending exams under the big locust tree, and some of them leaned against the corner to escape the heat in the shade less than one meter wide.

In the north, the winter is crisply cold, and the summer is so hot that the moisture in the air seems to have been evaporated. There is no wind at all, and it is hot and stuffy.

Wang Cuihua pricked up her ears, listening to the discussions of the parents nearby, she couldn't help sweating for Suizi.

Yu Shuisheng took his three children to eat watermelon, and the twins ate watermelon all over their faces.

The sniffing sound of several people eating melons attracted disdainful glances from the parents nearby. Those who knew it was here to send for the exam, but those who didn’t know it thought it was a picnic. I have never seen such careless parents.

"Her father, do you think Suizi can do it?" Wang Cuihua has asked this question several times.

Today is the exam day for her son and daughter-in-law. She mixed with the parents and heard a lot of "insider news".

There are 7 subjects to be tested, Chinese, Physics, Chemistry, Politics, each with 100 points, Mathematics 120, English 70, Biology 30, it is said that it is much more difficult than last year.

"Why are you worried about Suizi? She never does anything unsure, shouldn't you be worried about our son who doesn't care?"

"He definitely won't pass the exam. Why should I put so much effort into him? I'm just worried that Suizi, our family, is high-spirited and betting with her mother about Qingbei. If he doesn't pass the exam, Suizi will get angry. It's so hot. Your body should be broken."

"Mother, don't worry, my sister-in-law went shopping with my brother after the exam yesterday, she must be sure." Jiaojiao felt that her mother was more nervous than her elder brother and sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law will definitely pass the exam, and my brother will probably pass the exam as well."

"When did you have so much confidence in your brother?"

"Hey, my sister-in-law said that if my brother can pass the exam, she will take me on a luxurious three-day tour of the capital, eating roast duck and climbing the Great Wall to watch the flag raising."

In order to fulfill her wish, Jiaojiao ate meat and vegetables for the past two days, and prayed devoutly for her brother.

Exam for three days, today is the last day.

Wang Cuihua's anxious mood did not affect Suizi in the examination room.

The old-fashioned three-blade electric fan creaked and rotated. The weather was very hot, but it couldn't stop the candidates from pursuing their dreams.

Those who can sit here have all passed the pre-selection, Suizi glanced casually, most of them have immature faces, and some of them passed the pre-selection as social candidates like her and Yu Jingting.

Yu Jingting was also in this test center, not in the same classroom as Suizi. Suizi didn't know what was going on with him, and he didn't completely let go until he saw the last test paper was handed out.

She bet on Yu Jingting's questions, and she couldn't say that she hit 100%, but it was 80%.

Especially the big question at the end, which was exactly the same, she watched him finish it.

The previous exams were similar. After Yu Jingting finished the exam, he was numb. His wife hit all the questions accurately. Before the exam, he still felt that he was just an accompanying exam. He began to think, why don't he also apply for Qingbei?

It seems that it is not impossible to be an alumnus with my daughter-in-law.

Suizi quickly finished answering, and wandered around with a fan. By the way, the invigilator who fanned her classmates saw her stop writing, walked over, casually glanced at Suizi's paper, and then showed a surprised expression.

Subconsciously glanced at Suizi's name, Chen Hansui, these three characters were memorized by the invigilator.

When the rankings were released, the invigilator deliberately checked the rankings, and when he saw Chen Hansui's name, the teacher showed an expression of "I'm so good at learning the gods".

As expected.

Suizi’s papers are really unique. The surface is so neat that it looks like they are participating in a calligraphy competition. Every time, they put down their pens first, then hold their cheeks and look out of the window. When the paper is handed in, I will never change a word.

It's as if she didn't come to take the exam, she just came to show off her IQ. The teachers invigilating Suizi all noticed Suizi. Compared with other people, the appearance of this young man seemed like a blow to reduce dimensionality.

After handing in the exam, Suizi felt relaxed.

I have an explanation to myself in the two lives, and I have achieved the staged goal. I feel relieved, and I finally didn't waste this time.

Her shoulders sank, and a strong wall rested on her shoulders, regardless of the eyes of the people around her.

The exposed arms are smooth muscle lines, exuberant with the vitality of young people, and the tassel eyes are curved.

"There are still more than ten days until the results are announced, let's go out and have a look."

"Don't ask me how I did in the exam?" Yu Jingting was still waiting for praise.

Suizi smiled.

"You don't need to ask, just choose a school after evaluating your score."

She has confidence in her vision of betting on the topic.

The full score is 620. The school she wants to take is in the province. The minimum admission line for science should be around 480. This year, the full score for mathematics is 120, but the national average score for mathematics is only 26.

It is unimaginable that this kind of score will be obtained by future generations, but at the moment when the college entrance examination has just resumed for a few years, there is a serious shortage of teachers and students with weak foundations, which is already a very objective figure.

In the next three years, we will catch up with the education reform. By then, Yu Jingting will be allowed to take the college entrance examination. The age will not be suitable, and the difficulty will increase year by year. Right now, it is the only opportunity in his life to study. Suizi seems to have seized it. this opportunity.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Yu Jingting thought that Suizi could relax after the exam, but when she saw her smiling at him, she cried while smiling.

Wang Cuihua led everyone around, and when she saw Suizi crying, she thought she had failed the exam, so she tried to comfort her.

"Hey, what do you do if you do well in the exam? Do so many people who have never been to school live differently? It doesn't matter if you fail the exam. You can just feel wronged and be the principal."

These words attracted the attention of the candidates next to him. What kind of family is it that they have to go home and become the principal if they don't do well in the exam?

"Mother, I am very happy. If Jing Ting can be an alumnus with me, are you happy?"

"It's not dark yet, why are you talking in your sleep? This kid is just filling in the big hole, no matter what, we have to relax after the exam, let's go, go home and let's celebrate."

Wang Cuihua still doesn't believe that her son can be admitted to university. Suizi said that he can be her alumni, but Wang Cuihua just thinks that this child is confused and talking nonsense.

Who is Suizi? She is the Qingbei contestant in everyone's eyes. No one believes that Yu Jingting, who is cramming for a while, can pass the exam.

On the second day after the exam, Fan Huang sent someone to send a message that the work for Yu Jingting had been arranged, and he sent a stack of materials to let him familiarize himself with it in advance. When Suizi went to Beijing to go to school, he would report to the unit.

The man even brought a pair of handwriting written by Fan Huang, saying that it was for Yu Jingting.

"Wandering through Xiongguan is really like iron, but now I am going to cross it from the beginning."

Yu Jingting took the words given by Fan Huang, read them twice, and finally read them out. Doesn't this mean that if you fail the exam, don't be discouraged, and you will shine in other fields?

"Daughter-in-law, is your new father burying me?"

"It's okay, when our grades come down, we'll go to Beijing to settle the accounts together." He was busy with the exams, so he didn't have time to do anything else.

Now that the exams are over, it's time to settle the old scores.

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