I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 565 Double standards are not a bad thing

Seeing that the two children and the old man are so close, Suizi can't help feeling the magic of blood relationship, thinking to herself, maybe this is the will of heaven.

The name "grandfather" is a dialect, and it corresponds to "grandma", which means grandpa's father and mother. According to seniority, there is nothing wrong with calling it that way.

"Why don't you come to my house for a break? We don't live here on weekdays. The conditions are a bit poor, but it's okay to rest." Suizi took the initiative to speak, which was considered to break this embarrassing situation.

"I'm not going to your shitty place." Seeing that it was Suizi who spoke, Yu Shuilin mocked, "You guys really have no rules. A junior or someone with a foreign surname can stand up and speak out?"

"Selling straws? There are so many pipes." Yu Shuisheng took out a cigarette and threw it to the old man, "There is only simple tea and light food, do you want to try it?"

The elder spoke up and gave Suizi enough face.

Old man Yu was naturally willing to go, but he didn't want to take the crutches while holding the two children.

"Linzi, you go back first, Tieshan will follow me."

Yu Shuilin was absolutely unwilling.

"Father, this family is like a savage, what did you do in the past? What if they do something to you—"

"I'd love to! Sell your straws!"

Yu Shuilin's face turned pale, and when he turned around, he could still hear the barbarians laughing in unison.

On the way back, there were children doing relaxation, and the topic gradually opened up.

Wang Cuihua asked: "It's fine, why did the fight start?"

"It's a long story."

Without the support of his father, Yu Tieshan looked like a well-behaved big cat in front of Yu Shuisheng and his son, not daring to straighten his waist.

The reason why Yu Ding's grandfather and grandson appeared in Lao Yu's ancestral grave all came from a dream of the old man.

Just the day before the Ching Ming Festival, Mr. Yu dreamed of his wife who had been dead for many years.

He had to be allowed to return to Wang's Waizi on the day of Ching Ming Festival.

"My old lady, who has been dead for so many years, told me in a dream to bring my son to me, so I brought my son here, and you all saw it too. It's an unbelievable thing, and it just started fighting with people."

"Ah" Suizi got goosebumps from fright.

Yu Jingting took advantage of the situation and hugged Suizi, and murmured in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I can't find it on our head, lean on me, I have a lot of yang~"

Suizi couldn't care less about being reserved, and directly held Yu Jingting's hand, looking around cautiously, really afraid that "something" would float out of somewhere.

On the day of Ching Ming Festival, near the cemetery, can you not be afraid to hear such metaphysical words?

Yu Shuisheng looked at the young couple amusedly, and said pointedly: "Tiegen, your wife is really timid."

"Hey, don't you want to see who is responsible for this?" Yu Jingting was protecting his woman.

Yu Shuisheng curled his lips, well, the cause of this matter is really because of himself, so I won't say anything.

These three people all know the inside story, so listening to what the old man said, they can taste the taste of metaphysics in it. A little puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Cuihua asked.

"Let's gossip—your grandma is a bit spiritual." Yu Jingting said to the old man.

"Oh, my wife has studied the Book of Changes."

"Emma, ​​the end of the universe is metaphysics." Suizi had goosebumps again, subconsciously looking at her mother-in-law, thinking that after going back, she must urge her mother-in-law to learn the Book of Changes, look, learning is so useful!

"Then why did you get into a fight with Yu Shuigou's family?" Yu Jingting changed the subject, feeling that if he continued talking about this matter, his daughter-in-law would be scared to death.

"There are not only Yu Yi and my grandfather's parents in the ancestral grave, we burned the paper, halfway through the burning, my grandfather went to the toilet, and then the whole family came over." Yu Tieshan said.

Yu Shuigou's family is a typical nest, which is exactly the same as Yu Tieshan and his son.

Seeing faces he didn't know, he was still burning paper at his ancestral grave, and he would scold them whenever he came up without asking any questions.

At the beginning, Yu Tieshan told him patiently that this was also his family's ancestral grave, and the two families were probably relatives.

It's okay not to talk about it, but when I talk about it, Yu Shuigou gets excited.

I found a lot of nonsense, pretending to be a relative to come over to cause damage, ruining his family's Feng Shui, and even saying that even a relative is a bad relative who dug up gold coins back then.

"What kind of gold coin is simply nonsense, who knows if there is such a thing? Anyway, we have never seen this one!" Yu Tieshan was also indignant when talking about gold coins.

If there were really gold coins, he would have dug them out long ago, so why would he need to flatter the old man every day?

Suizi began to feel guilty again, her little hand holding Yu Jingting started to feel cold, her big eyes were rolling back and forth, gold coins, ahem, is it the altar she hid at home?

"The two of you are like mad dogs. You have to blackmail us and ask us to take the money out, otherwise we will stomp out the fire we are lighting. Listen, is this a human word?"

No wonder when Suizi's family came over, brother Yu Shuigou was pushed to the ground and beaten.

"Well, it sounds like the father and son who owed the beating really deserved it, and being beaten is not wronged at all." Yu Jingting said, and Yu Tieshan nodded his head, yes.

"Of course, they deserve to be beaten. If you talk cheaply with your father, if there is no conflict, no one who deserves to be beaten will be left behind." Yu Jingting said again.

Yu Tieshan gritted his teeth, the guy he wanted to beat the most, if he could beat him.

Lao Yu hasn't been home for a while, but the house hasn't fallen into dust. The last time Wang Cuihua came back, she asked her neighbors to take care of her, and people came to visit every now and then.

After the kang was burned, Suizi's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law took out the ingredients they brought back from the tractor.

Yu Ding was sitting on the top of the kang, with two little radishes sitting beside him. The two children seemed to like him very much.

"Let them play. It's normal for children to like to play. Which of these two children is so powerful? They're talking in their sleep after beating my family's fortune back."

"Uh, what did you say?" Suiko asked.

"Don't hit me, don't rob me."

"Ahem." Suizi was a little embarrassed, "The two children of my family, one protects food and the other protects things. There will inevitably be some conflicts between the children."

"The main reason is that Jinwa owes his hand, he looks like a bandit beard, if he doesn't move my child's things, my daughter and son can't beat him." Yu Jingting said.

When Yu Ding heard this, he co-authored with both children?

It doesn't matter if the male baby is good, but the female baby is also so fierce?

Picking up Luoluo, Luoluo immediately smiled at him, with a cute and gentle look, it was hard for Yu Ding to associate the little cute baby in front of him with the ferocious child who made his great-grandson have nightmares.

His thoughts were interrupted by Luoluo blowing a kiss from across the air, Yu Ding said: "Children, it's good to be lively, and you will be promising if you can fight."

"??? Grandpa, you don't say that when you are at home." Yu Tieshan was hit violently.

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