I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 520 This account is a bit messy (thanks to Shu Yueer + more)

Yu Jingting's words aroused Suizi's interest.

"What? If you give me a hint, I can guess."

"Guess, who does this Fan Hui belong to?"

"Wait for me to think about it"

Suizi began to count with her fingers.

According to what she knew, the Fan family had four rooms in total.

Among the Fan family she had met, the fourth eldest, Fan Gao, was the least up to date. He was a marginal, hopeless kind.

When Yu Jingting was in the tobacco company, the Fan Hua he met was from the third room, and he was not very promising.

Fan Huang, who has the most ambiguous relationship with her mother, is the eldest son of the eldest son, a ruthless man who is regarded as the successor of the family inheritance.

Although Suizi has heard a lot about Fan Huang's legend from others, she knows that this is a very fake character.

But judging from the details that he was forced by his mother to hop and run over to find Suizi, Suizi has reservations about Fan Huang's actual ability - at least this big man is not as wise as advertised when it comes to relationships.

Suizi thought of Fan Huang's glasses being smashed by Yu Tieshan's punch, and he became even more convinced that the rumors were not very credible.

But no matter what, Fan's parent's room is the strongest.

"I guess, Fan Hui is either a second or third wife. I feel that the probability of being a third wife is high. You see, Fan Hua of the third wife is superstitious. This stuff is all hereditary."

In view of the fact that Fan Hui once had a relationship with his mother, and may be Suizi's biological father, Suizi's guess is extra cautious.

Yu Jingting showed a proud expression.

"Hey, I thought the same as you at first, but it turns out that's not the case! Fan Hui is Fan Huang's younger brother, dear, younger brother, younger brother!"


a bolt from the blue!

Suizi seemed to be struck by lightning, her mouth was open, unable to speak.

Seeing her expression, Yu Jingting laughed out loud.

Sure enough, he couldn't be the only one surprised.

His little wild boar was also shocked.

"This?!" Suizi didn't know what to say, even though she was known as a smart multi-star, this thing was bloody, and it exceeded her expectations!

"I just heard from the curator that my inner reaction is similar to yours now. It is impossible for me to express it, but I was also shocked in my heart. I couldn't help but think of the content of the wild stage show at the entrance of the village a few years ago."

"What content?"

Yetaizi opera is mainly based on Errenzhuan, which is humorous and has unique folk characteristics.

But Chen Lijun didn't let Suizi listen. As a strong woman, Chen Lijun didn't like these things. She would rather sing Beijing opera to Suizi at home than let her go and listen to wild operas with a bunch of people.

"It's a pity that you didn't watch the things about me and my younger siblings. My good guy, I still remember that word. Shall I sing you a few lines?"


Suizi made a stop gesture, and when she heard the name, she knew there would be no serious words.

Suizi's mind is now full of things from her previous generation. Although she doesn't know the details, she can make up a complete story just by relying on the scary name "Things about me and my siblings" that Yu Jingting said!

"So, my mother was dating someone else's younger brother, and then the younger brother was a scumbag, sitting on a haystack and bragging to others, saying that he had kissed another female student, my mother burned the haystack in a fit of anger, and then Then married Chen Kaide, and then returned to the city, and took down his brother again?!"

Suizi gasped, she seriously suspected that her mother took the script of the heroine!

If you want to write a novel, isn't it like, "If I can't get you, I will be your sister-in-law?!"

"Probably that's the case, but it doesn't rule out that our mother had such a thing with Fan Huang back then."

"Don't talk nonsense. Although my mother is a bit free and easy about feelings, she is not the kind of woman who cheats and fucks!"

"Daughter-in-law, do you know that you have a problem? When you have a guilty conscience, your eyes blink very fast, and you still stutter!"

"I, I didn't!" Suizi blushed after speaking, and couldn't control her stuttering.

She really doesn't have much confidence.

Chen Lijun is a very rational person, and she has a special personality. If you offend her, she really may not use any method to get back.

If it was really Fan Hui who was sorry for her first, she might be able to hook up with Fan Huang.

"It's very simple to solve the mystery in your heart. Ask our old man and old lady, when did Fan Huang come to the Wang family, as long as he came after Fan Hui had a conflict with our mother, it is very likely."

Suizi knew what Yu Jingting didn't say.

It is very possible that her mother really hinted to Fan Huang at the beginning, so it is hard to say who her real father is.

"The curator also gave me a piece of news, saying that this Fan Hui is now an art professor in a certain university. He is quite accomplished in art, but he has been criticized for his character and has a bad reputation in the circle."

"What exactly is the bad reputation?"

"His wife died of cancer last year, but everyone in the industry knows that he was mad at him. His wife died only two months ago, and she got married with her female student. A year later, she married another girl. Students, it is said that they still maintain complicated emotional relationships with other teachers in the school."

Suizi's reaction was slow, and she was almost confused by the complicated relationship between the characters.

How many women has this guy hooked up with?

"How could my mother like this kind of big scum who can't control his belt?"

Yu Jingting shrugged.

"Who is still young and ignorant? Although Fan Hui's character is not good, he is handsome. It is said that many women liked him back then. At this age, he can still marry a woman who is a round younger than him. Students, there must be some charm."

After finishing speaking, he stroked his hair narcissistically, and said, "There are not many infatuated good men like me who combine handsomeness and ability, and are only obsessed with the little wild boar spirit. Daughter-in-law, you can see that men's vision is better than ours. Mom was much better back then."

"Thank you, I was tricked into going home by you and had no other choice, so I fell in love with you passively."

Yu Jingting hugged her waist hard, his eyes became dangerous, and he felt that he could turn into anger and bite her at any time.

Seeing that this guy gnawed her teeth marks all over her body if she disagreed with her, the cowardly Suizi immediately changed his words.

"However, even if there are many choices, after reading all the world's colors, the best in my heart must still be you."

Well, these words are quite sweet, Yu Jingting nodded, but soon felt that something was wrong.

"You still want to read all the sex in the world?! Are you fat?!"

Suizi hurriedly fed him vegetables, coaxed him for a while, the main point was to praise him for his bravery and martial arts, Yu Jingting reluctantly followed suit, but made a note of her in his heart.

Heh, at night, the children are asleep hehehe!

"My mother said categorically that Fan Huang is not my father, but according to my understanding of her, she is unlikely to give a child to a scumbag."

Suizi didn't realize that she was "revenge" by Yu Jingting at all, so she analyzed it seriously.

Now I know that Fan Hui is not a good cake, he is completely scumbag, how can her mother give birth to a child for this kind of man?

"But regardless of the truth of the matter, one thing is certain." Yu Jingting said.

Thanks to Shu Yueer for the 10,000 coins, plus more to send~

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