I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 486 Seize the opportunity and take advantage of it

"Why didn't Wang Mengmeng come to work?"

When Suizi arrived in class, she found Xiao Zhang was the only one left.

Xiao Li and Yue'e had just received their certificates, and Suizi gave them a day off.

But she didn't remember giving Wang Mengmeng a holiday.

"She, er, Director, you can go and see for yourself, I can't tell."

Wang Mengmeng lives in the dormitory of the school.

Suizi left the office, walked over and knocked on the door a few times, but no one answered her.

Suizi turned the doorknob twice, and the door opened.

The curtains were drawn in the room, and there was a black lump on the bed.

When he got closer, he realized that it was Wang Mengmeng wrapped in a quilt.

"Wang Mengmeng, why didn't you come to work? Why are the curtains drawn and opened to let in the light—"

"Don't pull away!"

Wang Mengmeng said it was late, Suizi opened the curtains.

Light instantly filled the room.

Suizi was shocked when she saw Wang Mengmeng's face.

"How did you do this?!"

Wang Mengmeng's image at this time can only be described as fat head and swollen face.

His face was swollen and bruised.

The whole face was swollen and looked like a pig's head.

"Director, I got someone to beat me—wow!"

Wang Mengmeng burst into tears.

"What's going on here, who beat you, did you call the police?"

Although Suizi doesn't like her, she is an employee of her own, and if something happens, she still has to ask.

Wang Mengmeng sobbed and told Suizi what happened.

During the basketball game, she fell in love with the No. 13 male basketball player of the brewery. Although Suizi reminded her at the time that he had a wife, she still couldn't stop Wang Mengmeng's raging love.

During a game, she yelled hard at others, shouted for cheer, and went to deliver water after the game, back and forth, and the two hit it off.

Although the man is married, he welcomes this kind of woman who comes to his door.

The two ate dinner and watched a movie together.

As a result, the man's wife found out.

Suizi reminded Wang Mengmeng that the man's daughter-in-law taught Sanda and kicked sandbags on the street every day. Suizi was particularly impressed by her.

Wang Mengmeng hooked up with other men, so naturally they couldn't let her go.

Early this morning, Wang Mengmeng went to buy deep-fried dough sticks, but was dragged by the woman by the hair to an alley, where she was beaten violently.

"Director, do you think I'm to blame for this?" Wang Mengmeng cried so hard that she couldn't help herself.


Suizi is very straightforward.

Wang Mengmeng cried even more sadly.

"She can't control men by herself, why should she count on me?"

"I think so with you. The world should be messed up. Whether a couple's relationship is good or not is not the reason for you to date a married man."

"I didn't sleep again! I just watched a movie and had a meal. If she wants to hit her, she should hit her man. Why hit me!"

Suizi does not deny this point.

Although a woman like Wang Mengmeng who has a bad outlook really deserves to be beaten up, it seems unfair to only beat up Wang Mengmeng. The man who has a wife and messes around should be educated.

"How do you know that she didn't hit her man? Maybe she closed the door and hit her worse than you. Through this incident, you have to learn some lessons. Don't associate with married men. No matter how good the man is, it's not yours." .”

"Then I deserve to be unable to find a partner? I don't have a partner, I don't have a man, who is to blame?"

"According to your logic, if you don't have any money, can you just go to the bank and rob it?"

Suizi hurt Wang Mengmeng.

"You didn't come to comfort me at all, you came to see my joke!"

Wang Mengmeng wrapped herself in the quilt, unable to come out alive.

"I have nothing to say if you think so, but Wang Mengmeng, you are not young anymore, you should know what you can and can't do, if you continue to ignore morality and continue to flirt with married men, I can only transfer you away."

Suizi didn't want to deal with these emotional entanglements that had nothing to do with work every day at work, so she just followed Wang Mengmeng's current style and continued to mess around. Her original partner would have to find her sooner or later, and it would be too ugly to block her at the school gate and scold her.

"Chen Hansui! You're still making trouble! I really can't see that you are this kind of person!"

Wang Mengmeng threw a pillow at Suizi.

"Go away! I don't want to see you!"

"Everything I said today is serious. If you let me know that you are messing around outside, I will transfer you to the village to teach."

Suozi closed the door for her, turned around and went to work.

Wang Mengmeng burst into tears, feeling that the whole world was bullying her, especially Chen Hansui, she was the worst.

"Chen Hansui, if you don't make me feel better, I won't make it easier for you either. Just wait and see!"

Wang Mengmeng wiped away the tears on her face vigorously, and transferred all the anger of being beaten to Suizi.

Suizi returned to the office, thinking about Wang Mengmeng, and feeling a little worried.

At the beginning, she thought about introducing someone to Wang Mengmeng, thinking that she might have a family, so she could devote her energy to work.

But after pondering for a while, there was no suitable candidate.

With Wang Mengmeng's character, no matter who she is introduced to, she will not live a stable life.

No matter who she marries, Suizi will offend everyone as an introducer.

She really didn't have a suitable man around her who could take over Wang Mengmeng's demands, which was a real headache.

Seeing Wang Mengmeng's unrepentant appearance, Suizi felt that she would not be able to work well in the future.

It seems that it will be a matter of time to transfer her to leave, but it is also a headache to transfer this kind of person to where.

You can only transfer to a department with a bad relationship, otherwise you will have to make enemies with everyone.

Although Suizi threatened her by saying that she would be transferred to the village, she couldn't implement it, but she couldn't do it—if the children in the village had such a teacher, wouldn't their lives be ruined?

The child is innocent!

"What are you thinking, my little face is wrinkled."

Yu Jingting came in with food and saw her frowning.

"I'm thinking about where to put the rotten meat so it doesn't smoke people—how about you?"

"Everything is going well. The ice cream factory has already started production. It is estimated that the first batch of finished products will come out soon."

"When the time comes, they will cry, and you will be really hurt."

"Thank you for the compliment."

The word "damage", coming out of Suizi's mouth, is really not necessarily a derogatory term.

"If you beat Shen Liangyin to death, she would never have imagined that among the prescriptions she tried to steal, only the first one is true. The rest are all changed by us."

The most amazing thing is that the ratio of the first recipe is correct, and the following ingredients are huge, and you need to pay attention to the order of mixing when blending.

This is calculated by Su Zhe after repeated calculations. It comes from the fact that the two formulas in it react with each other. You must wait for the reaction to be completed before adding other formulas. The order is very important.

How else could Suizi know how to find someone? Even experienced technicians for many years would not be able to see this subtle trick, but Su Zhe could. This is the gap.

At that time, Su Zhe specifically told Yu Jingting about this matter, reminding him that when making this ice cream, he must pay attention to the distribution of ingredients, otherwise the finished product will be bad and the raw materials will be wasted.

Yu Jingting listened to this sentence hard, and seized the opportunity to use it.

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