Guardians are always eager to predict all risks and give children a painless growth.

But fate has long predicted our predictions. If we avoid a risk, we will still encounter a greater risk inadvertently.

"Family is a whole, but family members are all different individuals. Respecting each other's choices may be the glue between individuals. He took this step. I am a witness and a companion. I look forward to the follow-up with him. towards."

Zhang Yue'e didn't quite understand, but she was greatly shocked. She took out a small book from her pocket, jotted it down, and kept saying:

"Fortunately, I was prepared"

Since Suizi gave birth, she frequently burst out golden sentences. Zhang Yuee felt that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, and she wrote it down for future use.

Suizi and Yu Jingting didn't know the risk that even Zhang Yue'e, a newcomer in the workplace, could smell.

Suizi knows that Yu Jingting will offend many people, but she also clearly realizes that there are not many choices left for people between life and death.

As far as the brewery is now, if you don't offend anyone, you can close it endlessly.

Suizi's family has the financial resources to provide support, and Yu Shuisheng came back from the border with three sacks of money, enough to activate the factory.

But the problem is that in this era, there is no room for financing at all, and Yu Jia is not allowed to solve the problem in a private way.

When all the gates of life are blocked, the gate of death may be the only way out.

This is the first shot given by Yu Jingting to take office immediately.

Although his method of auctioning things without giving money is a bit shameless, the effect is good.

Those units that owed them didn't want to lose this person, because the brewery was too noisy, and everyone was staring at it. The auctioned items would be posted, and where did the standards come from.

I would rather sell the pot and sell the iron to pay off the debt than lose this person.

Most of the stack of approval slips in Yu Jingting's hand was emptied at once, and the start-up funds were immediately available, and the remaining few companies refused to give them life or death, and were still arguing.

First, wages were paid to workers who hadn't seen any money for a year, and won a wave of popular support, and then production was resumed.

One of the two production lines was broken. Yu Jingting partnered with foreign experts by mistake before, and they suggested repairs. It is not too difficult to fix it, but it just needs a little money.

The morale in the factory will be high at this time, and several high-level leaders feel that it is time to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, repair the machines, increase production, and do a big job.

However, Yu Jingting resisted all opinions, kept only one production line, refused to work in three shifts, and only used the current output value to make a batch of wine and put it on the market.

This move is only to tell the public that their factory has not yet closed down, and there are still things.

This behavior also confuses many people.

In this era when "there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields" per capita is rolling up their sleeves and working hard, his thoughts are indeed puzzling.

Those who were waiting to see how he flexed his muscles were also puzzled by his conservative operations.

Only Suizi highly praised Jingting's judgment.

In Jiaojiao's words, her sister-in-law didn't know what medicine she had taken wrongly during this time, and the look in her brother's eyes could no longer be said to be hot, it was sparking outside.

Staying with these two guys for a while longer makes me feel tired and flustered.

The reason why Suizi looked at Yu Jingting's sparkling eyes was that he could keep sober when everyone was drunk, see clearly the relationship between supply and demand in the market, and distinguish priorities. This kind of pattern and vision are beyond the times.

Entering winter at this time, it is already an off-season for the beer industry.

After offending so many people, it is impossible to take the road of unit welfare.

Even several state-run restaurants in the city were almost offended by him, and it was impossible to use their wine on a large scale in a short period of time.

Focusing on production is now the mainstream value of a factory manager. Most of the factory managers focus on grasping production value and building relationships. Yu Jingting has already thought of the market.

This advanced consciousness is enough for Suizi to love him for ten thousand years.

From the outsiders' point of view, Yu Jingting regained his tranquility after making a big fuss, and there was no movement.

The outside world began to spread wildly again, saying that those who came from the bottom do not know how to manage, and they did not work hard despite the great output value, and their flags and drums died down, and they lacked fighting spirit.

The current brewery workers have resumed production, but the output value is very small, which will be enough to maintain expenses, and the overall situation is still in a state of small losses but not dead.

The debt Yu Jingting wants to get back is enough to last the factory for more than half a year.

During this period, he was free, so everyone in the night school saw another famous scene. The director and her man used the director's office as their office, reporting on time every afternoon.

However, according to eyewitnesses, Yu Jingting was in Suizi's office reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms comics and did not work at all.

Moreover, Suizi seemed to indulge his "enthusiasm for learning" on purpose, not only bought him a full set of comic strips of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but also books like Outlaws of the Marsh and Journey to the West.

The comics at this meeting are only the size of a palm, rolled in a hard shell, ten volumes, as hard as a piece of tofu.

So colleagues who come to Suizi to sign, every time they come, they can see Yu Jingting sitting on Suizi's chair with his feet on the table, and the tofu block comics in front of him are arranged like a bunker.

Suizi was on the side, serving tea and water for him.

I don't know, I thought it was a vacation.

The opposition, headed by Wang Mengmeng and the principal, discussed in private, saying that the brewery is almost finished, and there is such a thing who likes to read comic books and does not do business as a leader, and it is not good at production. What else?

Wang Cuihua also asked Suizi this question, and the behavior of reading comic books is considered by the elderly to be dishonest.

Yu Jingting looked at this thing, and even Jiaojiao also looked at it.

Recently, Yu Shuisheng has also begun to watch with great interest. When the third father eats, he will discuss eagerly, and Suizi will make a few comments.

Because the discussion was too enthusiastic, the two children who were learning to speak had to use the words "beat" or "kill" in the past two days.

Wang Cuihua was very worried.

Is this the rhythm of the whole family reading comic books without getting down to business?

So one day, Wang Cuihua took advantage of Yu Jingting to go out for a walk with Yu Shuisheng, and secretly asked Suizi.

"Suizi, you don't plan to take care of the matter of Tie Gen and Jiao Jiao reading idle books?"

"Kill~~~" Sitting on the soft cushion on the ground, Luoluo waved her little hands.

Wang Cuihua pointed to her granddaughter, to see what it was like!

"A book is a book, it doesn't matter whether you are idle or not, as long as you can read it, it is good. Jiao Jiao has now become interested in history, and Jing Ting is also studying tactics during this time."

"." Wang Cuihua was speechless, why didn't she see it?

"Da da~~~~" Luoluo continued to wave her chubby hand at her younger brother.

Bobo staggered and bumped into his sister, and the two babies fell together on the soft cushion.

"Look, preemptive strikes may not always have good results, winning the battle is victory."

Suoko picked up her son who won the victory by weight, and kissed her.

"Mother, Jing Ting will take action no later than a year ago, so let's just watch."

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