I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 418 Brother Ting Is Such a Type of Person (Monthly Pass 200+)

"I haven't seen you all morning, and you're promoted?!"

Suizi is a little uncomfortable with his promotion speed.

"Isn't it faster than you can have a baby?"

"." What a metaphor!

Something happened at the brewery today.

In the morning, an eager employee blocked the door and beat the factory manager.

If there was a leader, a group of people rushed forward, and the factory manager was beaten by a group of people. If Yu Jingting hadn't stopped him, the factory manager would have lost his arms and legs.

When Yu Jingting stopped him at first, the emotional workers still refused to accept it and wanted to beat him together. Yu Jingting snatched the wooden stick from the worker's hand, and using his thighs as a support, he squeezed hard with both hands, and the stick broke. .

The broken wooden stick fell on the road, making a crisp sound.

Coupled with a domineering sentence, whoever refuses to accept, come here, coupled with a look of condescension, the emotional employees were scared back a few steps, and the manic mood calmed down, looking at each other, no one dared to step forward.

"You didn't do anything with the workers, did you?" Suizi was really worried.

"That's not the case. If there is a way to survive, who would want to come out and be this troublemaker? Anyway, I wasn't the one who beat me. That old boy, the factory manager, deserves to be beaten."

It is not an exaggeration to say that the dilemma of not being able to pay wages for a year was caused by the incompetence of the factory manager alone.

The money for the big guys to hoard autumn vegetables is all borrowed. It doesn't take long for the Chinese New Year. There are seniors and subordinates, and the whole family has nowhere to go. It is understandable to go to extremes in a hurry.

Suizi felt relieved when he heard that he hadn't made a move.

When Yu Jingting was about to send the factory manager to the hospital, he bumped into someone above him.

It was also the workers who searched up and down every three days, and the higher-ups couldn't help it when they were alarmed, so they sent an investigation team over.

When I first arrived at the place, I saw such an exciting scene. The workers surrounded the investigation team crying and complaining that they could not make ends meet. The investigation team immediately made a decision and promoted Yu Jingting to be the factory director, and the former factory director returned home and waited for notice.

After finishing speaking, he left without giving Yu Jingting a chance to lead them around the factory.

"I reckon that the finances above are also in deficit. They can't afford the money except for a painless change of person. If they don't leave, they will still be staring at their necks?"

"I saw that they were going to run away, so I chased after them and asked, I said the leader, the factory will do it for me, so as long as I don't violate the law, do anything that generates income for the workers, and the boss will support it? The leader said yes."

While other workers were still moving their superiors to take responsibility, Yu Jingting had already thought of a deeper level, and Suizi agreed.

"Although you haven't been in the leadership position for a few months, but judging from the height of the problem, you have already had it."

Suizi thinks that this wave of Yu Jingting's thoughts are in the atmosphere, thinking very far.

At this juncture of the transformation of the era, Yu Jingting's next series of operations are all stepping on the sidelines, and there is definitely a pattern for asking for a Shangfang sword in advance.

"The factory manager sent so many gifts, and he was pulled out to 'sacrifice to heaven'. He was so angry that he came back and cried with me. These approval notes were all given to me."

"When he scolded your superiors, you didn't scold him, did you?" Suizi asked.

"I'm not copper sulfate pentahydrate (250), I can do that stupid thing?" Yu Jingting asked.

Suizi was relieved now, it's good, her child's father has really grown up a lot during this time.

"As for the old factory manager, let's not add trouble to the situation, and don't beat the dog in the water. I think withdrawing him from above is just a tactic to slow down the troops. In the future, he may be transferred to other places, after all."

Suizi raised the stack of approval slips in her hand, each of which represented a favor.

The former factory manager saved a lot of favors at the cost of collective interests, hurting the interests of factory workers in exchange for his own future.

It will be a matter of time before the higher-ups transfer him away, and the current operation is just to appease people's hearts.

"Now he tells you that the higher-ups are not good, and you keep talking, and he turns around and tells the higher-ups, and submits you as a nomination certificate, and we become his stepping stones. If he complains to you in the future, you will praise the superiors." , to the point where he couldn’t open his mouth.”

The young couple had a discussion, and Suizi felt that he was different from herself. Compared with Suizi, who had to do things in every aspect, Yu Jingting's thinking and methods were more radical.

Suizi likes his daring to fight, and while retaining his general direction, he raised a few detailed questions, which can be regarded as a patch for Yu Jingting's plan, and it is foolproof.

"If the higher-ups know that the first thing you do after taking office is to ask them for debts, you will probably have your nose crooked."

Suizi joked.

"He doesn't pay for his life when he's so mad. It's always been our family who went out to take advantage of others. If we want to take advantage of us, there's no way!" Yu Jingting shook the approval note in his hand, raising his eyebrows evilly, "If I can get back to this first A bill, you tonight—”

"I'll stew meat for you!" Suizi said before he could speak shamelessly.

Waiting for him to make a request, think on your knees and know that it will not be a good thing.

Yu Jingting pouted.

"You underestimate your man too much. I'm the kind of person who wants to go to bed at every turn?"

"You are." Suizi replied calmly and objectively.

Yu Jingting's face was upright.

"I will definitely not go to the kang today, and I have to show you, little girl, the true strength of your man!"

For the first account, Yu Jingting went straight to the office of the leader who promoted him.

When the leader saw him coming, he thought it was to thank him, but he didn't know that the kid took the approval slip out of his pocket within five minutes after sitting down.

The leader's face turned green.

Yu Jingting has plausible arguments. He was promoted by the leader, and he also represents the image of the leader after he goes out. If this "small matter" is not handled properly, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the leader?

What's more, the leader also promised him that as long as he didn't do that illegal act, he would support all his decisions.

Then pay back the money.

Moreover, Yu Jingting was particularly cunning, seeing that the leader did not respond, he changed the subject.

He knew that the higher-ups were financially strained, the leader's face softened, and just about to praise him, Yu Jingting said again, then ask the leader to give an approval note and ask him to find a raw material supplier to get some goods.

How fair it is to exchange batches for batches.

The leader wrote him an approval note with a dark face, and after Yu Jingting got it, Lai praised the leader for half an hour in his office.

The leader was so dazed by him, Yu Jingting took the opportunity to ask the leader to give a note and approve the coal for the winter.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money to buy coal, he doesn't mind driving a tractor to the bureau to pull coal, and he specifically told the leader that he has a tractor, and he pays for the oil out of his own pocket and doesn't want the leader to reimburse him.

After coaxing, cheating and being shameless, he insisted on getting the coal and the first batch of raw materials. Yu Jingting was in a good mood, and wanted to stay in the leader's office to say more praises to the leader, but was kicked out by the leader.

When Jing Ting left, the leader cursed at the air. He had never seen such a bandit-like factory manager.

But when he thought of Yu Jingting's glib appearance, the leader was happy again.

The leaders at this time will not know that this factory manager who is the least like a factory manager has a lot of tricks behind him, and this is just an appetizer.

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