I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 415: Hitting the muzzle of the gun

Liao Yong took out an oiled paper bag from his pocket, and in full view of everyone, conveying Yu Jingting's undisguised concern, he handed the warm oiled paper bag to Suizi.

"Your brother Jingting knows that you like to eat the biscuits from this restaurant the most, so he told you to eat them while they are hot."

"Banhua?! How did you become like this!"

Only then did everyone realize that Suizi had already arrived, and when Yuan Youyou was jumping up and down talking ill of her, she was smiling and listening!

When Yuan Youyou saw Suizi, her face turned blue.

It has been more than a year since the last time I saw Suizi, and I saw Suizi was still bloated—in fact, Suizi was pregnant at that time, so she was fat.

Yuan Youyou hated Suizi, so she deliberately asked someone to inquire about her, thinking that Suizi had lost contact, so she boldly speculated that she would not come, so she made a lot of arrangements.

Unexpectedly, Suizi was sitting on the side.

"Seeing that you guys had a good chat, I didn't say anything. I grew taller after giving birth, and my appearance has indeed changed. But no matter how my appearance changes, I'm still the same as before."

The implication is that my mother is living a wonderful life, crazy girl!

Suizi now feels as if she has a miniature version of Yu Jingting in her heart, and she curses in her heart from time to time, which is probably the aftereffect of memorizing too much Yu Jingting.

I have memorized too much, and I have developed a conditioned reflex.

"Ah? Are you married and have children?!" The two male students who were at the same table as Suizi were collectively disappointed.

They were the first to discover Suizi. When Suizi watched the monkey show just now, they secretly looked at Suizi for a long time. The more they watched, the more beautiful the goddess became.

A large part of Suizi's charm in her student days came from her knowledge, but now she has both talent and appearance, and any man with eyes will be attracted to her.

Yuan Youyou knew that she would not be able to come down to the stage, so she simply bit the bullet and said according to Suizi's words:

"Chen Hansui, you took medicine today, so your in-laws dare to let you out?"

Inside and outside the words, it still implies that Suizi is crazy.

Suizi smiled without saying a word, and began to flip through her secrets of slandering people quickly in her heart. When she was thinking about which sentence to smack people to show Lao Yujia's mental outlook, Liao Yong on the side was puzzled.

"What charades are you two talking about? Suizi's mother-in-law treats her like a daughter, why don't you let Suizi go out?"

Liao Yong was deeply impressed by Wang Cuihua.

Other mothers-in-law are racking their brains to fight wits and courage with their daughters-in-law, but Wang Cuihua does the opposite. Every time I go to Lao Yu's house, I can see Wang Cuihua eccentrically protecting the tassels, but the Jingting brothers seem to be in the trash can. picked up.

"Liao Yong, you liked her since you were in school, why, now you two are getting mixed up?"

Liao Yong's speech made Yuan Youyou even more embarrassing, so she simply started biting randomly, trying to fish in troubled waters, and poured dirty water on Liao Yong and Suizi.

"You are slander, slander!" Liao bravely slapped the table and stood up.

He used to like Suizi, but the young couple had such a good life, and brother Jingting was so mean, uh, we are buddies with him, how could he still have such nasty thoughts? !

"Are you angry from embarrassment?" Yuan Youyou smiled smugly, feeling that she had taken the initiative.

"Chen Hansui, it's your fault. Although your man is a jobless bastard and you don't have a job, as the saying goes, don't forget each other even if you are rich or honored. After all, it's a married couple. Yong together?"

"Who is unemployed? You mean our deputy factory manager?" Mo Zixuan finally calmed down by smoking a cigarette in the toilet.

When I came out, I heard Yuan Youyou talking nonsense.

"Deputy factory manager?! She changed men?!" Yuan Youyou screamed.

"Sorry, there is only one original match."

Suizi took out the notebook she carried with her, took out a photo of her family from the leather wallet, and showed it to everyone with a smile.

"This is my husband, Yu Jingting. We registered our marriage last year. These two chubby babies are our twins."

"Wow! Your man is so tall and handsome. Does he have to be 190?" Looking at the girl closest to her, she stretched her neck and saw that this family is really nice, with handsome men and beautiful women, and the babies are all so beautiful.

"It's not that exaggerated, he's 'only' 186." Suizi's answer was a bit like Versailles, and there was even an evil villain in his heart shouting with his hands on his hips, quick, praise my Bao'er!

How can a mother not show her baby?

From the very beginning, she thought about how to show off her happy family to everyone in a natural and low-key way, to show people how handsome her man is and how beautiful her baby is, so she carefully picked the best-looking group photo to bring with her. .

This doesn't hit her at the gunpoint! ! !

Fortunately, there is no circle of friends these days. If there is a circle of friends, Suizi can post it for a month in a row, so that all relatives and friends have blocked her.

"You two babies are too cute, my God, they are prettier than New Year's picture dolls!"

"Can you give me a photo of your baby, I'll take it back and show it to my partner. Pregnant people look at beautiful children more, and they can have beautiful children in the future."

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of voices praising Suizi's baby, and Suizi's vanity of wanting to expose her baby to the world as a new mother was greatly satisfied.

Yuan Youyou deliberately tried to add trouble to Suizi, but in the end Suizi became the focus of the audience.

Those who praise Suizi's baby and those who praise Suizi's man come and go.

Yuan Youyou stood where she was, her face was red and white, almost like a palette.

"If you want to make rumors about someone, you have to find out their basic situation. Suizi's husband is not the street slut you said at all. He is the deputy director of the brewery. Suizi is not what you said to go home to farm. She Be the director of the night school."

This wave of heavy news made Yuan Youyou breathless.

She thought that Suizi would have a miserable life, but she didn't expect that not only was she not miserable, but she became more beautiful and richer, and even her social status was different!

Yuan Youyou stood up and wanted to leave, she couldn't even take care of face, she bowed her head and walked out without saying goodbye, Suizi grabbed her arm.

"Just leave like this?"

"Chen Hansui! Don't bully me too much! You are rich now, you are amazing, so you bully me recklessly?!"

"What did I say from beginning to end?" Suizi was annoyed by her.

She didn't even bother to reply, she just listened to Yuan Youyou's babbling, now that the lie has been dismantled, she's blaming her instead?

"You won't end well! Just wait and see!" Yuan Youyou struggled desperately, trying to break free from Suizi's restraint.

Suizi is the mother of two fat cubs. She holds the baby every day, and her arm strength has long been practiced, so she holds her tightly.

"I can laugh whatever you say about me, but you shouldn't spread rumors about my family."

"What do you want!" Yuan Youyou couldn't get rid of the tassel, and the other students who were watching didn't realize how to deal with this dispute.

"I originally wanted to break up with you for nothing and help you reshape the distorted three views, but I changed my mind. After so many years of education, I haven't reformed you. You are probably hopeless, so—"

Suizi raised her hand, facing her face, and just slapped it.

I want to say that the girls and men who comeo in my book are good people regardless of whether they are pros or villains, and my readers are all the best, but some naughty girls like to play as villains if they can’t stand it, what can I do! I'm just a baby who weighs over 100 kilograms! Continue to add more in the afternoon~

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