I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 407: A Bold Idea

"Lamei, who is it?"

An old woman came out of the house, looking at her skin was dark and wrinkled, Suizi thought she should be the grandma of the family, at this age.

"Mom, this is, this is, the wrong way"

"Ma'am, I'm Lamei's younger sister. Her mother married my father. Although she is not related by blood, she still has to be called sister, right, Miss Lamei?"

Suizi was smiling from the beginning to the end, but Liu Lamei felt the small blade rushing towards her face from her smile, scraping her heart with a knife.

"Lamei, didn't you say that there is no one in your house?" Mother Su asked.

Suizi looked at Su's mother with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Yu Jingting said that Su's mother was fooling around with old men outside, and she thought that Su's mother should be a beautiful middle-aged woman like Wang Cuihua.

It's so old!

It seems that cheating has nothing to do with age, this aunt is quite flamboyant.

"My family—" Liu Lamei's cold sweat dripped down the tip of her nose.

When she first married, she heard that the Su family was going to move the whole family to other places, and she also wanted to make a clean break with her chaotic past, so she was cruel and said that there was no one in her family.

Even her own mother, Wang Fenfang, Liu Lamei wouldn't let her come.

Who would have thought that Suizi would suddenly fall from the sky like a heavenly soldier and general.

Liu Lamei didn't know how to smooth things over, and stood there awkwardly, at a loss.

Suizi's appearance disrupted her plan and made her extremely passive.

"Ma'am, Lamei was probably afraid of causing us trouble, so she didn't have the nerve to say that she and I are sisters. At the beginning, she asked me to go to the hospital—"

When Liu Lamei heard her talking about the hospital, she was so frightened that she interrupted the tassel.

"What exactly are you here for?"

Suizi raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Liu Lamei with a smile: "Sister, you don't seem to want to see me very much?"

The calm appearance was in stark contrast to Liu Lamei's guilty face.

In the room, Su Zhe put down his book, looked at the tassels and willow plums in the yard, and there was a hint of amusement in his dark eyes.

"Dad, please come in that girl."

Father Su frowned, he felt that the girl from the yard was not so simple.

Although Suizi was smiling the whole time and looked polite, Liu Lamei's guilty and helpless reaction was too obvious.

"They won't fight, will they?"

"Wouldn't that be more interesting? Call her in, I want to talk to her."

Father Su glanced at his son in surprise.

He hadn't seen his son interested in anything for a long time.

Liu Lamei racked her brains to figure out how to get Suizi to leave, but Father Su came out.

"Girl, my son invites you to come in and sit down."

Liu Lamei's heart almost jumped out of her throat when she heard this, why did Su Zhe want to see Chen Hansui? !

The blow to Liu Lamei was too great that day, and Suizi's reaction when he looked at her sideways became slow motion.

At this time, Suizi is no longer the little sheep that she allowed to be slaughtered in the past. She has become more beautiful, and her aura has also changed.

It's like a bottomless abyss, everything is under control in the blink of an eye.

She saw through Liu Lamei's every move, but Liu Lamei couldn't guess what Suizi wanted to do.

Suizi teased Liu Lamei like a cat catching a mouse, seeing her guilty and flustered, a child's prank-like pleasure arose in her heart.

She guessed that when Yu Jingting was playing tricks on people, he was probably in the same mood as she was at the moment, no wonder he was so naughty, this is really an addictive feeling.

Suizi quickly looked at Father Su who was standing at the door, and she saw the shadow of Chen Kaide in this old man.

It's not the looks, but the temperament, the feeling of wimpy.

With a disrespectful mother and a wimpy father, Suizi is very curious about how such parents gave birth to such an excellent chemist.

Nominated for the Nobel Prize, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a pillar of the country. Suizi has a strong curiosity about Su Zhe.

The gauze curtains kept the bright sunlight out, and Suizi saw the man in the wheelchair at a glance in the place where the light and shade intersected.

At this time, Su Zhe was much younger than what later generations saw. Suizi saw a pure temperament in him. Behind him was a huge bookshelf full of books.

Perhaps because of working at a desk for a long time, he looks much paler than ordinary people, and looks a little weak.

Suizi was a little excited, she met the future academic master face to face!

It is not easy for future generations to see him. This kind of person who has been immersed in academic research for a long time has clearer eyes than ordinary people.

It is difficult for Suizi to associate this clean and pure man with a woman like Liu Lamei.

Suizi even suspected that Liu Lamei might have some unclean disease.

Many of the men in the Wang family have had sex with Liu Lamei. It's no wonder that Liu Lamei, whose interpersonal relationship is so chaotic, is not sick.

Thinking of the future academic leader being infected with an unclean disease by Liu Lamei, Suizi felt inexplicably guilty, and even felt guilty.

If her rebirth hadn't changed history, Liu Lamei would not have married Su Zhe.

While Suizi was looking at Su Zhe, Su Zhe was also looking at Suizi. He was seldom interested in anything other than his major. The appearance of Suizi made his eyes shine.

Although men and women are nothing more than carbon-based organisms in his eyes, this one in front of him seems to be the most outstanding and beautiful among women. The appearance of tassels makes the air in the room more sweet.

"Mr. Su, hello, I'm Chen Hansui." Suizi didn't want to call him brother-in-law, but preferred to call him teacher respectfully.

"I have resigned from school for a long time." Su Zhe was taken aback by her address, and a strange emotion welled up in his heart.

"I have read your papers published in journals. Although my major is different from mine, I greatly appreciate your views."

Seeing the boss, Suizi forgot the main purpose of disgusting Liu Lamei.

A bold idea suddenly came to her, and her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

"Have you read my paper? Let's talk about it."

"Uh," Sui Zi said.

This flattery seemed to be in the wrong place. It's a ghost that she can understand such obscure things.

The corner of Su Zhe's mouth curled up into a mocking smile, and he turned his head to the side, not looking at the tassel anymore.

The strange emotions that had just emerged in my heart were also gradually extinguished. How could anyone remember his ghostly appearance now.

This woman is just looking for something to say.

"Although I don't understand it, I just think it's amazing. I firmly believe that you will shine in the professional field in the future. I mean, is it possible that you come to our school and be a teacher?"

Suozi spoke out her bold thoughts.

If she can push forward the time when Su Zhe came out of the mountain by a few years, will it promote the construction of this field?

"Your school? There is still a school now, are you willing to use me?" Su Zhe resigned and returned home because he was pushed out and had nowhere to go. He was greatly touched by Suizi's words.

Liu Lamei stood on the side at a loss, and it became a display.

So what, didn't Chen Hansui come to see her?

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