I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 336 A man who listens to his wife will have good luck

"Mom, it's me, I'm back."

Yu Jingting turned around, Wang Cuihua and Jiao Jiao opened their mouths at the same time.

"Iron, iron root?!!!" Wang Cuihua almost thought she was wrong.

"Brother!!!" Jiao Jiao rushed over excitedly, plunged her head into Jing Ting's arms, and cried loudly.

"You are back! If you don't come back, we will be bullied to death! I was scared to death, I thought you were dead!"

"Why did you come here to have a baby?"

Yu Jingting patted his crying sister, but stared at the window.

Even with the curtains blocking it, he couldn't stop looking over.

There was a woman in there that made him worry.

"Uh, auntie, is he really your son?" The policeman who followed Wang Cuihua back was suspicious.

With Yu Jingting's honor, no one doubts that he is a lunatic and a beggar when he walks on the street.

Jiaojiao cried for a while to make sure that the person in front of her was a person and not a ghost, and finally burst into laughter, and within a minute of laughing, she pinched her nose and jumped away.

"My God! Brother, did you fall into the cesspit?"

What does it taste like!

It's sour, smelly, and attracts flies!

It's already summer, Yu Jingting is going to this station, several big mung bean flies are circling around him.

"Ms. Chen is her lover, hurry up and find a place to take a bath! Your daughter-in-law has opened her fingers, so hurry up and wash, or you won't be able to hold the child in a while!"

After the doctor checked Suizi and confirmed that she was qualified for a normal delivery, he still shouted at Yu Jingting to take a bath.

For newborns and weak mothers, this kind of fly-attracting product can be pushed as far as possible.

"Is it born? Isn't the speed too fast?" Wang Cuihua was stunned.

Suizi's child was born differently from other families.

"I want to go in and accompany her!" Yu Jingting panicked when he couldn't hear Suizi's voice.

"You wash and change your clothes, otherwise the baby won't be able to hold you! Come in and help!"

Wang Cuihua went in.

Yu Jingting was so anxious that the police who had been following Jiaojiao couldn't stand it.

"We can take a shower here, and I'll lend you your clothes."

There is a shed in the dormitory yard, and there is a big black bag on it, which absorbs heat in summer and can be used for showering.

Even though Yu Jingting was absolutely unwilling, he had to listen to the doctor. He didn't know how many bacteria he had on his body, after all, he crawled out of the mud.

"Beat the soap several times!" The doctor did not forget to remind her that she was more worried that Yu Jingting would break in than the tassels that would be born soon.

Suizi was always accompanied by Yu Jingting during the prenatal checkups. The doctor has already learned how this kid is a mess.

Breaking through the door, holding his wife in his arms, this is impossible for other men, but for Yu Jingting, everything is possible.

Yu Jingting washed himself clean as fast as he could. He thought that soaping twice would be enough, but what came off his body were long strips of mud.

The water washed down was yellow muddy water.

"Brother, the doctor asked me to come over and tell you that my sister-in-law is still stable now, and the children and adults will be fine. You can wash slowly, if you have time."

No one would have imagined that when Suizi gave birth, the whole family was worried about being dirty, Yu Jingting, don't be messy, even Suizi was thinking about him.

At this time, Yu Jingting was struggling with the mud all over his body, serving as a dormitory for the temporary delivery room, but it was a different scene.

Suizi's labor pains come and go, and when it's not painful, she just lies there and laughs.

"What's the matter with you two?" The doctor asked while sitting beside the tassels.

This young couple is the strangest couple she has seen in all these years.

The production method is also unforgettable for a lifetime, enough to become the top of the strange events in the doctor's career.

The one on the outside was made like a clay figurine, and the one on the inside laughed for a while and cried for a while.

Wang Cuihua wiped her tears and simply told the doctor what happened.

"My son was sent out on a business trip by the unit, and there was a landslide there. We all thought he was dead."

Who would have thought that he would appear in such a strange shape on the day of delivery with tassels.

"I always knew he was alive." Suizi thought of Yu Jingting's distressed appearance, while being happy, his heart ached.

To make him like this, he must have had a difficult adventure outside.

She waited to share it with him after she had the baby.

Sharing, the word came to my heart, with a warm feeling.

In the future, she will still have a lot of time to be with him and share the joys and sorrows in life together.

When the labor pain hit, the doctor was on the sidelines methodically instructing Suizi how to exert force, and Wang Cuihua was busy making honey water for Suizi.

There is no chocolate in this meeting, and honey water is used instead to replenish physical strength during production.

The best Huai honey was prepared by Yu Jingting a long time ago. With the unique fragrance of Huai honey, it is extremely sweet to drink. Thinking that the man who prepared the honey for her is outside, the tassels seem to be endlessly useful .

"I'm done washing! I'm coming in!" Yu Jingting shouted from the door.

The doctor walked over with the watering can, and Yu Jingting had already changed into the clean borrowed clothes, and the fragrance of soap was exuding from his body.

The doctor sprayed him to make sure he was clean before letting him in.

"What's there to see when a woman gives birth, you might as well wait outside." Yu Jingting couldn't listen to the doctor's words.

He held Suizi's hand as soon as he entered the room, and felt that Suizi's palm was wet, and his forehead hair was also wet with sweat. Such an embarrassing Suizi was not very pretty, but it touched his heart.

Yu Jingting held Suizi's hand, pursed the corners of his mouth again and again, but when Suizi looked at him, he raised a trademark smile.

This smile made Suizi's heart feel at ease.

Seeing his smile, her uneasy heart floating in the air finally landed firmly on the ground.

"I made you worry, I'm back, don't be afraid." Yu Jingting wanted to bow his head and kiss her forehead.

Rubber gloved hands spaced him inappropriately.

"Have you brushed your teeth?" The doctor swears, it's not that she doesn't understand the light bulb of a young couple, it's the hygiene ethics of professional doctors!

Yu Jingting froze.

Suizi and Wang Cuihua laughed at the same time.

"Tiegen, what's the matter with you? Why did it say you're dead?" Wang Cuihua took advantage of Suizi's labor pains and asked.

Suizi can still stay awake at this time, and she is also curious about this matter.

"Die for what?" Yu Jingting remembered that his sister had mentioned the word "death" just when she was holding him and crying.

At that time, he was thinking about Suizi, so he didn't have time to ask.

"Suizi asked me to bring some 'special products' back, but the 'special products' are only available at night. I asked my colleagues to send a message. I came back two days later. Did you receive the letter?"

Before Yu Jingting set off, Suizi specially taught him how to choose rough jadeite.

Yu Jingting always kept her words in mind, and when he arrived at the place, he began to research where to buy rough jadeite.

Although stone gambling in the border area has a long history, they dare not take it out in the daytime blatantly. They are traded secretly in the dark at midnight.

Where did Yu Jingting ever think that it was because he listened to his wife that he escaped a catastrophe!

"Your colleagues are all dead, and you didn't come back, but how could you be so obsolete?" Wang Cuihua asked.

"Don't mention it, there's an old bastard in the local area, make trouble for me, or I'll be back early!"

There will be more updates in the afternoon, two chapters! Yes, I suddenly became generous, and I was afraid when I became generous

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