I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 324 Shocking news

Yu Jingting is on a business trip.

Suizi originally thought that she would be able to lie down at home and be a lazy mother waiting to give birth if she got rid of the "prison head".

Street slipper is too cunning, before leaving, he bought Wang Cuihua and Jiaojiao with a lot of money.

The people watching Suizi walking were replaced by Wang Cuihua and Jiaojiao.

Like the left and right protectors, he wandered around the street with Suizi.

"Jiao Jiao, how many benefits your brother has given you, and sister-in-law will give you double, can't you go back and watch TV?" Sui Zi tried to bribe Jiao Jiao.

"Sister-in-law, it's not about money."

Jiaojiao's face was tense, but she accepted her brother's assignment!

"My brother said, if you want the baby to come out smoothly, you have to watch over you. I'm going to be an aunt."

The little girl has a sense of honor.

Suizi blinked and turned to her mother-in-law again.

"Mom, I recently fell in love with a piece of material that suits you very well. Shall I make you a dress?"

"There are five minutes left, we'll talk about the dress after we're done." Wang Cuihua also had a non-negotiable expression.

Suozi's small mouth was deflated.

"The doctor just said to exercise properly, so I left yesterday, and it's okay to lie down for a while today."

"Sister-in-law, why do you want to eat today after eating yesterday? Isn't that what you said when you asked me to do my homework?"

Jiao Jiao is worthy of being a good student, and draws inferences from one instance.

Suizi was speechless.

"According to the calculation, Tie Gen has been out for three days, so it's about time to come back?" Wang Cuihua asked.

Suizi nodded. She was on a business trip for five days, and she will return by train almost tomorrow, and she will be home the day after tomorrow.

I don't know if he can bring back the news of the father-in-law.

Seeing Suizi's wobbly walking posture with her big belly, Wang Cuihua was a little dazed.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Suizi asked.

"Looking at you reminds me of my appearance when I was pregnant with Jiaojiao. My legs were also very swollen. Although this girl was not big when she was born, her belly was not small when she was pregnant."

Wang Cuihua was a little sad.

Yu Jingting was not at home these two days, and Suizi's sleep quality suddenly dropped.

In the next few months of pregnancy, it is very inconvenient to turn over when the belly is bigger.

"Mother, if I have a son in my womb, I will teach Jing Ting like you to educate him. A husband who knows how to sympathize with his wife will always live a better life than others."

Suozi is really grateful to her mother-in-law.

She didn't expect that a man with such a violent temper like Yu Jingting would be so caring during pregnancy. In the final analysis, it was her mother-in-law who educated her well.

When Wang Cuihua was pregnant, Yu Shuisheng had already disappeared, and she herself experienced the pain of turning over, washing her hair and putting on her shoes.

Just because she knew it was not easy for a woman to conceive a child, she told her son to pay more attention to these aspects.

During the few days when Yu Jingting was not at home, the gap suddenly appeared. Suizi admired her mother-in-law even more, and said that she had to find her father-in-law to fulfill her mother-in-law's wish.

Suizi's sensible words warmed Wang Cuihua's heart, and she shook her hand. Being an elder does not expect anything in return, but if the younger generation is grateful, it will always feel more comfortable.

"Hey, why did I suddenly think of this? You are different from me. Tie Gen will be back soon. If he is at home, you won't suffer as much as I did back then—"

Wang Cuihua was talking to Suizi when a bicycle came in front of her.

Riding fast and reckless, Wang Cuihua quickly pulled the tassels and Jiao Jiao aside with her quick hands, if she hadn't been quick, she would have to shave the tassels.

"Damn it, you got a leg! You don't have eyes when you ride a bicycle? You hit a pregnant woman and you pay for your head?" Wang Cuihua scolded.

"I'm sorry, big sister, I have some problems with the brakes, and the handlebars are also a little crooked." The cyclist jumped off and apologized to Wang Cuihua.

Wang Cuihua saw that he didn't do it on purpose, so she didn't bother with him after a few words of education.

"Sister, let me ask you something, where is Yu Jingting's house?"

"Why are you looking for him?" Wang Cuihua asked.

"It's like this. I work in a tobacco factory, and the factory manager asked me to deliver the letter." The man hesitated to speak, and looked at the three women.

Conscience is condemned, why do you let him deliver such bad news?

Look at the mother and the pregnant daughter-in-law, who are still waiting for Section Chief Yu to come home, this is a hot word.

"What letter are you sending? Isn't he going home tomorrow?" Wang Cuihua felt a little uneasy when he saw this man's hesitation.

"Well, you can read it yourself." The man took out a newspaper from his pocket, stuffed it into Wang Cuihua's hand, got on his bicycle and ran, shouting as he ran.

"Specifically, you can go to the factory and ask. The factory manager said that he may give you some compensation. You can't let Section Chief Yu just disappear."

Suizi's heart suddenly tightened when he heard the words, and Wang Cuihua also realized that something was wrong, and her first reaction was to pull the newspaper to prevent Suizi from reading it.

Suizi, who usually moves slowly, is extremely fast, grabbing the newspaper.

The headline on the front page said that there was a landslide at the place Yu Jingting went to.

The inspection team's car was smashed inside, and two bodies have been dug up so far.

Identity verification in progress.

Suizi felt that the newspaper started to spin, she looked up to see the blue sky, the blue sky and white clouds rolled into a big whirlpool, and hit her overwhelmingly.

Suizi's eyes went dark, and she let her mother-in-law support her, unconscious.

The last thought was Wang Cuihua's heart-piercing cry.

"Tiaozi! Hurry up! Call someone!"

Suizi woke up again, and she was already lying on the bed at home.

Wang Cuihua sat on the edge of the bed and wiped her tears. Suizi barely opened her eyes as there were still voices in the room.

"Mother, did I have a dream?" She vaguely remembered what happened before she passed out, but she hoped it was a dream.

Seeing her like this, Wang Cuihua burst into tears, and shook her head vigorously, unable to speak.

"Sisters and sisters, I'm the factory manager. It's a bolt from the blue when something like this happens. If you have any difficulties, just tell the factory. The factory will definitely satisfy you."

A steady middle-aged man said, and he was followed by a few people, all of whom came from the tobacco factory.

"Difficulty? My difficulty is that the child is about to give birth. My man has not come back, so you can get him back." Suizi heard herself saying this.

In fact, what she says and does now is all based on instinct.

Her soul seemed to be floating in the air, overlooking all this from above.

She didn't believe that these were real, she felt that she was still in a dream.

When Suizi said this, Wang Cuihua cried even more sadly, and Jiaojiao cried so hard that she almost lost her anger, beating the factory manager for asking him to ask for her brother.

Suizi, who likes to shed tears most on weekdays, can't shed a single tear now, and just looks at these people in the factory emptyly.

When the factory manager saw this family, he felt very sour. He felt ashamed of his family when something like this happened.

"Have you found my man?" Suiko asked.

The factory manager shook his head. A car was buried inside, and it was estimated that it was a dead body. Experts said that there was no possibility of survival in this situation.

"If you don't find it, it means you're still alive."

The male protagonist is dead, and the next step is the little widow's inspiration to take care of the children, and the whole show ends—well, I'm kidding, this sentence is not true, don't hit me.

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