I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 309 Our Jingting Pavilion is the Light of the Righteous Path (Monthly Pass 150+ More)

In Yu Jingting's imagination, he should be full of majesty as the head of the family, until Suizi confessed.

The truth is, Suizi only yawned and said something sleepy, so he obediently accompanied Suizi back to the house to rest.

After all, pregnant women can't rest well, and neither can the two babies.

After the turn of the day, Yu Jingting wanted to find fault again, Sui Zi kissed him on the face, and forgot all the faults.

Liao Yong came early in the morning to give Yu Jingting a camera. Last night someone was too anxious to chase his wife and forgot to take the camera.

Suizi feels guilty when she thinks that there are so many people hiding in the grove.

No one should have seen the scene of Yu Jingting kissing her.

Yes, the moon was dark and the wind was high at that time, and the visibility was so poor, I must not have seen it!

"By the way, we also washed a piece of this and gave it to you."

Liao Yong held back his laughter, and took out one from his pocket, it was still sealed in plastic!

"Actually, I didn't mean to take pictures of you at the time, so I just let it go—hey, you said that you died by chance, and you hit the shutter!"

It is better not to explain this explanation.

Suizi glanced, it was over.

Not only was it seen, but it was photographed! ! !

"Hey, isn't it a good shot?" Yu Jingting took it over and admired it.

This "capture" photo is particularly beautiful.

Under the halo of the tractor, he put his arms around the tassels and kissed. Against the background of the light and shadow, the figures of the two looked like gods descending from the earth.

"As expected of a policeman, the photos you take are so artistic, do you have a bright future?" Yu Jingting hooked his shoulders with him.

Suizi was about to faint.

ah, how embarrassing

"Shall I keep it for you to see?" Yu Jingting pinched the photo and asked hypocritically.

Liao Yong was just about to ask why he kept this, and then he heard Yu Jingting added a few words.

"Look more at our happy marriage, and you will find a wife soon."

Liao Yong covered his heart, this kid, his mouth is really bad!

Yu Jingting was very satisfied with the single dog who caused a critical blow, hehe, his wife is so good, let these bachelors be envious.

"By the way, Brother Jing Ting, Fan Hua's wife has recruited quite a few. These two are really bad-hearted. Just based on what she said, it is enough for Fan Hua to be shot. But how many things did he commit? I still have to trouble you."

"Okay, little fun."

"Brother Jingting cooperated with us this time and made great contributions. Our director said that when the case is closed, we must buy you two drinks."

"That's so embarrassing—but this wall in my house is a little empty."

Yu Jingting compared the wall of Bidong's house, on which his certificate of bravery and pennant had already been hung.

However, there are still vacancies for a few more pennants.

Although Brother Ting is relatively indifferent to reputation, but who makes his wives like it?

There is no suspense about Fan Hua's arrest.

Yu Jingting went to look for him, but before giving him a photo, he asked him a question.

"After many years of husband and wife, you just killed the killer so painfully, doesn't your conscience feel bad?"

Fan Hua buried his face in his hands and didn't speak for a long time.

When he put his hand down, he just said something in a nasal voice.

"You can see it all the way down."

"You are really a fucking bitch." Yu Jingting despised him and didn't even bother to pretend.

"You dare to talk to me like that? I have everything you need to know." Fan Hua sneered.

"I see you playing this trick so much, isn't it the first time you've done something like this? We're not outsiders anymore, and you don't need to hide it from me. You've done something like this before, right?"

Yu Jingting asked.

Fan Hua laughed out loud.

"That's right, I'll scare you to death when you say it. I found someone to do that head dug out in the construction site."

"In that case, didn't someone commit suicide in fear of crime?"

"What suicide? That's what I asked someone to do in advance. After all, those people deserve to die. Who let them mess with me first?"

Fan Hua's state at this time was very excited.

Not the slightest bit of guilt, just full of pride.

In his heart, Yu Jingting has been divided into his own group. He thinks that Yu Jingting also has two lives in his hands, so he dare not shake it out.

"You're so fucking bad, no wonder God has to accept you."

"Presumptuous! Do you think you are a good thing? Don't forget, you are the same person as me! Do things for me obediently, and I will give you glory and wealth, otherwise—— ouch!"

Fan Hua's words disappeared in Jing Ting's throat lock.

Yu Jingting was really disgusted by him, he didn't want to stay for a minute longer, he felt that he would not be clean if he was under the same roof as this kind of scum!

"Liao Yong, have you all heard that?"

Yu Jingting let go of his hand, and Fan Hua was pinched until he coughed.

After he stopped coughing, he realized that there were so many policemen in the room at once, and he was stunned.

"Are you crazy?! You are not afraid of me—" Fan Hua asked Yu Jingting in horror.

Yu Jingting took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it on.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will tell them that I killed the principal and your wife?"

Fan Hua nodded subconsciously, yes, is Yu Jingting crazy?

"I'm sorry, I promised my wife that apart from chickens, ducks and fish, I can't even kill geese, let alone people?"

"But I have photos!" Fan Hua tremblingly wanted to take the photos from the drawer.

Now he knows that he can't run away, and he wants to drag his back even if he dies.

Liao Yong took out two edited photos from his pocket and handed them to Fan Hua.

Fan Hua took a look, yes, it was these two!

One is Yu Jingting burying the principal, and the other is his daughter-in-law covered in blood!

"It's all fake. From the first time you looked for him, Comrade Yu Jingting took the initiative to find us. All of this was carefully arranged by us."

That day, Yu Jingting went to the principal with an ax on his shoulder and asked him if he wanted to die or live.

Of course the principal wanted to live, so Yu Jingting asked him to cooperate with the police and play this play with himself.

Posed, feigned death, and took pictures.

Suizi went to the train station to find the principal's wife, so that the couple could hide first and come out after Fan Hua was caught.

"If you look carefully, the color of the blood on the principal's neck is wrong. It was made by Yu Jingting with dye."

Liao Yong pointed it to Fan Hua who was dumbfounded.

Fan Hua has been hospitalized all the time, and he didn't dare to develop the photos at all. He only thought that with the film in his hand, he had a handle on Yu Jingting.

Who would have thought that Yu Jingting would be so cunning, and would play games for him!

"You are not a thing! I trust you so much! I treat you as my confidant! You betrayed me!!!" Fan Hua was still shouting after being handcuffed.

Yu Jingting blew a smoke ring into his face.

"Sorry, with scumbags, I have never been moral. My wife said that being soft-hearted to scumbags is cruelty to good people."

Fan Hua was choked and coughed.

Yu Jingting lay beside his ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"The camera you gave me, I will pass it on as a family heirloom, and warn future generations not to learn from you, oh, yes."

Yu Jingting suddenly raised the volume and said in a voice that everyone could hear:

"After you die, I will burn paper for you. My daughter-in-law asked me to thank you for promoting me. I will shine in the position of section chief."

Fan Hua was so angry that he spat out blood, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Killing and killing people, but that's all.

Thank you for your monthly pass, plus more to send~

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