I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 272 Chain reaction caused by a pair of shoes

Yu Jingting had been standing in front of the window for a while.

While passing by, I saw a little boy pestering his father to buy a tin frog.

He thought about when he was a child, his family was poor and couldn't afford toys, but his childhood was not boring at all.

His father would give him a slingshot in the shape of a wire curved gun, and he would also carve a "sword" out of wood for him to cut down the big goose next door.

There is also the lovely Xiao Suizi, pulling her braids and snatching her beanbags and crying for her—Suizi!

Yu Jingting almost jumped up as if struck by a thunderbolt.

He forgot about the scion!

As soon as he turned around, he saw his child's mother waving at him across the road.

"Why didn't you wait for me to go over?"

"The principal kicked me out, and asked me to bring Huadu back, and tried to gag me with a bag of apples." Suizi said aggrievedly.

Yu Jingting nodded in satisfaction.

"This old boy has finally done something human. It's time for you to come back to raise a baby."

"Pregnant women in other families don't go home until before giving birth. I'm coming back in less than seven months. I'm too delicate."

There will be no pressure from future generations of 996, and state-owned enterprises will take good care of pregnant female employees.

Work is not tiring, and there are colleagues chatting and studying sweater knitting techniques, and there are many people who delay maternity leave before giving birth.

There are really not many tassels that have been raised at home in just over six months.

"It's harder for you to bring up two children than others. According to our genes, how far can our children go? You have contributed to the four modernizations by raising the fetus well."

Hearing what he said, Suizi felt that it was quite reasonable.

"Then I will educate our children well so that they can contribute more to the country when they grow up."

"Well, leave the fight to me."

Yu Jingting decided to make two wooden swords when he returned home, so as to continue the family inheritance from generation to generation.

"Uh, what, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but—puh ha ha."

Wang Hui had been standing behind these two for some time.

Seeing the young couple kiss me and me, you and me, I thought I would wait until they were bored before opening their mouths.

But Yu Jingting's tough parenting scriptures made Wang Hui unable to help but laugh.

"I looked like you inside, so I came out. I just have something to tell you."

Wang Hui led Suizi and his wife into an alley instead of going through the main entrance.

Seeing this posture, Suizi knew that she must have something serious to do, and she couldn't let the people in the mall hear it.

Suizi used to plan to help Wang Hui fight for the custody of the child. Now Wang Hui has succeeded halfway, and the child's grandmother has been shaken. As long as he works harder, the child will definitely win it back.

Therefore, Wang Hui and Suizi are well acquainted, and they don't need to hide their words.

"Brother Jingting, do you have time recently?" Wang Hui asked.

"I have to stay at home with my wife."

Suizi pushed him, go, don't talk nonsense!

"He has time, sister, what do you want us to do?"

There were not many opportunities for transportation in the later stage of the construction site, and the villagers did not dare to make troubles. Yu Jingting and his brothers were like Ding Haishenzhen.

At the tobacco factory, he just put up his name and waited for two months to take the exam. Fan Hua has nothing else to do during this time, and he is relatively free these days.

"You are on maternity leave, and I'm not at home, who will tie your shoelaces?" Yu Jingting was not joking, he was serious.

"Sister Wang, look at my wife's stomach."

Wang Hui thought that there was something wrong with Suizi's fetus, so she also became nervous.

Looking left and right at Suizi, there doesn't seem to be a problem with this complexion?

"It's just a bit big, but I can't tell anything else. Why don't you have spots on your face, Suizi?"

Suizi touched her face, she also wondered.

Other pregnant women have spots and acne and poor skin, but she has not changed much.

"Big! It's big!" Yu Jingting said solemnly to Wang Hui and Suizi.

"We went for an obstetric examination before, and the doctor said that she is full of children."

".Otherwise?" Wang Hui was a little confused.

A pregnant woman is not full of children, is it full of poop? !

"This is the problem! Pregnant women in other families have big stomachs, and they always have soup and water. My wife is full of children, and she is solid!"

"Uh" Suizi raised her forehead.

She couldn't complain about such a shameful conversation.

"For example, other pregnant women have soup dumplings, and the soup takes up more than half of them. My wife is meat and egg dumplings. She is really full of children."


"I have to take care of her at home."

This miraculous logic cannot be corrected by Wang Hui.

The solid pregnant women are inseparable. Is there any causal relationship between them?

Suizi made a red face, pushed aside this guy, took Wang Hui's hand, and tried to smooth things over.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, he is joking with you, sister, if you need our help, just tell me."

Only then did Wang Hui realize that Yu Jingting was showing off?

Judging from Yu Jingting's smug expression, it was like this.

Taking the opportunity to show off his excellent daughter-in-law, even the fat baby has become a strange point of showing off.

The corner of Wang Hui's mouth twitched twice, trying not to laugh.

"I just received a letter that an underground morning market has been set up in the north of the city. Jing Ting wants to be free and do nothing, and make money by doing a stall. It's just—"

Wang Hui glanced at Suizi, and said tentatively:

"Brother Jing Ting should have known about this a long time ago, right?"


Suizi glanced at him in surprise, she hadn't heard of this, and Yu Jingting had never mentioned it at home.

Wang Hui was not surprised.

Although Yu Jingting has only been here for a short time, he is fairly well informed in the local area.

"Suizi, although this matter sounds not so glorious, but I really think it is an opportunity, your side—"

"I have no objection."

"You have no objection??? Brother Jingting why—?"

Wang Hui was dumbfounded again.

She thought that Yu Jingting didn't act because he was afraid that Suizi would lose face.

Suizi is a teacher and a cadre, so he is considered a decent person.

In the eyes of outsiders, such a thing as setting up a stall is very embarrassing.

Most of the people in this city are workers, and they have iron rice bowls. They all think that setting up stalls is only for street people who can't find a job.

In the end, Suozi said she had no objection?

"Make money based on ability, don't steal or rob, why should you object?"

"I leave the stall at four o'clock in the morning, and my daughter-in-law needs to go to the toilet at six o'clock. If I don't put shoes on for her, how uncomfortable is she?"

Yu Jingting glanced at Suizi's stomach, "It's full of children."

It turned out that it was just because she wanted to put shoes on for her daughter-in-law! ! ! ! Wang Hui almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Suizi looked down at her chubby jio, speechless.

The future business tycoon was almost killed in the cradle because of giving her shoes!

"I'll handle the matter of wearing shoes, sister, do you want to partner with us? I agree."

"That won't work—" Yu Jingting wanted to express his opinion, but Suizi gently pushed him aside.

"You shut up!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Hui didn't understand.

"It's okay, I praise him for being handsome, caring and caring for his wife, he is a rare good guy." Apart from being a bit aggressive, there is nothing wrong with him.

Thanks to everyone who has a dream is great, Athena's reward

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