I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 226 All the lucky stars in the sky have come to our house?

"Didn't he get caught for committing a crime?!" The uncle was dumbfounded.

"There must be a basis for what you say, nonsense is not acceptable. Brother Jing Ting is definitely a good person." It's just that his appetite is a bit big.

The good man nodded, he is such a helpful man.

"Master, you said yesterday that you predicted that my man would have no good results when he grows up. Facts have proved that you are not the Jade Emperor, and you are not allowed to speak at all. Also, go back and withdraw your family Baojiaxian. Baojiaxian lied to you. You, superstitions are not allowed."

Suiko said with a smile.

Liao Yong understood nothing else but the word "superstition".

"Do you still have superstitious activities?" Now he is going to criticize education.

"No, no, I misunderstood!" The uncle dragged the aunt, and the two ran away, lest Liao Yong chase them.

This kind of legal blindness is no different from that of a clown.

Yu Jingting was unhappy, and it was easy to piece together the cause and effect.

These two old bastards, taking advantage of his absence yesterday, ran to his house to bully his mother and daughter-in-law.

Youxin wanted to chase after him and kick him a few times, but Suizi held his hand and didn't let him move.

"I'm making you laugh, old classmate. Many of my man's relatives are uneducated farmers, so it's inevitable that he's a little peasant in his work, but my man is broad-minded, and he never cares about these people."

At most, it is to smash someone's glass with a slingshot, and make the whole family feel unresponsive every day, and the ground is not working.

Liao Yong looked at Yu Jingting with admiration, and the pennant in his hand became even redder.

"Brother Jingting, are you being wronged for cooperating with us?"

"Hey." Suizi lowered her head, gestured to wipe the corners of her eyes, and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Yu Jingting thought it was funny.

His daughter-in-law's tears are really miraculous, they come as often as they say, and they are inexhaustible.

Now I need to use it, and after squeezing for a long time, not a single tear came out.

It can be seen that she doesn't believe what she said, tsk.

"I'm here today to clear your innocence. This case has been solved! It's all thanks to you two!"

"Broken? Who is the murderer?" Suizi asked.

"It's Wei Si. When we found him, he drank pesticides and committed suicide. He only left a suicide note saying that he was sorry for everyone."

"Ah?!" Suizi was confused by this unexpected turning point.

Isn't the gap between this and the development of the previous life too big?

In the previous life, Wei Si was alive all the time, and he was discovered after killing Wang Hui a few years later.

"What was his motive for killing Zhang Lili?"

"We investigated his unit and said that the two had an improper relationship between men and women. During this time, Zhang Lili's husband found out. Zhang Lili wanted to split up. Wei Si was reluctant to let go of this big tree. During the dispute, he missed and killed him."

The follow-up is to cover up the crime and divide people up.

When Suizi heard this, she was afraid and a little grateful, but also a little strange that couldn't be said.

Is this case really that simple?

"Have you verified the handwriting? Are you sure it's Wei Si's handwriting?" Suizi asked.

"It has been sent up, and it has been handed over to the higher-level department for appraisal. Our director asked me to send you two a pennant first, and the follow-up case will be officially solved, and you will also be rewarded."

The case was solved because of the clues provided by Suizi.

Liao Yong and the others went to 200 to investigate Wei Si. Wei Si had a guilty conscience and took medicine before the investigators approached him.

The pennant of Liao Yong was given to Yu Jingting who saved Wang Hui last time.

Suizi's assistance in solving the case cannot be revealed, in case Wei Si's family retaliates.

Liao Yong wanted to take Yu Jingting for a walk around the alley on a scorpion, but Suizi disagreed.

Liao Yongxin said that his old classmate was too low-key, he was still as shy as when he was in school.

As a result, Suizi entered her house, and after a while, she came out with a string of 500-gun firecrackers.

Those who didn't know about it thought that her man was parading through the streets after committing a crime, or that the firecrackers were beneficial. When the firecrackers went off, the whole street had to know.

Her man, Yu Jingting, has done good deeds again and won the pennant.

Liao Yong saw Suizi setting up firecrackers there, and he clicked his mouth twice.

Uh, after a woman gets married, her temperament will indeed change.

Suizi felt that it was not enough to knock out the neighbors with a string of whips, and wanted to get a few kicks from Yu Jingting's pocket.

How lively and how come.

Yu Jingting, who is thick-skinned, was also shocked by his wife's series of coquettish operations.

If it wasn't for Yu Jingting's obstruction, Suizi would even set up a table to entertain her neighbors.

The euphemistic name is "eating Xi'er".

When something happens in the north, you survive the catastrophe and get through it safely. If you want to invite everyone to dinner, this is Chi Xier.

Suizi wants to set a few tables for Jie Liuzi.

Wang Cuihua also had the same idea. If Yu Jingting hadn't said that the debts were not paid off and it was not good to be extravagant and wasteful, these two women would really be able to do such a prodigal job.

Eat Xi'er, the neighbors will not give money.

Spend money to invite so many people to eat and drink for free?

Yu Jingting privately thought that the head would have to be kicked several times by a donkey to do such a thing.

His clever daughter-in-law would seem to be like his mother when encountering such a thing, and become a fool.

The pennant was hung in the most conspicuous position in the house, and the three women stood up according to their height, from the oldest to the youngest, and admired it with their necks up.

"Bewildered." Yu Jingting passed behind them.

"Sister-in-law, I now feel that my brother is really a good person." Jiao Jiao silently conceived the next composition.

Thanks to her brother for providing her with a steady stream of inspiration for composition, so that every composition she writes can be read by the grade group as a model essay.

"I don't want you to think, I want everyone to think that your brother is a good person, and he has done good deeds, so he is a good person."

Even if it's someone who likes to read calcium oxide, it doesn't hurt.

Wang Cuihua experienced the emotional fluctuations of the past two days. After being overjoyed and sad, she realized something.

"Suizi, why do I feel that these two children in your stomach have some origins?"


Wang Cuihua pinched her fingers and calculated again and again.

"It may be the lucky star descending to earth."

"Mother, did you say I was a lucky star before?" Suizi had only held the title of Fubao for a few months, and it was about to change hands so soon?

"There are so many lucky stars in the sky, just come down to a few without conflict. Look, Tie Gen's luck turned out to be good this time. Is it because you have a stomachache and need to go to the hospital?"

After going to the hospital to check if there was anything wrong, and with so many testimonies, Yu Jingting quickly got rid of the suspicion.

If you stay in it for three or two days, the neighbors may not know what will happen, and Yu Shuigou and his wife will also try their best to jump high and pretend to be monsters.

"You old lady, why do you think about good things? All the lucky stars have to pick our family when they go down to earth? One tassel is enough. These two small ones are gifts."

Yu Jingting thought he had said something fair.

"I think you are the biggest gift in this family, and you are the only one who looks superfluous—if you hadn't quarreled with others in the night school, would the police have suspected you? Fortunately, our Suizi has fought against my grandchildren and protected you. "

Yu Jingting rolled his eyes, it has not been three minutes since he hung the pennant, so he fell out of favor so soon?

"Suizi, are you at home?" The door was pushed open, and a person walked in.

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