Because the latter's concealment skills are extremely outstanding, the compass basically can't detect her existence.

"It's possible."

Facing Bai Shuiqiu's questioning, Jiufeng Ziyuan rubbed his chin and seemed to hesitate before speaking again:

"Actually, I thought about it just now.

If you are more optimistic, there are two possibilities to cause the situation just now. One is that a member of the countermeasure team happened to pass through Narita City and summoned his own shikigami. The second is the aura just now. It comes from a place where the intensity of Yin is just near the critical point of the compass detection range, so the result of repeated horizontal bars of detection results appears. This kind of thing has a relatively small probability, but it does exist.

And if it is considered from a pessimistic perspective...

Then it can only be some evil things, or practitioners of the Jiuju school passing here.

It may even be the entrance of the newly-emerged ‘inside world’. "


"The'door' of the'inner world' can isolate all the yin, demon, resentment, etc., all inside. Only when there is a gap in the'door', it is possible to be caught by the detector. It is consistent with the situation just now.

If this is the case, it means that at that point in time, another person entered the ‘inner world’ by mistake, just like what happened to your parents during the summer vacation. "

After finishing his guess, Jiufeng Ziyuan patted Bai Shuiqiu on the shoulder, pretending to be relaxed:

"But no matter what the actual situation is, the three coordinate points in front of you still need to be solved first.

After the action tonight is over, use the compass to probe again, and you can almost tell whether the situation is good or bad. If you are really worried, you can also let Rain Girl rain in Narita City, or find the little girl Rie Asakura to make a calculation, and you should get a more accurate result. "


Bai Shuiqiu nodded.

Calculating carefully, it has indeed been a while since the last operation in Ibaraki Prefecture.

If in Ibaraki Prefecture, the ambush action of Iwazong Torataro and others against the Great Saint Bairen was indeed discovered by the Jiuju faction...

Then Onitsuka Ayaka and the others took the action of slamming and taking the opportunity to come to Narita again, it is also very possible.

In this speculation, it is only a speculation. Without any evidence to support it, there is no way to go deep into it.

Therefore, you can only temporarily press it to get rid of the things that must be done. Perhaps from the two newly-emerged "yin-rich spots", some information related to this can be spied on.

After roughly weighing the three coordinate points, Bai Shuiqiu chose a location on the northwest side of the city.

The car will start again soon.

Bai Shuiqiu, Keiko, the old monster and the others in the car galloped all the way to the detected spot, while the bodyguards of the Shendai family were sitting in the other two or three cars and following behind. Bai Shuiqiu took out his mobile phone while the person was still halfway there, and dialed Li Jiancheng also.

During the recent period, members of the special service team around Lantern Mountain are generally very busy.

Mishima and Nishihiro Kojiro, who had dealt a lot with Shirakawa before, were in a two-shift high-intensity work state and could not be contacted from time to time.

So as long as it is not the "rich point" that is particularly strong, Bai Shuiqiu calls the Narita Police Station directly. This group of guys have all experienced spiritual events, and they also have a guardian body made by Bai Shuiqiu, which is completely enough to deal with ordinary monsters and evil spirits.

About fifteen minutes later.

Bai Shuiqiu and his party got off the bus one after another in front of a block on the north side of Yutian District.

The wind raccoon radiated its demon power, enveloped a radius of hundreds of meters around it, and began a radar-style scan.

Li Jiancheng also waited for a group of police to arrive at about this time.

The two sides greeted each other.

Then, Bai Shuiqiu felt the wind raccoon pulling his collar, headed in a certain direction, and screamed a few times.

"Are you there..."

What you see is a shadowy building complex, and the coverage is not small.

——Qingshan Junior High School.

This school is also well-known in Narita City. It is a private school. Because the location is slightly off and the land price is relatively cheap, the campus is also very large, occupying more than 100,000 square meters of surrounding area— —Of course, there are still bus stops. Yutian District was originally a densely populated area of ​​Narita City. For children living in the surrounding area, it is very convenient to go to school here.

At this time, most of the teaching buildings on the campus have already turned off their lights, and only a few windows are still lit. It is estimated that the school teachers may be correcting homework or having a meeting.

"Miss Baishui, look?"

Li Jiancheng also turned his head to cast a beam of searching gaze at Bai Shuiqiu.

"...Please see the police officer, guard the entrance and exit near this school, this time the evil thing may be inside the school."


Li Jiancheng also nodded, and signaled the people around Dagu, Liangshu and others to spread out in twos and threes along the railings of Qingshan Middle School.

After Bai Shuiqiu, Jiufeng Ziyuan, and Keiko confessed a few words, they walked towards the middle school alone.

The time now is more than six o'clock in the evening.

The sky was dim, and the gate of Qingshan Junior High School had long been closed. There was a small yellow light in the direction of the sentry box at the gate, and two figures could be seen vaguely. They should be the security of the school. This kind of slightly cold scene formed a very sharp contrast with the crowded scene in the daytime.

Bai Shuiqiu did not intend to enter from the direction of the main entrance.

After looking around for a while, she made a gesture of sinking her waist and holding her breath. Then she ran a few steps and then jumped up. The whole person jumped into the air like a light swallow, vacant on the wall. After stepping on it, he directly crossed the nearly three-meter-high fence and disappeared in the shadow of the mottled trees on the campus.


Li Jiancheng and Dagu also looked at each other and didn't say a word.

As the policemen who participated the most in such incidents, they have become accustomed to Bai Shuiqiu's various behaviors. When he was hunting down Painted Skin before, Bai Shuiqiu even jumped out of a three- or four-story balcony and smashed a car. After the roof of the car landed safely, compared with that time, the current ability of flying over the wall is really nothing.

However, there were one or two of the policemen who came here with less knowledge. At the moment, they opened their mouths wide, as if they could fit an egg in their mouths.

"Really... Such a high wall, all of a sudden? Is this girl an agent trained in Tokyo?"

"Even agents can't do this level, don't even use their hands, it's like flying past in a volley..."

"It's just normal operations, don't make a fuss."

The good tree next to him waved his hand, and said to some of his subordinates: "Don't look at it. Check the wall here to see if there are any places like dog holes that can enter and exit the campus. If you have any, immediately tell me. Report. By the way, be careful and try not to use flashlights to avoid being spotted by people in the school."



"Bai Shuiqiu and Qingluhuo have arrived at Qingshan Junior High."

This is a department store five kilometers away from Qingshan Junior High School.

On the highest rooftop of the building.

Two dark figures were sitting and standing one by one. Sitting there was a man wrapped in a black robe, with only half of his face exposed, like a middle-aged woman who was nearly forty years old. In front of her, there was also a three- to four-meter square sand table. On the sand were scattered black and red flags and several white gravels.

As for the standing figure, it looked a little vacant.

——It is not like a real existence, but rather like an optical projection made by a projection mechanism, giving people a very unreal feeling.

"So fast?"

A slightly surprised voice came out of the standing figure. It sounded like a man who is not too old:

"It seems that they do have a detection tool that we don't know in their hands, and the detection range and accuracy of this tool are not inferior to Ayaka's sand table. But this action was originally a yang No matter when they find out, it makes no difference to us.

After all, this trap has been laid out thirty years ago. Although it was a few years earlier than planned, it is no different. Unless the maiden of the White Water family can travel through time and space to return to that time, this trap will never be resolved. The possibility...

I look forward to the expressions these guys showed when they saw that scene. "


After the air was quiet for a while, the man spoke again: "Since Bai Shuiqiu and Aoluhuo are both in the Aoyama Country, the defensive force on the Naame Shrine should be very weak? If we..."

"I advise you to dispel this idea."

Onizuka Ayaka spoke unceremoniously and interrupted the man:

"You probably haven't forgotten, how did the elder Hatoyama die back then?

Also, you and I have both been close to Tianmu Mountain. You should not be unfamiliar with the breath emanating from that mountain, right?

Although Shirami Sana has been dead for seventy years, there is still a large part of the secrets of Tenme Shrine that is not known to us. It is definitely not just a blue heron. Perhaps the rain girl who followed Shirami Sana back then has returned, but for some reason she could not leave the shrine temporarily. Even the "Rain Master God" enshrined in this shrine might still be alive...

It is definitely not a wise move to take the initiative to provoke him at this time.

Now the situation in Chiba County has seriously deviated from our original expectations, and even the Shao Zong family of Asakura in Kyoto has traveled here all the way. In order to deal with possible threats, we must act more cautiously and stop doing unnecessary consumption.

Of course……

If you really want to go to death like this, I have no problem. By the way, you can also explore the depth of the water in the Baishui family, so as to give us some guidance for our next actions.

Every year from now on today, I will help you put an incense stick on your grave. "


Mime private 722

The man fell silent, as if being a little speechless by Oni Shu Ayaka.

It took a long time before I saw this guy speak again: "Well, I just said casually, and didn't really plan to do that. At this juncture, I really need to be more cautious. Whether it is from Ibaraki Prefecture or Lantern Mountain Here, it's all like this...

The witch from Baishui's family should have entered the campus of Qingshan Junior High School by now, right? "


"She entered by herself. Qingluhuo stayed outside the school. As long as she enters the teaching building, I will activate all the chess pieces and offer her this long-prepared gift. It will definitely surprise her.

Oh, this maiden's body is even better than the one I lost before. If it can be snatched, it would be a good thing, and it can just make up for the loss she and Qingluhuo brought to me before. "

Onisuka Ayaka nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly she spoke, as if she had noticed something, she suddenly looked at the corner of the sand table.

There, a few grains of sand fluttered suddenly, as if they were being pulled by some inexplicable force.


"What's wrong?"

The man looked over strangely.

Even within the Nine Chrysanthemum faction, the [Huan Li Shu] is a very advanced spell, and it is inextricably related to the number of spells. Only a handful of especially talented practitioners can master it. And those who can cultivate to a high level have not seen the history of the Jiuju School in the past hundreds of years.

So apart from Onisuka Ayaka, let alone the use of this spell, other people can't even understand the meaning of the various changes on the sand table.

——By the way, it is precisely because the practice of [Phantom Lishu] requires a high number of skills, so if you stand here for a few days like a technique like Asakura Rie, even if you haven’t practiced such a spell before. , I can probably see some doorways...

But, I don’t understand, I don’t understand.

From the performance of Onizuka Ayaka, the man can also guess what is going on——

Has a new accident appeared again?

Could it be... the existence that was dormant on the side of Tenme Shrine discovered their existence and started to act?

"It's weird..."

Guishu Ayaka frowned, did not respond to the man's question, but changed the tactics of both hands, made a calculation, and said something in her mouth.

After a minute or so, I heard this guy speak again: "So that's it... even that guy has come to Narita City."

"That guy?"

"Bai Shui Qiu and Qing Lu Huo, they had a head-on encounter with the ghost clan headed by Doko Ibaraki in Ojiangshan in Kyoto before, do you remember?"

Facing the suspicious look cast by the man, Onisuka Ayaka explained: "During that battle, all the ghost tribes, including the star bear boy, were almost wiped out. Only Ibaraki boy escaped alone, even if it was a dozen or so people from Kyoto. He was not found in a search operation jointly launched by various shrines and temples.

It is said that Doko Ibaraki had his arm cut off in the process of escaping, just like the battle between Suzaku Avenue and Watanabe Tsuna in Kyoto.

So now, that guy has also chased to Narita City, most of the purpose is to regain his arm, by the way, to end the grievance with Qingluhuo.

Oh, it seems that testing the Tenmu Shrine does not require us to have a headache, because someone has already done it for us.

Next... I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch. "


the other side.

Bai Shuiqiu slowly stood up in a corner of the playground, patted the fallen leaves rubbing on his body, and looked around.

The playground of Narita High School and Qingshan Junior High School is also a standard 400-meter plastic track, which is very empty at first glance. Because of the overcast weather, the moon was blocked by dark clouds, and the shadow outline of the stands was more obvious, like a giant beast crouching there, waiting to choose someone to eat.

If you are an ordinary person walking in such a space, you may feel a little scared.

But Bai Shuiqiu had nothing to fear.

Judging from the situation detected by the wind raccoon just now, the yin on this campus is mainly entrenched in the teaching building, which is the direction where the lights are lit. Moreover, it is estimated that it is most likely to be resentful spirits——

Either the ghost who committed suicide by jumping off the building in this campus before, or the pen fairy summoned by the students playing supernatural games, or else it is the strange story of "Hanako in the toilet"... Anyway, the probability is higher. There were only a few, Bai Shuiqiu didn't think these things would threaten him.

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