"Wow, sister, look! Look! many fish!!"

The little girl Nuannuan looked at the bamboo basket full of fish. There were a few fish jumping lively on it, and some even jumped out and fell to the ground.

Duoduo had quick eyes and quick hands, so she immediately ran over, squatted down, and caught the fish. In her hands.

The fish swung its tail in a pair of small hands. Duoduo couldn't catch it with her two hands, so she added her body and held the fish in her arms.

She looked at Li Xia and said Nunuo:"Dad, Where to put the fish?"

Children are forgetful and don't hold grudges. In addition, they are related by blood. In the past, Li Xia was indifferent to them and even scolded them, but they all forgot about it because of a fish in a bamboo basket.

In the past, let alone fish, Even fish scales, they had never seen before!

Now that they saw so many fish at once, they were very happy.

Nuan Nuan's eyes were bright like black grapes, and she praised in her little mouth:

"Daddy is so disgusting, wow, so many fish!"

Li Xia saw the two little guys dancing happily, and he also had a smile on his face.

There was a large vat in the corner outside the house. It was originally used to store grain in winter. Now it is abandoned. How can there be any leftover food in the house?

The surface of the vat has already been It was covered with moss and there was half a tank of rainwater inside.

Li Xia smiled and said to Duoduo:"Duoduo, let's put the fish into that big tank, okay?"


Duoduo fluttered her big eyes, hugged the fish in her arms, and ran to the big tank.

But the big tank was more than one meter high, and there were dozens of centimeters of bricks underneath, which was enough for Duoduo. Not available

"Yahoo~! Yahoo~! High, high~! Out of reach!"

Duoduo grabbed the fish with both hands and raised it above her head, but she still couldn't reach it. She was a little anxious.

Li Xia walked over and said with a smile:"Come on, daddy will carry you up."

He reached his big hands under Duoduo's armpits and lifted her up easily.

Li Xia rarely held children, and Duoduo was suddenly surrounded by a sense of happiness.


The fish was thrown into the tank by Duoduo , re-entered the water, the fish was very lively and swam rapidly around the edge of the tank.

Li Xia put Duoduo down, but felt very sad in his heart.

Duoduo weighed only twenty-four or five kilograms and was only ninety centimeters tall. He was too thin in his early years, and his little face was slightly yellow due to poor nutrition.

The same was true for Nuan Nuan's body.

Subconsciously clenching his fists, Li Xia secretly vowed to try his best to make up for the two little guys in the future.

Li Xia put All the fish in the bamboo basket were poured into the tank, and a few more fish on the ground were picked up and thrown into the fish tank.


A large wave of fish splashed in the tank, splashing water.

Duoduo stood on tiptoes, Stretching out his hands, he walked to Li Xia and said eagerly:

"Dad, give me a hug, I want to see the fish! Nuan

Nuan also ran over huffing and puffing, raised her hands as well, and said softly:

"Dad, I want to hug you too, and I want to see the fish too!"

Li Xia squatted down with a smile, picked up a baby in each hand, held it in her arms, and let them look at the fish.

Half a tank of water, plus a bamboo basket of fish, made the big tank almost full!

Four or five Ten fishes struggle to survive in the tank, the scene is spectacular



The two little breast dumplings opened their mouths wide and exclaimed

"Sister, look, there are so many fish!"

"This fish is so big! Hey, drilled down~!"

After watching for a while, Li Xia put the two little guys down. He could already hear their stomachs growling.

"Daddy, Nuan Nuan is hungry.~!"

The little girl looked at Li Xia pitifully with her big eyes.

They haven't eaten fish for a long time, and they don't even know what fish tastes like!

Li Xia smiled and said,"Daddy is going to cook fish for you. What's more, what do you think this is?"

Like magic, Li Xia had four large wild duck eggs in his hand.

The two little guys' eyes widened again.

They hadn't eaten eggs for a long time and couldn't help but swallow.

"Daddy, eggs! I want to eat balls!"

"Dad, is this an egg? Why is it so big?

Duoduo asked while swallowing her saliva.

Li Xia said:"These are wild duck eggs. They are delicious. Okay, you guys play for a while. Dad will cook the fish and eggs now, and you can eat them in a while!""


"Oh~!! You can eat fish! You can eat big duck eggs~!"

The two little guys happily went to play in the house.

Li Xia took a kitchen knife from the kitchen. The blade was blunt and not sharp enough, so Li Xia found a stone in the yard and sharpened it for a while.

I picked three fresh wild crucian carp from the tank, weighing 70 to 80 ounces, and hit the fish's heads with the back of my knife. After knocking the fish unconscious, I started to scrape the fish scales.

Li Xia cleaned up the fish with an amazingly skillful movement.

In his previous life, he worked hard at the bottom and endured hardships. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant, peeled potatoes in the kitchen, and also held a spoon...

Li Xia took a kitchen knife, scraped the fish scales from the front and back, and then cut the fish Cut open the belly and take out all the internal organs. Finally, dig out the gills and rinse all three fish.

It only took less than five minutes to clean up the three fishes. You can imagine how skilled he was with his movements.

Li Xia walked into the kitchen with three fish.

First clean the iron pot, then add firewood to the stove, grab a handful of dry leaves, draw a match and light it.

While waiting for the firewood in the stove to slowly burn, Li Xia prepared some condiments.

After a few minutes.

The iron pot is already hot.

Hot smoke came out.

Li Xia used a small spoon to scoop up a spoonful of rapeseed oil and poured it along the edge of the pot.

Then, sauté the chopped onions, ginger, garlic and dried chilies in hot oil until fragrant.

There was only a small amount of dried chili pepper. Li Xia considered that the two little guys couldn't eat spicy food, so a small amount of dried chili pepper was used to spice up the food.

Li Xia made three cuts on the three washed crucian carps to facilitate the flavoring, and then put them into the pot one after another.

A sting!

In an instant, the aroma of grease filled the entire courtyard!

The two little dumplings were squatting on the ground and playing with sandbags. Now they smelled the fragrance and ran over humming. They stretched their hands next to the stove and looked at it!

"Wow! Daddy! This fish is really delicious!"

"I want to eat fish! Fragrant! Very fragrant~!"

Li Xia's heart softened, he looked at the two little guys and said with a soft smile:

"Wait a moment. Dad will cook the fish right away and give it to you to eat, okay?"


The two little guys said in unison.

Li Xia asked the two little guys to sit on a small bench not far away to avoid hot oil splashing on them.

Fry the fish until both sides are slightly golden. Next, to be precise, you should put the stock in. However, there is no such condition at present, so Li Xia added a small bowl of water.

After the water boils, add the most important rice wine and soy sauce to remove fishy smell, seasoning and dyeing.

In this step, the amount of seasoning and the control of the heat are very important.

Li Xia is very familiar with it.

Add a little salt to the soup and pour the juice over the fish continuously to ensure even heating.

The aroma of the braised crucian carp became more and more intense. The two little guys sat on the small bench without moving, their big eyes staring at the stove, swallowing saliva, almost crying.

The aroma wafted to the courtyard next door.

Aunt Wang is heating up two sweet potatoes for his old man to fill his stomach after work.

Suddenly, she sniffed and smelled a strong aroma


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