I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 583 So similar

Qianmo Tingqian always asked this question, "You are a clinical expert. My master is a criminal psychologist. The master has taught me that micro-expressions cannot be judged alone. Facial AU must be combined. When you first sat down, your body was You may have leaned forward slightly, but you may not have noticed it yourself. When you first stood up, you held your chest up and raised your head. When you entered the room, you even made a subtle movement of turning your collar. These are all the skills of a very confident expert. There will be."

Mr. Qian was also happy. Yes, Professor Chen's beloved disciple really understood everything, and his eyes were still very good.

"Did you see anything wherever you went?" Mr. Qian asked.

Speaking of this, Qianmo became depressed, "My gangster says I am Conan Mo, and says I recruit gangsters wherever I go, and there are cases everywhere. If I go to a crowded place and stand there for half an hour, who is the thief?" I can tell who the third party is."

When she accompanied Mu Mianmian to the hospital for a prenatal check-up, the professor doctor in the hospital took care of the junior doctors. It could be seen from the way they walked. The senior doctors were usually like Mr. Qian. No matter whether they were standing or looking, they were all exposed. With a strong sense of confidence, the little doctor will follow the big doctor with his waist slightly bent and his attitude respectful.

But if you don't follow the authoritative big doctor, when facing the patient, the little doctor's posture will become as confident as the big doctor.

This can be seen at all hierarchies of units.

To sum up, even though Mr. Qian made a harmless joke with her, Qianmo still saw through the essence. Mr. Qian was a well-deserved authority, and this disease was very easy for her.

Mr. Qian rubbed his temples, "Your emotional intelligence is higher than that of your master. If Duoduo could speak half as well as you, I wouldn't have to worry about her. By the way, has Duoduo been dating any strange friends recently?"

"Strange...what do you mean?" Qianmo asked.

Mr. Qian thought about it for a moment. Over the past six months, his apprentice had become more and more fond of reciting poems and composing poems - and his skills were extremely poor. Mr. Qian couldn't help but worry.

"Is there such an older man around her?" Mr. Qian secretly thought that those who like to post such messy poems are usually older men.


Qianmo knew that it was easier to make friends with Duoduo. Apart from the two girls in her dormitory, they were closer to Xue Laosi. Xue Laosi was only in his twenties and could not be considered "old".

"Have you flirted with old men online?" Mr. Qian continued to ask. Although Duoduo is an adult, she doesn't have many friends around her because of her special "talent" and her temper is relatively simple. As a parent, she is always worried that there will be something bad. An old man trying to fool her baby.


Mr. Qian was relieved and said meaningfully to Qianmo, "Leave Qiqi's situation to me, and the treatment fee will not be charged. But if there is any trouble over there at Duoduo, you have to tell me."

Qianmo suddenly realized, Emma, ​​is President Qian trying to bribe her to be her spy?

"How much does it cost for me to make a medical visit? Your master should have told you that this is an opportunity." Mr. Qian induced.

Qianmo shook his head, "I am willing to pay the consultation fee. Although you are doing it for Duoduo's good, I will not betray my friends."

Not even once.

When it comes to being an eyeliner or paying money, she chooses the latter.

Qian always laughed when she was rejected.

"Okay, Duoduo is right. You are indeed a person worth talking to. This time it's free."

Only then did Qianmo realize that it was Mr. Qian who was just testing him.

"No matter how many friends she makes outside, I'm not worried, but you are different from others. Duoduo takes you very seriously, so——"

Mr. Qian spread his hands, and she checked for her apprentice.

Qianmo was not angry, but a little touched.

"Having a master who considers her so thoughtfully like you, Duoduo is lucky among misfortunes. In fact, I have always had a question to ask you and my master, about blood and eye relations..."

Duoduo and Qian are not related by blood, but they are more like mother and daughter.

Mr. Qian understood immediately upon hearing this, "You are troubled by the matter between you and Qiqi, right?"

Qianmo nodded, she was a little conflicted now.

She very much hoped that Qiqi was not related to her by blood, but the 40 minutes spent with friends on the train shattered Qianmo's hopes. There was an 80% chance that Qiqi was her half-brother.

"Blood ties are fetters and bonds for those who are compatible with each other. For those who are opposed to each other, they are curses and bad fate. You should have made your own judgment on whether it is a bond or a curse."

Mr. Qian hit the nail on the head, and Qianmo benefited a lot.

Mr. Qian loves money as well as talent, and likes to be friends with smart people. Qianmo obviously meets this standard, so she didn't charge for this case and carefully explained the pathology and plan to Qianmo.

"There are only two possibilities for showing Qiqi's situation to others. The first is because the trauma has not been repaired, and he avoids suffering and takes pleasure in it, which leads to distortion of his memory. This is his self-protection mechanism at work. The second , love deficiency disorder, longing for love, subconsciously making such a morbid reaction to help him get more attention."

Qianmo thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I have given him professional treatment. Although his psychological trauma is still there, it will not be so severe."

In some ways, Qianmo is also very confident.

Mr. Qian appreciated it, "Yes, I have seen the case. The psychological intervention you gave him before was very complete and effective. Therefore, I thought of the third method in addition to the conventional judgment."

"The third type?"

"Man-made sabotage, someone has tampered with Qi Qi's memory, perhaps through hypnosis or drugs, giving him certain hints, which led to his current situation. For others, this is very difficult, but unfortunately ... met me.”

What is Mr. Qian best at?


She can achieve the highest level of hypnosis. Going to her to change other people's memories is undoubtedly a trick in front of Guan Gong.

"I think it is not complicated to treat Qiqi's disease, but for you, this may be a difficult choice, because what will happen to this child in the future is directly related to you. I don't want to kidnap you morally, but just give you two Please go back and think about your plan, and I’ll give you two days to reply to me.”

When Mr. Qian said this to Qianmo, Qianmo became solemn.

The "Leishan Xiaoguo" that came out of the divination before was remembered again at this moment.

The hexagram says that small things bring good luck, while big things bring bad luck.

The two plans proposed by Mr. Qian happen to be one big and one small.

The reason why people suffer is because they take care of things they shouldn't. Faced with this difficult choice, Qianmo frowned.

"I admire you very much because you are so smart and always know exactly what you want."

Mr. Qian stood up and was about to leave, but stopped when he passed by the confused Qianmo, "I suddenly thought of a funny thing. When I was your age, my man commented on me, saying that I was surrounded by mentally ill people, and I also had a My stupid friend said that I have a psychotic ray that can turn anyone who comes close to me into a mentally ill person."

This is similar to Qian Mote.

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