I Will Always Love You

Chapter 275: Too crazy 3

In mid-September in Nanjing, the degree of sultry heat is not inferior to that of summer.

In the building of the boys’ dormitory, there are actually many boys in vests and big pants dangling about.

It's just that the one who came to open the door for them was shirtless and rushed over wearing briefs, pants, and panties.

The door opened, and Lao Cheng was stunned when he looked at the mighty, majestic and white mountain in front of him.

When Ji Linkai saw the person outside the door, he was also stunned, followed by a scream of "Oh--", and instantly ran back into the dormitory with his hands on his chest.

Old Cheng only saw a pair of Superman underwear, appeared in a thunderous manner, and disappeared in a thunderous manner.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" Wang Shuo, who was sitting at the computer desk, turned his head and asked Lao Cheng who was standing outside the door after hearing the screams.

Then, he heard Cheng Zhiyan, who was sitting next to him, faintly yelled: "Dad, are you here?"

"This is your dad!?" Wang Shuo was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Cheng Zhiyan, then immediately got up from his seat and smiled and said, "Welcome, uncle, come in quickly!"

"Ha ha ha... hello, hello!" Lao Cheng smiled and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and took the lead in their dormitory.

Cheng Zhiyan's mother and the little rabbit followed closely behind him.

After Xiaotu came in, he looked at Cheng Zhiyan's dormitory curiously.

Their dormitory is about two dozen square meters, with a sink at the door and a separate toilet on the left.

Going further inside, the room is divided into two by a tiled aisle. There are two beds on each side of the left and right hands, and they all look like the upper bed and the lower desk.


Does Brother Orange Juice’s dormitory look pretty neat...

As the little rabbit thought, he looked at Cheng Zhiyan, who was standing at the bottom of the dormitory.

I haven’t seen him for such a long time, and he seems to be thinner again. His original white jade skin was slightly reddened by the sun because of the long military training, but even so, he is still better than the boy standing next to him. A few shades of white.

His clear and deep eyes were looking at her with a slight smile, and the corners of his pale pink lips formed a nice arc.

Obviously it has been a long time since I saw him, but I don't know why, when I saw him again, it felt like it was only a few days later.

"Brother Orange Juice!" Xiaotu shouted at him excitedly.

"Little rabbit." Cheng Zhiyan smiled, calling out her name in a low and gentle voice, and then beckoning to her.

The little rabbit's footsteps involuntarily walked towards him.

Cheng Zhiyan's roommates looked at the little rabbit curiously.

Although the little girl is not short, she still looks like she has very young teeth. Her black and soft hair is tied into a ponytail and tied behind her head, and flutters gently as she moves.

She wore a white tutu skirt, like a little fairy who came out of a fairy tale, and her white and pink cheeks were filled with cheerful smiles.

This girl...is it Cheng Zhiyan's sister? ?

The few people in his dormitory thought so, while watching the little rabbit rush to Cheng Zhiyan, raised a small face, and looked at him with a smile.


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