Zuowu's mood was slightly depressed, but he soon became happy again.

As a Zoe, what he likes is running around.

The big peony-like tail brushed against John's body, like a soft cloth, which made people feel very comfortable.

Zuowu jumped off the magic tower, stepped on the roofs of those houses, and ran towards the distance.

"What an enviable guy."

John laughed dumbly and picked up a toy sent by Zou Wu.

It looks like it was picked up from a Muggle.

A Rubik's Cube.

John twisted, but the messed up color couldn't be turned back.

After trying a few more times, he discovered that some bastard had changed a corner.

He secretly thought that these Muggles really had ulterior motives.

There were also many small toys, which seemed to have been specially sent to John because he was worried that he would be bored.

Although he is not a wizard, Zuowu still has good qualities towards his friends.

There were also some fake wands from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. When Tom bit them, a rubber chicken popped out of them, scaring him badly.

Tom was so angry that he bit the wand into pieces.

Basil flew down and was very interested in the mice.

Zuowu continued to run.

It is like the wind that never stops.

Traveling from the Wizard City to the Forbidden Forest, Grawp finally waited for his good friend.

The huge fur ball flew out, and Zuowu quickly chased after it and caught it.

Then he returned to the cave extremely quickly and handed the ball to Graup.

Grawp let out an honest laugh, and the strange pairing of the giant and Zou played in the Forbidden Forest in perfect harmony.

When Hagrid found out about Zou Wu's return, he prepared many dead animals as a feast for Zou Wu.

Students at Hogwarts can sometimes see Zuowu running in the Forbidden Forest.

The wind-like peonies leave a figure pursuing freedom in the hearts of every Hogwarts person.

"Professor Longbottom?"

The students who returned to school saw Neville staring out the window in a daze, and expressed concern for the powerful wizard, "Are you okay?"

"Ah, it's okay." Neville came back to his senses. He looked at the Gryffindor students who cared about him and smiled, "I was just thinking about something."

The third-year Gryffindor girl asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

Neville was stunned and turned to look at Zuowu running freely.

He said in a daze: "I'm thinking, it would be great if my friends could be so happy."

On his left hand, next to his wedding ring, there was a golden ring with mysterious runes.

"I hope he can take a trip without saying goodbye and sometimes let go of everything secretly." Neville's voice was low.

The girls looked at each other, wondering what was wrong with the kind-hearted herbalist professor.

Only people from the Star Club understand.

This is a farewell.

They couldn't even go to that place and say goodbye to their best friend.

That's what John didn't want.

It was like John was handing them the ring.

There is no message in the badge that the Star Club can communicate with each other.

Neville took off his badge and wiped it lightly with his fingers.

The stars inside are beautiful, and the changes are fascinating.

Seeing the badge, Neville recalled that day when they were in the newly established Star Club, and he was the least confident person.

Today, you can become the person you want to be.

Grandma sees herself as proud, her parents return to normal, and she completes her engagement with the girl she likes.

Everything is so beautiful.

"But why did you leave yourself out, John."

Neville's fingers trembled slightly as he put on the badge carefully.

They hoped that in that badge, there would be a message from John.

This is the secret belonging to the Star Club and a symbol of their unity.

Everyone is happy.

John was so greedy that he forgot himself.

Neville left, his steps heavy.

It was John who taught him everything.

But all this could not save John.

Go into your office.

Neville looked at the sword.

He gently put his hand on it and sighed silently.

Chapter 848 Lullaby

Late at night.

Young children go to bed.

Before going to bed, he pestered his mother.

"Mom, do you think there will be monsters outside?"

The boy's imagination runs wild, and he always imagines that he is a brave man who defeats monsters and demons.

Mother smiled fondly, lay on the bed, leaned against the pillow and whispered: "There will be no monsters, we are protected by the Witch King."

"Witch King?" The boy asked doubtfully, "Will you always protect us?"

"Yes, everything we have is given by the Witch King. He saved us and made the world a better place."

My mother has been through a lot, Death Eaters, Saints, Muggles.

This witch, who fought for her family on the Magic Crystal Island, escaped death and witnessed the Witch King's body that blocked all dangers.

She is a devout follower of the Witch King.

Every night, I pray for him.

It is precisely because she has experienced the war that she cherishes everything that is hard-won.

Here, they didn't have to worry about being seen by Muggles.

Cast spells on the streets and take your kids on a magic carpet ride.

You can also see owls delivering meals to you, so you don't have to worry about wizards being captured by intruding Muggles.

They have their own documents, and if they want to leave the country, they also have a passport.

Their identity is recognized by all countries.

They have their own jobs and their own hospitals to protect their health.

The new retirement policy provides guarantees for those elderly wizards.

The Little Wizards Fund still continues to protect all little wizards.

Young wizards can choose to further their knowledge, and older wizards can go and explore various places.

The fertility policy provides preferential treatment for the future.

Everything is going for the best.

They've died, they've been scared.

But now, they don't have to be afraid anymore.

The Witch King will bless every wizard.

The wizards sang praises to the Witch King and prayed for him.

They know it doesn’t come easy, and they may occasionally be tired from the work.

But as long as they look up at the tall tower, they will feel endless power again.

There is no absolute fairness, but in the eyes of the Witch King, it is fair.

The mother gently patted the boy's quilt and hummed a plain but warm tune.

"In the old school, curious boys put on their hats."

"The hat of wisdom sorted him into Slytherin."

"Boys like adventure and value their partners more."

"Friends began to surround him, and he was brave enough to save his classmates and defeat the troll."

"Smart, he longed for knowledge and took away books as tall as a person from the library."

"He is tolerant and not bound by colleges. He has friends in all colleges."

"He is so powerful that he fights against the devil and protects the entire school."

A strange lullaby hummed in the mother's mouth, and the boy gradually fell asleep.

"Grown-up boys and friends, they are newborn stars, laughing at school."

"The boy has an owl. It is all white and flies faster than lightning. It is a good helper for the boy."

"He also has a dog, which is cute and naughty and loyal to his owner."

The song softly accompanies the boy's dream adventures.

This childish lullaby is sung in wizard families.

They hummed for their children and prayed for the Witch King's blessing.

The children will continue to pass down the songs, just like their mother's humming, through the generations.

The mother stopped flapping her hands. She smiled and kissed the sleeping boy on the cheek.

Walking downstairs, she saw her husband watching TV nervously.

Inside is a Quidditch match.

When the team her husband supports scores a goal, he raises his hands and cheers.

When he saw his wife coming down, he immediately shut his mouth and hid the wine glass in his hand behind his back.

The witch looked at her husband helplessly.

Well, maybe whether they are Muggles or wizards, married men have the habit of watching football in the middle of the night.

The same scene happened at the Weasley house.

However, Angelina and Fred, who were pregnant with their big bellies, watched the game excitedly and cheered.

Mr. Weasley yelled, "I knew that ball would go in!"

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