John thought so, and the last question came.

Hogwarts and Wagadu are now evenly divided.

Tarot Magic Vocational and Technical School is in third place, missing by just five points.

Because Li Erya was not very accurate, she missed some opportunities.

Are there three firsts, or which magic school takes the lead?

Students from ten magic schools stared at the clock eagerly.

Some people looked pale, probably because they used too many sparks to press, and they didn't know if they could still use magic.

Professor McGonagall slowly read out the last question.

"Which magic can help when you choke on food?"

As soon as the words fell, sparks rushed towards the clock.

As everyone watched nervously, Astoria's spark struck.

With this decisive blow, Astoria took a deep breath and said in a firm tone: "An Kexiao!"

"Correct answer, five points for Hogwarts."

Five beautiful golden gems fell from the hourglass at Hogwarts.

In this magical knowledge reserve competition, Hogwarts successfully won the first place.

The students hugged those around them excitedly.

This competition is thrilling.

There are no dizzying magic attacks, but there is the excitement of competing for the right to answer questions and the grand knowledge of magic.

And through television broadcasts, this knowledge will more or less affect the wizards watching the game.

Subtly, the effect of this game is no less than a lesson for all wizards.

The Magic Skills Application Competition will be held in December.

It was a more exciting game.

Various applications of alchemy, potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts will be covered.

Today's game is over.

John smiled at Slughorn and said, "What a game."

"Thanks for the compliment." Slughorn smiled broadly.

Today's game made him completely satisfied. Not only did he get recognition from John, the Witch King, but he also won the first game at Hogwarts.

That was the championship of the school league, and its gold content was higher than the previous Goblet of Fire.

This is an honor obtained under his own leadership, and there is no trace of cheating.

You must know that Astoria used tricks in the final stage. If she had not made a good choice and gave up the opportunity of forty questions in the front, she would not be qualified to catch up later.

Such decisiveness made Slughorn regret that he did not invite Astoria to join his slug club when he came to this school.

"Okay, let's send it here."

At the end of the game, John fulfilled his promise. He stopped at the gate of Hogwarts and said to Slughorn: "To deal with the vampire curse, we must not only start with the curse, but also trace the source. Their Curses come from killing loved ones, you can start here.”

This can be regarded as John paying in advance for some troubles that Xiaolong may cause in the future.

Slughorn, who still didn't know that John put the dragon into Hogwarts, was thoughtful. As a potion master, Slughorn was definitely among the top.

With a little help, he could make considerable progress.

With three potions masters in one, Slughorn's contribution to the wizarding world may seem less eye-catching than Dumbledore's, but in fact it is no less than that of his counterpart.

In terms of teaching, he can at least be called a professor more than Dumbledore.

John has already begun to think about how to continue to squeeze this smart head after Slughorn retires.

The knowledge and methods of teaching and educating people inside can at least provide as much help to the education system of the wizarding world as Dumbledore.

Well, Dumbledore is almost a unit of measurement.

John says goodbye to Slughorn.

Fang ran out and chased Tom.

It seemed to be as lively as before. Hagrid didn't know this, but he just felt that Fang had become better.

Tom gave all the dog food he brought to Yaya, and in return Yaya took Hagrid's dinner, a large piece of meat, in his mouth.

Anyway, Hagrid was quite confused when he was having dinner. Why was there a piece of steak missing from his romantic candlelight dinner?

The two dogs nuzzled each other, reluctant to leave each other.

John opened the teleportation channel and stepped inside, waiting for Tom.

Even if Tom was reluctant to leave, he would not abandon his master. He jumped into the passage and said goodbye to Fangya.

Yaya didn't know how long it would take to see Tom again.

The passage was closed and the two dogs parted.

Chapter 827 Harry after becoming an Auror

The cold wind blows.

The wizarding city is developing rapidly.

Life as an Auror allowed Harry to become independent.

Sirius Black didn't move like Weasley did.

The old Black House is still in the Muggle world, and Harry has also become an Auror in the Ministry of Magic in the United Kingdom.

"Sirius." Harry tied his tie in front of the mirror and shouted to the corridor of the old house, "I'm going to Birmingham to investigate a case. I may be there for a few days."


Sirius, who was playing chess with the automatic wizard chess on the first floor, heard this and joked: "If you told me that you were going to date the little lioness of the Weasley family, it would make me even happier."

"Ginny?" Harry heard his godfather mention this matter, and the beautiful red-haired girl also appeared in his mind.

"Yes, you like her, don't you?"

As Harry's godfather, Sirius could be said to be the top figure in school when he was in school. He was all too familiar with this feeling.

"Every time you mention her, it's like James mentions Lily."

Sirius used his own soldiers to eat the opposing horse, "You should pursue it boldly, just like James."

"Okay," Harry walked downstairs with his tie on. His suit, which was a bit ill-fitting last year, was now just right. He said holding a briefcase, "I'll try it on, but I don't know if she likes it." like me."

"Don't be stupid, kid."

They are like a real father and son.

Sirius killed the queen opposite, stood up and came to Harry, put his hands on his shoulders and said meaningfully: "You are Harry Potter, next year you will be the youngest Auror Director."

"What reason does Ginny have for not being attracted to you?"

Sirius' words gave Harry great confidence, but he still had to be humble.

"I don't know, maybe Ginny has someone she likes."

"Haha." Sirius patted his shoulder hard, turned around and said, "Then it's time for me to go out."

Harry asked confused: "Where are you going?"

"Of course it's to experience life," Sirius winked at Harry, "I can't stay in the house forever."

"Not to mention Kreacher is here."

Well, Harry also knew that he deserved it.

Sirius had to take care of himself, so he stayed in the old house. Now that he was no longer needed, he would naturally go out.

Putting a hat on himself, Sirius is no longer the wanted criminal he once was, and there is no Voldemort outside, so he doesn't need to continue to hide.

"I will tell Kreacher to watch the door."

Sirius opened the door and made an inviting gesture to Harry.

"Where are you going?"

"Maybe go to the Muggle world for a while. Times are progressing and we have to adapt."

The main theme of the current magical world is not to reject the Muggle world, but to integrate into it and learn more from it.

Sirius thought he could go to a Muggle school and have a look.

As an ancient Black pureblood, he had yet to see the Muggle world.

This handsome man would attract many women in the Muggle world.

Although his personality is a little weird, those bar women who don't come home at night like this kind of people the most.

Harry watched his godfather leave on foot, and he was very grateful that he could live with his godfather.

The Dursleys sent him a postcard, to the effect that Dudley had been spotted by the university and would shine in the university boxing tournament.

Having seen Muggle power, Harry would no longer despise it.

He also understood that his fat cousin was also a man of great influence now.

I raised my hand and looked at the time on my watch. It was time to go to Birmingham.

Let's do it the Muggle way today.

Appearing at the station, he bought a ticket to Birmingham.


The Witch King's unification of the entire magical world does not mean the end of crime.

Illegal wizards will hide in the Muggle world and use magic to do shady things.

Most of the current missions of Aurors are to find those wizards and capture them.

Harry's talent has been recognized by the legendary Auror and Dumbledore. Without John, he would be the most dazzling person in Hogwarts.

Coming out of the station, Harry glanced at his watch.

When it comes to traveling, wizards are better.

Pressing the button on the side of the watch, the watch mirror popped up and he saw the minute hand turn into a pointer.

Carrying his briefcase and walking into the deserted alley, he pulled out his wand and waved it, making him disappear.

Reappeared, already on the roof.

He raised his watch and scanned the surrounding houses through the watch glass.

"There wasn't much of a magical reaction. According to reports, the wizard used an explosive spell on a company sewer, causing the ground to crack."

He focused his gaze on the road.

Like a magnifying glass, it magnifies the cracks in the ground.


Searching along the cracks, he saw a sewer manhole cover.

Harry apparated to the nearby bakery and walked out.

With a wave of the wand and a confusion spell, it was as if the people around him couldn't see him.

He opened the manhole cover and got in.

The smell of accumulated stagnant water inside made Harry frown.

He pulled out a slimy slug-like thing from his briefcase.

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