Seeing Nilu who was so excited,

Elhaysen asked:

【Elhaysen: Were you also retaliated against? ? ?】

【Nilu: Yeah………】

【Nilu: Someone from the Order just came………】

【Nilu: Zubair Theater is suspected of operating illegally………】

【Nilu: It needs to be demolished immediately!!!】

【Desia: This is too much!!!】

【Desiya: My young lady is looking forward to watching Nelu dance!!!】

【Disiya: My young lady is not in good health.………】

【Desiya: My only dream is to watch Nelu dance on the Flower Goddess’s birthday………】

【Desia: It’s the Flower Goddess’ birthday soon, why do you suddenly start to feel disgusting? ? ?】

【Disiya: Why don’t your little grass gods come out and explain? ? ?】

【March 7: You………???】

【March 7: Isn’t Dishya a Sumeru person? ? ?】

【Disiya: I am a Sumeru person】

【Desiya: But I am not a citizen of the grass god】

【Desiya: Strictly speaking, I am the son of the Red King.Bar】

【Desiya: After all, most of the people in the desert only believe in the Red King.】

【Star: Red King? ? ?】

【Desiya: He is the same god as the grass god】

【Ying: Demon God? ? ?】

【Desiya: Probably so】

【Paimon:? ? ?】

【Paimon: Are there two demon gods in one country? ? ?】

【Zhongli: This is normal】

【Wendy: That's normal】

【Shadow: This is normal】

【Funina: Ah, yes, yes!!!】

【Zhongli: In Liyue, there was a period when two demon gods ruled together.】

【Ning Guang: Is Mr. Zhongli referring to the death of the devil? ? ?】

【Zhongli: Not bad】

【Shadow: A long time ago………】

【Shadow: Rice Wife is ruled by me and my sister together………】

【Wendy: Nothing like this happened in Mondstadt though………】

【Wendy: But it does happen in other countries】

【Wendy: But as far as I know………】

【Wendy:………This red king………】

【Wendy: It should have fallen, right? ? ?】

【Desiya: But………】

【Desiya: Recently, many followers of the Red King are spreading the news that the Red King is about to be resurrected.………】

【Desiya: Although I have never heard such news myself】

【Desia: If you insist on talking about it………】

【Disiya: Because Nilu and the eldest lady have been instilling in their ears how great the little Lucky Grass King is.………】

【Disiya: In addition, there is a real little Lucky Grass King in the group.………】

【Desiya: So actually I don’t hate the Grass God like other desert people.】

【Desiya: But I also think that the so-called resurrection of the Red King is just a joke.】

【Desiya: There must be some unknown conspiracy behind this………】

【Alhaysen: Indeed.】

【Elhaysen: I'm doubting it now………】

【Elhaysen: Did the great sage Azar intentionally let people release this information?………】

【Desiya: Ha………】

【Desiya: I knew it………】

【Desiya: The people in the Order are all beasts!!!】

【Disiya: The sand wall they built not only isolated the wind and sand………】

【Desiya: He even rejected us, the people of the desert.………】

【Dishya: Sumeru is controlled by great sages………】

【Desiya: In the hearts of those people, the people of the desert don’t matter at all!!!】

【Desia: We are just tools that exist only when necessary!!!】

【Dishya: Cheap labor, easy-to-use animals………That's all】

【Desia: Even if a child in the desert has a chance to get the void terminal………】

【Desiya: But almost all the knowledge applications they sent out were rejected.………】

【Desiya: In the eyes of the Order, we are not qualified to acquire knowledge………】

【Desiya: Unless there is a rare genius………】

【Disiya: Otherwise, ordinary children would have no chance to turn over.………】

【Desiya: Even if they actually know, we are just as human as them!!!】

【Disiya:………If possible, I really want to destroy this wall with my own hands.………】

【Elhaysen: I can’t refute………】

【Elhaysen: This is a rule that has been set for a long time………】

【Elhaysen: An extremely stupid and extremely short-sighted rule………】

【Alhaysen: Doing this will only deepen the hatred between us and the desert.………】

【Star: So what happened to the Red King and the Grass God? ? ?】

【Desiya: I actually don’t know much about these………】

【Desia: But it’s said so in the stories of our Gilded Brigade and the desert.………】

【Desiya: It was the Great Ci Tree King who betrayed the Red King………】

【Desiya: She stole the Red King’s wisdom and killed the Red King………】

【Desiya: Then he ran to the rainforest and built the current Sumeru………】

【Ying: This………】

【Ying: It doesn’t feel like it’s real………】

【Desiya: Who knows who is real and who is fake? ? ?】

【Desiya: I grew up listening to stories like this………】

【Desiya: Almost all the desert people believe this story………】

【Desiya: They hate the Grass God and the Order from the bottom of their hearts.………】

【Guinaifen: Desiya, what is the Gilded Brigade you are talking about? ? ?】

【Desiya: Oh………This is Sumeru’s armed force】

【Desia: It’s the so-called mercenary army.………】

【Desiya: Even the city defense of Xumi is handled by the Gilded Brigade.】

【Jing Yuan: So this Gilded Brigade is all followers of the Red King? ? ?】

【Desiya: Not entirely………】

【Desiya: Actually, most of them are atheists.………】

【Desia: There are also people who have extreme faith in the Red King………】

【Desiya: There are also people who believe in the God of Flowers.………】

【Hutao: Another god appears!!!】

【Wendy: Yeah, okay………】

【Wendy: At that time, Xumi was the Red King, the Tree King, and the Flower God. Three gods ruled.】

【Wendy: But I don’t know why………】

【Wendy: This alliance is falling apart………】

【Hutao: Have you ever drank with them? ? ?】

【Wendy: Hey~~~】

【Wendy: What do you think? ? ?】

【Paimon: I keep talking about this Red King.………】

【Paimon: Is he powerful? ? ? 】

Lin Yi saw this sentence and wanted to say:

It’s not a matter of whether the Red King is powerful or not.………

But he is really strong!!!

However, Lin Yi didn't say anything in the group because he couldn't reveal that he was playing Genshin Impact!!!

【Desiya: Very strong】

【Desiya: I believe everyone knows the origin of our seven earthly rulers in Teyvat.】

【Desiya: It’s just a group of powerful demon gods who stand out in the demon god war………】

【Desia: And the final seven demon gods who won out are the seven rulers of the world.】

【Wendy: And also the heart of God】

【Desiya: Ah, yes】

【Disiya: As the final winner of Sumeru, Red King rejected the Heart of God】

【Disiya: This is how our desert people praise the Red King.——】

【Desiya: He is the Lord of the World, the King of the Four Directions of the Earth………】

【Desia: Controller of mortals and spirits, child of the sky………】

【Desia: Conqueror of the Demons and Leader of the Sages………】

【Desia: Lord of the Dunes and Oasis, Guide of the Living and the Dead………】

【Dysia: the wielder of the elements, the king of the sun and the sand, and the god of war and authority.…………】

【Hutao: Good guy!!!】

【Hutao: This is more than our Prince Yan who passed away not long ago!!!】

【Desiya: I don’t know much about the rest.………】

【Desiya: But these people who are called the desert are indeed precious!!!】

【Alhaysen: Indeed.………】

【Elhaysen: This is clearly recorded in the books of the Ecclesiarchy.………】

【Elhaysen: At that time, the Red King was the strongest god in Sumeru.】

【Elhaysen: Although it is said that three gods rule Sumeru………】

【Elhaysen: But the leader is the Red King.】

【Elhaysen: It’s just in the records………】

【Elhaysen: The Red King betrayed the Tree King, which also led to the destruction of the desert kingdom.………】

【Su Shang: So who betrayed whom? ? ?】

【Wendy: Look】

【Wendy: I ​​told you that I am the weakest among the seven gods.】

【Wendy: The reason why I became the Seven Rulers of the World………】

【Wendy: It’s because Andrius gave up………】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Wendy: So I'm the weakest!!!】

【Lin Yi: Almost done………】

【Lin Yi: If you keep pretending to be weak, I will punish you with justice!!!】

【Wendy: What justice is administered? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: I just wish that Teyvat would have no wine!!!】[]

【Zhongli: It’s not necessary………】

【Wendy: Are you the devil!!!】

【Shadow: No need………】

【Zhongli: You can wish that Lord Barbatos doesn’t have any wine to drink.………】

【Shadow: There is no need to make the whole of Teyvat dry.………】

【Lin Yi: That makes sense………】

【Lin Yi: Then let Wendy drink wine filled with cat hair!!!】

【Wendy: Just kill me!!!】

【Elhaysen: I envy you for drinking.………】

【Elhaysen: I want this idiot Kawi to go to Aru Village with us.】

【Kavi: It’s all your fault!!!】

【Candice: Aru Village welcomes you twogroup friends】

【Desia: Candice? ? ?】

【Desiya: I knew you were in this group too!!!】

【Candice: I’m usually very busy.………】

【Xing: Another new group friend】

【Xing: Won’t Sai Nuo go to Aru Village? ? ?】

【Sainuo: I have to patrol the forest with Tinari for a while in Huachengguo.】

【Cole: Ah this………】

【Tinari: Welcome, Lord Disciplinarian Gale………】

【Tinari: But please don’t tell bad jokes………】

【Tinari:………I'm afraid I don't understand】

【Kelai: Hahaha~~~~】

【Sano: Ah this………】

【Nilu: What should I do?………】

【Nilu: I don’t want Zubair Theater to be demolished because of me………】

【Nelu: And I also made an appointment with Lady Nasida to perform a dance for the Flower Goddess on her birthday.………】

【Nilu: Let’s talk about it………】

【Nelu: Nasida-sama hasn’t spoken for a while.………】

【Elhaysen: It seems true.………】

【March 7: Nasida may be secretly planning to overthrow the Order? ? ?】

【Kavi: Then I sincerely wish Lady Nasida success.………】

【Lin Yi: Just verbal support? ? ?】

【Kavi: Otherwise………】

【Kavi: Can Elhaysen and I alone make any waves? ? ?】

【Alhaysen: Indeed.】

【Elhaysen: It’s really hard for me to move with Kawi.】


【Star: Why don't you rebel? ? ?】

【Star: Isn’t that Gilded Brigade a mercenary group? ? ?】

【Xing: Then they must be paid to do things and help people get rid of disasters.】

【Xing: Give the money directly, as long as the money is in place】

【Xing: Who is the great cricket sage? ? ?】

【Xing: When the time comes, just finish this job and Xumi will return to the Red King!!!】

【Lin Yi: Laughing to death!!!】

【Lin Yi: Don’t say it, according to Disiya………】

【Lin Yi: Maybe this Gilded Brigade is really willing!!!】

【Elhaysen: Let’s forget it then.】

【Elhaysen: What’s the difference between this and luring a wolf into the house?………】

【Elhaysen: Let’s wait until we get to Aru Village.………】

【Elhaysen: It’s useless to say so much now………】

【Elhaysen: And maybe the great sage is also in the group.………】

【Lin Yi: It seems that we have found a great sage!!!】

【Lin Yi: But it doesn’t matter………】

【Lin Yi: Maybe Nasida suddenly overthrew the Order? ? ? 】

Nacida: You overestimate me!!!

Nasita: I am locked up in Jingshan Palace now!!!

Nasida didn't dare to speak in the group either.………

The doctor, the great sage and the skirmishers………

But he's staring at himself………

It's so hard for me!!!

And at this time.

The title of the new short video -

He is coming!!!

【Lin Yi: I was playing in the mud in New York. ]

Saw this title.

Lin Yi was stunned. ah? ? ?

Me playing in the mud in New York? ? ?

Why didn’t I know I still had this hobby? ? ?

How old are you still playing in the mud? ? ?

The system will kill your ancestors!!!

It seems that this time the title of Tongzi Dad will return for a limited time only for one week.

Let me see what's going on!!!

【March 7: New York? ? ?】

【Yanqing: Where is this? ? ?】

【Su Shang: I don’t know………】

【Zhongli: Never heard of it】(Is Zhao Hao?)

【Walter Young: A city that is a country on Earth】

【Navelle: That’s it】

【Star: Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon can be regarded as looking forward to Lin Yi’s video】

【Ying: Don’t worry】

【Ying: The one who was tortured must not be Lin Yi】

【Star: I know】

【Xing: I just like watching him torture others】

【Dan Heng:………】

【March 7: As expected of you!!!】

【Lin Yi: I’ve been to many New Yorks, and I don’t know which one.………】

【Lin Yi: And according to the urine characteristics of this short video………】

【Lin Yi: Maybe I’m not playing with mud.………】

【Star: That’s shit.】

【Lin Yi: Damn it………】

【March 7: Oh!!!】

【Lin Yi: I told you not to dig through the trash can!!!】

【Xiangling: Don’t do this………】

【Xiangling: I’m still cooking!!!】

【Funina: Why did the cake in my hand suddenly feel no longer fragrant? ? ? 】

at this time. in video.

A bustling metropolis.

It aroused the extreme envy of a group of netizens in Teyvat!!!

I don’t know how the electricity popularization plan in Mondstadt is developing.

Two months have passed so far, and no reporters from Fontaine have reported this matter.

As for Liyue’s modern weapons lineup………

There has been some progress………

I believe it won’t be long before the gun in Qianyanjun’s hand becomes a gun!!!

Heavenly law!!!

Try this!!!

Okay, just kidding.

Anyway, most of the group friends in Teyvat are indeed envious of the development of New York City.

Look at these tall buildings.

Look at the traffic.

Look at these spaceships flying all over the sky.

It truly is a modern metropolis!!! etc.………

Where did the spaceship come from? ? close?

Lin Xi's eyes widened———


It turns out to be the New York of this universe!!.!"

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