Although Lin Yi's proposal of giving 10 million moras or 10 million credits to the winner is indeed very tempting in the eyes of some troll friends.

But not everyone is short of money.

After all, the ice attribute is as noble as the water attribute!!!

Strictly speaking, there are basically no poor people with ice and water attributes!!!

Those who are short of money are those of other elements - and when crossing the sea on ice, if you are not as fast as others, you may not be the true king of crossing the sea on ice.

But if you make a mistake and fall into the sea, you have to make an appointment for the distinguished service of the Rebirth Hall.

Therefore, Lin Yi's plan was not unanimously approved by the ice-type friends in the group.

But that's okay.

There will be more opportunities in the future!!!

The amount of PV information of this footprint is actually quite large.

Some of the idiots in the group didn't have time to fully digest it, and immediately started a new round of discussion.

【Paimon: Talk……】

【Paimon; Bennett】

【Bennett: What's wrong? ? ?】

【Paimon: In the short video just now……】

【Paimon: The wheat-skinned little girl who appeared……】

【Paimon: Could it be your sister?】

【Bennett: Huh? ? ?】

【Ying: You can guess】

【Ying: Why don’t you guess whether Ning Guang is Morax?】

【Paimon: If you don’t know Ningguang beforehand, and you haven’t met Morax before, and then you watch this video……】

【Paimon: Maybe I really thought Ning Guang was the God of Rock!!!】

【Condensing light:……】

【Navia: What does Lady Funina’s unique justice mean?】

【Funina: I don’t know either……】

【Funina: Maybe it’s hoping to solve Fontaine’s prophecy?】

【Funina: But don’t worry】

【Funina: As long as I am here, no prophecy can be relied upon!!!】

【Funina: I am also investigating the case of"one, two, three" regarding the disappearance of the girl.】

【Funina: It will be solved!】

【Navia: Thank you, Lady Funina.】

【Navilette: 20 years have passed since the case, and there is still no news about the missing girl.】

【Navilette: It seems that there is a high probability that it was really dissolved by something.】

【Nasida: It's indeed possible.】

【Kavi: So why is Lord Nasida unable to do anything about the follies of the current scholars in Sumeru?】

【KAVY: And what does this folly mean?】

【Kavi: Does that mean that even people like Elhaysen can enter the Order?】

【Elhaysen: Kavi, you can spend the night outside the door tonight.】


【Nacida: I'm sorry, I will find a way to solve it】

【Nelu: Nasida-sama doesn’t need to apologize.~】

【Nelu: No matter what happens, I will follow you!!!】

【Elhaysen: Regarding the follies of scholars mentioned in this video……】

【Elhaysen: I recently got some results from a private investigation.】

【Elhaysen: At least two of the Fools’ executives have come to our Sumeru.】

【Elhaysen: And he was also secretly received by the great sage Azar】

【Elhaysen: I don't know what they're plotting】

【Elhaysen: But I guess it must have something to do with the so-called stupidity of the scholars in the video.】

【Paimon: You can really see fools doing things everywhere.】

【Paimon: According to what was said in the video, do they want to rebel against the laws of heaven?】

【Xi'er: What did this heavenly principle do?】

【Xi'er: Why do you feel like you in Teyvat are going to resist her?】

【Paimon: Paimon doesn’t know】

【Wendy: Barbatos doesn’t know~】

【Paimon: Singer!!!】

【Paimon: Don't imitate me!!!】

【Tevalin: Barbatos is the most useless!!!】


【Shadow: Heaven’s principles cannot be judged by common sense】

【Shadow: No one dares to act rashly until a complete method is found.】

【Shadow: That’s why I admire the Ice God】

【March 7: So the fools are collecting the hearts of gods like you just to resist the laws of heaven?】

【Xing: What on earth is this Heart of God?】

【Star: What’s the difference between it and God’s Eye?】

【Lin Yi: I remember Zhongli or Wendy said this at the beginning, right?】

【Lin Yi: What kind of memory do you have?】

【Lin Yi: Go check the chat history yourself!!!】

【Star: So weird……】

【Xing: I just drank a cup of tea……】

【Xing: It feels like I have forgotten a lot of things……】

Lin Yi almost died laughing when he saw this sentence!!!

Is this pioneer drinking Boss Du's tea? ? ?

That tea is really bad!!!

【Wendy: The Heart of God is the magical organ of the gods

【Wendy: It is a higher-level element control center, containing a large amount of elemental power.】

【Wendy: And the Heart of God is also a symbol of the Seat of the Seven Gods, which resonates with Sky Island.】

【Wendy: And the Eye of God is an external magical organ obtained by those with strong wishes.】

【Wendy: It is used to guide the power of elements, and also represents its qualification to visit Sky Island.】

【Star: Thank you, Wendy!!!】

【Xing: You know I won’t look through the chat history, so you went out of your way to explain it to me.……】

【Star: You make me cry!!!】

【Star: Huh? ? ?】

【Star: What is the Eye of God? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Are you him?!!】

【March 7: Fortunately, I didn’t drink this tea!!!】

【Heita: What kind of tea did you drink? ? ?】

【March 7: It seems to be called soothing tea?】

【Walter Young: The owner of a tea house launched a new experimental product, and Xing immediately drank it……】

【Himeko:...As expected of what this child can do】

【Pam: You'd better hurry back to the Star Dome Train!!!】

【Star: What is the Star Dome Train? ? ?】

【Star: Where does this come from? ? ?】

【Star: Who are you? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: This pioneer is useless, throw it away quickly】

【Lin Yi: Then let Kafka come up with a new one.】

【Kafka: Uh-huh-huh~~~】

【Su Shang: Oh, it’s really me!!!】

【Gui Naifen: Changshang, what’s wrong with you? ? ?】

【Gui Naifen: Finally solved the problem of summoning a phoenix but a small Paimon appeared?】

【Paimon: I think so!!!】

【Paimon: Su Shang was patrolling Huixing Port, and she actually found a lone tourist.】

【Paimon: Now the entire Return to Star Port is full of world-splitting monsters. He looks very dangerous by himself!!!】

【Su Shang: Hehe!!!】

【Su Shang: I’m going to help him!!!】

【Su Shang: Paimon, let’s go!!!】

【Paimon: Don't run so fast!!!】

【Ying: My Paimon ran away with someone else, woo woo woo~~~】

【Ying: I'm still a little used to Paimon not being around!!!】

【Lin Yi: Is it because it suddenly became quiet?】

【Ying: Don’t say it, really don’t say it!!!】

【Ying: After Paimon left, I talked more!!!】

【Paimon: You usually talk a lot, right?!!】

【Ying: But when communicating with others, aren't you, Paimon, speaking on my behalf?】

【Kanoin Heizo: Is it really the mouth of God?】

【Paimon: You have the Mouth of God!!!】

【Su Shang: Little Paimon is indeed very talkative.……】

【Rakshasa: Indeed】

【Paimon: A group friend you don't know appears!!!】

【Rakshasa: Little Paimon, aren't you talking to me?】

【Paimon: Wow... you have a light screen too? ? ?】

【Rakshasa: Not bad】

【Rakshasa: Hello everyone】

【Rakshasa: I, Rakshasa, am a merchant from outside the world.】

【Rakshasa: Currently doing some business in Luofu】

【Paimon: Why are you doing business with a coffin? ? ?】

【Rakshasa: Haha……】

【Rakshasa: It’s just a prop for my business, don’t worry about it】

【Su Shang: So this thing is a coffin? ? ?】

【Hutao: Have you never seen a coffin, Su Shang? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: Don’t talk about her, I haven’t even seen her before.】

【Jing Yuan: The coffin is indeed a very rare object in the Immortal Boat Alliance.】

【Jing Yuan: I guess most people in Xianzhou don’t know him.】

【Hutao: Don’t you know?】

【Hutao: Then won’t my business at the Rebirth Hall come? ? ?】

【Jackdaw: Sorry】

【Jackdaw: Immortal boat people live too long……】

【Jackdaw: And the Immortal Boat people will also be taken away by the people of the Ten Kings before the arrival of the demon body.】

【Jackdaw: Generally speaking, there is really no need for a coffin.】

【Hutao: Ah this……】

【Lin Yi: A business ended before it even started, how sad!!!】

【Hutao: Sad!!!】

【Su Shang: Okay, okay, stop talking.】

【Su Shang: Send you to a safe place first!!!】

【Su Shang: Just follow me】

【Su Shang: I will protect you if there is danger!!! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Paimon: Protect me too, Su Shang!!!】

【Su Shang: Let’s protect together!!!】

【Su Shang: Don’t underestimate this girl!!!】

【Su Shang: Even without Phoenix, I am still very strong!!!】

【Lin Yi: Then here comes the question】

【Lin Yi: Which one is more powerful, Ying or Sushang?】

【Su Shang:? ? ?】

【Ying: Huh? ? ?】

【Paimon: They're all awesome!!!】

【Tails: This little coward No. 2 knows how to carry water.】

【Paimon: I'm just cowardly, what's wrong?!!】

【Paimon: I am weak to begin with!!!】

【Huo Huo: That makes sense……】

【Huo Huo: I'm weak too... What's wrong with me?】

【Tails: I really won over you two cowards.】[]

Just when Su Shang was about to take Rakshasa and leave back to Starport.

Next short video.

Also refreshed the title

【we will meet again……】

【Ying: Will we meet again eventually?】

【Ying: Could it be that you are referring to me and my brother?】

【Ying: Can you finally let me know the whereabouts of my brother?】

【Paimon: Indeed】

【Paimon: It seems that Ying's brother is not in the group either.....】

【Lin Yi: Maybe he was in the group, but he didn’t say anything.】

【Zhongli: It is indeed possible】

【Ying: If it’s true, I have to tell my brother next time I see him……】

【Ying: Brother! There is no room for you in this home!!!】

【Lin Yi: Is it because you are with me?】

【fluorescent:? ? ?】

【Ying: 6!!!】

【Hutao: How many brothers and sisters are there in the group?】

【March 7: Aren’t the only ones in the group are Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka?】

【Jean: And Albedo and Kelly】

【Kelly: That’s right!】

【Keli: Keli also has brother Abedo!!!】

【Xier: Huh?】

【Xier: A mother?】

【Abedo: Not really】

【Albedo: It’s just that Ms. Alice asked me to take care of Kelly.】

【Abedo: Keli is indeed like my sister】

【Alice: Oh……】

【Alice: When will Abedo change his name and call me mom?】


【Abedo: I’m going to do an experiment】

【Lin Yi: Didn’t he also say that he had a sister on the Sunday he last appeared?】

【March 7: Yes……】

【March 7: Robin!!!】

【Jeppard: Lingke and I are also brother and sister, right?】

【Hutao: It seems that there are quite a lot of people in our group who have younger sisters.】

【Lin Yi: That’s great... I also want a daughter】

【Heita: We are obviously discussing my sister, why do you want to talk about my daughter?】

【Lin Yi: Because I think my daughter is better!!!】

【Lin Yi: Of course, my son is actually pretty good too.】

【Lin Yi: It would be better to have both children.】

【Ying: You should first find a wife who is willing to give birth to you.】

【Ying: Be careful Shen He doesn’t give birth to you!!!】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: It can’t be so fast!】

【True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang: How can I be decent if I am not married yet?】

【Master Li Shui Die Shan: This makes sense!!!】

【Shen He:……】

【Lin Yi: No……】

【Lin Yi: Don’t get excited】

【Lin Yi: I am still cultivating a relationship with Shen He!!!】

【Shen He: Yeah】

【Lin Yi: And I have no plans to raise children recently.】

【Ying: Your child should be more like Shen He】

【Ying: It’s over if I look like you】

【March 7: Another fun person, right?】

【Lin Yi: What happened to Leziren?】

【Lin Yi: What happened to you, Lezi people?】

【Lin Yi: Did the Lezi people steal your rice? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: What did we Lezi people do wrong? ? ?】

【Jing Yuan: The biggest fun person in this group is still banned.】

【Fu Xuan: It’s been almost half a month, right?】

【Fu Xuan: I don’t know how long this light curtain plans to silence Lord Chang Le Tian.】

【Lin Yi: Almost there】

【Lin Yi: I guess when the chicken finishes eating the rice, the dog finishes licking the noodles, and the fire breaks the lock……】

【Lin Yi: Then Aha can be released.】

【Jing Yuan: Then it’s the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, right?】

【Yanqing: The light screen must be powerful……】

【Yanqing: Not even the Star God is afraid】

【Lin Yi: Oh, right】

【Lin Yi: Yan Qing. 】1.0

【Yanqing: What’s wrong, Teacher Lin Xin?】

【Lin Yi: Didn’t you want to see my big sword before?】

【Lin Yi: It’s the one that appeared in the video】

【Lin Yi: That Jin Pika has returned the sword to me.】

【Lin Xin: After your crisis is resolved, I will lend you the sword to take a look at.】

【Yanqing: Great!!!】

【Lin Yi: I hope you can come to me with questions and answers after today’s video.】

【Lin Yi: I also want to see what rewards I can get!!!】

【Funina: Hahaha~】

【Funina: Don’t get punished if you answer the wrong question then~】

【Lin Qi: If you get the answer wrong, I will go crazy and eat your favorite cake to relieve my anger!!!】


【Funina: As long as I, the water god Fukalos, am here, you will definitely be able to answer correctly!!!】

【Lin Yi: If my answer is wrong, you can pledge yourself to me.】

【Lin Yi: In our hometown, apologies must be made with one's own body.】

【Funina: Climb!!!】

【March 7: Can the devil also have children?】

【Wendy:...that’s a really good question.】

【 time, don’t ask such tricky questions.】

【Shadow:... indeed】

【Fonina:...problems I never imagined】

【Zhongli: Xiao Sanyue’s questions sometimes make people think deeply.】

【Star: So will Star God have children?】

【Jing must be the Blazers’ problem that is more tricky.……】

【Lin Yi: Is this a sequelae of drinking that soothing tea?】

【Star: I'm back to normal!!! 】

And this time. named——

The short video"We will meet again eventually" also started to play.

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