After Yanhua finished lunch, she was going to go to the forest with Sha Lan. For no other reason than to catch white-legged six-legged insects.

Su Bai discussed with Yu Ying for a long time in the morning, and finally made up his mind to catch these bugs.

It just so happened that the cat-ear girls came back to Yong'an Building after training to have lunch, so I assigned them this task.

"Tap tap tap......"

The two of them left the Yanlong Tribe and went outside the tribe to get on the hot air balloon.

The hot air balloon slowly rose into the sky and flew towards the depths of the forest, because there was a large flower field deep in the forest.

You must know that it is a paradise for white-legged six-legged insects. If you go there to catch these medical creatures, you will definitely catch a lot of them.

"Ahua, do you think our tribe can really raise white-legged six-legged insects?"Sha Lan asked doubtfully.

The cat-eared lady is skeptical about this matter, and she doesn't know how the witch came up with such an idea.

But she thinks it's normal. After all, the honey produced by the white-legged six-legged insects is very delicious. It's not like no one has thought about raising this kind of creature before.

It's just that it's not easy to raise this kind of creature. Although it eats very simple things, it's impossible to let it stay in the tribe obediently. things, so those people gradually gave up on this illusion.

"The witch must have a way. If he had no way, he wouldn't let us catch these bugs."Yanhua said firmly.

Niujiao Niang still has great confidence in Su Bai, because since he took over the tribe, the changes in the tribe have been visible to the naked eye. If there is really no way, it is impossible to rashly delegate They come to do this task.

Because they have to train soldiers every day, and there are many other things to do.

If you are not sure and assign them to do this task, wouldn't it be a waste of everyone's time?

"That's right. If this is really the case, our tribe will have a steady stream of candy to eat in the future. Sha Lan said happily.

The cat-eared girl was no stranger to the word"sugar" because she had heard Su Bai explain it before.

"But how do we catch it? This is a relatively difficult question."Yanhua thought seriously.

From the time she set out until now, the horned lady has been thinking about how to capture these white-legged six-legged insects back to the tribe.

"Didn’t the witch warn us when we set out? As long as we put their empty nest shoes in the box and then put the box among the flowers. Sha Lan said

"Yes, yes, and you have to capture the insect king so that you can get a whole box of white-legged six-legged insects."Yanhua blinked her red eyes.

"I wonder how long we have to leave the box there?" Sha Lan asked curiously.

The cat-eared girl can't wait to try the taste of this honey. The last time she ate it seemed to be a few years ago.

She hasn't eaten this honey for a long time and has almost forgotten the taste of it. Got it

"Maybe it needs to be left for a while, otherwise not many of those bugs will get in."Yanhua guessed

"That's it."Sha Lan flicked the cat's tail.


The hot air balloon kept flying deep into the forest, and its destination was the flower field.

More than two hours later, the two finally arrived at the spacious flower field, which was the flower field where they went to the New Pink Flower Festival every year.

Every year, a large number of young men and women come here to sing and dance in the flower field.

Therefore, when the Pink Flower Festival comes every year, the white-legged hexapod will also hide its presence.

Because they clearly know that the honey they produce is everyone’s favorite food, and they cannot be caught at this juncture.

"This flower field is really beautiful."Sha Lan's blue eyes widened instantly.

It was the first time for the cat-eared girl to come to this flower field, so she was very impressed by the size of this flower field.

In addition to the size of this flower field, the most important thing is this The fragrance of flowers emanating from the flower fields, and the colorful sights of the past

"It is indeed beautiful, it is hard to believe that there are still those bugs growing under this flower field. Yanhua slowly stepped off the hot air balloon and continued:"But how do they produce those honeys?""

"What Wu said seems to be that they all feed on pollen and honey, and this flower field is their biggest hunting ground."Sha Lan remembered Su Bai's words very clearly.

The cat-eared girl was no better than Yanhua. She always listened carefully when Su Bai was talking. She was afraid of missing some useful information, but the horn-eared girl was different. , after hearing about the new mission, the star had already flown away from the Yanlong tribe. All he could think about was rushing to carry out this mission, and he didn’t remember Su Bai’s words very clearly.

But Su Bai also understood clearly. This is why she specially asked the cat-eared girl to go with her this time.

The two of them are the best partners. One is very calm and has a very good memory, and the other is very brave and very strong.

"That's it. I didn't expect that the pollen could still be eaten." Yanhua squatted down as if she didn't understand.

She slowly picked a nearby flower, and then tentatively put it in front of her mouth.

"You don't really want to try the smell of pollen, do you?"Sha Lan looked at each other in surprise.

"Yes, since these honeys come from pollen, it means that these pollen must be delicious."Yanhua put the flower in her mouth without hesitation.

"Then don't......"Before Sha Lan finished speaking, there was a sound of vomiting.

"Bah bah bah......."Yanhua slapped her tongue crazily and said in disgust:"This pollen is so unpalatable, how could the honey be produced here?"

She felt that her tongue was very bitter now, and she regretted that she shouldn't have eaten the flowers so hastily.

"I have already warned you. You have forgotten what Wu said about processing. This must be processed."Shalan covered her mouth and smiled.

The cat-eared girl was very funny when she saw the other party, and the way she kept sticking her tongue out was very cute.

"I......for a while......How can I think of this?.......many."Yanhua kept sticking out her tongue and said vaguely.

"Okay, the most important thing now is to find the Insect King quickly. This flower is so big, I don’t know when to find it." Sha Lan urged.

It's already afternoon, and there isn't much time for them to play.

"That's right, I almost forgot the most important task."Yanhua immediately retracted her tongue and became serious.

The two of them began to lean over and search among the flowers..........................................

"Second update, please support and customize."

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