Chapter 582: Weird feeling. (4 more, please customize)

The Giant Bear Tribe is now in a mess, and many wooden houses outside the tribe have collapsed.

It looked as if something serious had happened, with more than half of the wooden wall collapsed.

The ground was covered with stone knives, bone knives, animal skins, feathers of some ferocious beasts, and a lot of fallen wood.

The snow was piled so high that it looked like a hill, and there were piles of hills everywhere.

Kai's head popped up from a pile of thick snow. His face was covered with scars, and he looked like he had experienced something serious.

He breathed in big gulps of air, a little out of breath due to the accumulation of snow, and almost suffocated under the snow.

"Almost died."Kai was still a little frightened.

He recalled the scene that had just happened and it was still vivid in his mind. The huge beast shocked many people as soon as it flew out. It was very huge, and its pair of wing spots kept flapping vigorously, screaming. It kept ringing.

The ferocious beast hovered in the sky for a long time, and then began to swoop down and rush towards the warriors.

All those warriors were directly knocked down by the ferocious beast, several warriors with one claw.

And it rushed Xiang's warriors are all preparatory warriors, and those preparatory warriors are even less able to parry. The totem warriors can still resist well and will not be directly controlled by the flying beast.

That beast is also very smart. , the people selected are not very defensive, but the Totem Warrior did not choose

"How is everyone doing?"Kai kept scanning the surroundings, trying to find if there were still people from the tribe.

After all, those warriors fought hard to resist the ferocious beast, and then they drove the ferocious beast away.

But at the same time, the wooden houses and tents outside the tribe were all crowded. A lot of it was destroyed, and at the same time, it was snowing heavily in the sky. The amount of snowfall was very heavy, and it quickly piled up on the ground.

When I looked around, I didn't see anyone, I just saw a mess. , it’s so messy everywhere

"Luo, Li, where are you? orchid!"Kai has been shouting loudly, also looking for his father's figure.

Because what he just saw was his father resisting that ferocious beast, and it was precisely because of his father that he killed the ferocious beast. The beast had been driven away, otherwise the tribe would not have known what would have happened.

But because of this, his father was seriously injured, because he saw with his own eyes the claws of the vicious beast sliding directly from his father's back.

"Father, are you still there?"Kai kept shouting, and he began to prepare for the worst in his mind. Is he the only warrior of the tribe left?

Because it has been a while since he emerged from the snowdrift, but Didn't see anyone

"Boom boom boom......"

Bursts of dull sounds sounded, and the heads of many soldiers popped out of the snow.

Several familiar figures slowly began to appear, and Luo and Lan were among the voices.

Of course, I also have my own father. It seems that his back is only injured and his life is not in great danger.

"That's great. It seems everyone is fine."Kai breathed a deep sigh of relief.

He thought that it would be good if everyone was fine, otherwise he would not know what to do if the entire tribe of warriors were left alone.

What's more, the scene that just happened was not likely to make the entire tribe of warriors After all, the ferocious beast only made a lot of noise, but only dozens of people were injured in the end.

In addition, the most serious ones were the wooden houses, tents, and collapsed wooden walls. This is The place with the most serious losses

"Are you OK?"Shan came out of the snowdrift and walked towards his son.

Kai also walked out of the snowdrift, patted the snow on his body and said,"Father, I'm fine. The wound on your back needs to be repaired with the witch dominoes as soon as possible."

"This minor injury is okay. Can you help me find out how many warriors the tribe has lost, and how many warriors are still alive?"Shan ordered.

As the chief of the tribe, he doesn't have much time to take care of the injuries at this time. The most important thing is to count the tribe's warriors.

Because the scene that just happened was so sudden that None of the soldiers reacted, which resulted in a lot of injuries to the soldiers.

"yes."Kai nodded, turned around and ran to start counting people.

"Tap tap tap......"

Shan looked at his son's leaving figure, then scanned the surrounding environment, and found that the outside of the tribe had become a mess.

He sighed and said in a deep voice:"It is a heavy blow to have the outside of the tribe become like this at this time."

Because now is the period of ice and snow, it is difficult to restore the outside of the tribe to its original appearance.

Because the people of the tribe have never worked during the period of heavy ice and snow, now it means that everyone has to start repairing the wooden walls and wooden houses.

Because as soon as the big ice and snow ends, eternal night will immediately follow. Without wooden walls, the giant bear tribe will be in crisis again.

"What is the origin of this ferocious beast? Why is it so lethal? and......And the weather feels different too."Shan frowned.

When he was fighting the ferocious beast just now, he could clearly feel that the snow in the sky was getting heavier and heavier.

It was not the kind of sudden heavy snowstorm, but a somewhat inexplicable heavy snow. The overall feeling was very strange, and the whole body was covered with snow in less than a minute.

Moreover, it was impossible for the tribe's current accumulation of blood to cover them, but they were all covered under the heavy snow just now, and it was very difficult. Obviously the weather has changed a bit

"It would be terrible if a tribe of ferocious beasts like this appeared again." Shan murmured to himself, his heart full of worry.

Because there is no solution at this time, the only way is to fight them with bare hands. After all, their weapons have no effect on them..........................................

"Fourth update, please support and customize."

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