Chapter 544: Shelf life is one month. (4 more, please customize)

Yuying braved the heavy snow and returned to Yong'an Building with a lot of flowers. The Niujiao Ladies helped dust the snow off her body.

She smiled and said,"Witch, it's so warm inside the greenhouse, and all the flowers are blooming beautifully."

The fox-eared girl's favorite place to go is inside the greenhouse, because she feels it's very warm inside.

And when you go inside, you can also see the emerald green color, as well as the colors of other flowers, which cannot be seen in the white snow.

So I am very happy when I go inside the wooden shed every morning. In addition to feeling the warmth, the second thing is the colorful plants.

"Drink a cup of hot water quickly, don't catch a cold."Su Bai warned, it's so cold outside now that you still have to be careful.

Although there is a cure, it's still very uncomfortable when you catch a cold. It's better to avoid it if you can.

"I'm fine, Wu. I got the flowers back. How do I make perfume?"Yu Ying asked impatiently.

This time she went to the greenhouse for a very short time because she wanted to know how to make perfume quickly, so she walked very fast every time she went there, even if it was snowing outside.

But Fortunately, all the snow has been cleared away, and it is not an obstacle to walking, so it takes less time.

"Witch, do you just use these flowers to make perfume?"Yanhua asked curiously. When Fox-Eared Lady left, she asked what perfume was.

After getting the explanation, she became excited and wished she could go pick flowers with her.

"Well, just use these flowers to make perfume, and it’s very simple and doesn’t take much time."Su Bai said with a smile.

He carefully thought about the books and videos he had read on Earth last night, and realized that making perfume is actually not difficult, and there are only a few steps required.

"Wu, do you need us to do anything?"Shalan twitched her cat ears, with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Take these flowers and wash them, make sure they're clean, and then take the alcohol over here."Su Bai ordered

"yes."The three girls said in unison and began to divide their work.

Ten minutes later, all the flowers were cleaned, and there were still water drops on the delicate flowers. A bottle of alcohol was also put aside.

Su Bai took the lead and took out a handful of roses, which were also planted from a large number of flower seeds bloomed by the previous system.

The packet of flower seeds bloomed by the system contained many kinds of flowers, and he did not know what kind of flowers they were. So he scattered them all and planted them.

He picked half of the roses and put them all in a bowl. After all the rose petals were picked, he took out a stick and started to pick the roses. Stabbed them all to pieces

"Wu, why is this step happening? These flowers are so beautiful, why do they have to be ruined?"Yu Ying asked curiously.

Fox-eared lady still likes roses very much, and she likes them even more since she learned about the meaning of roses.

No matter the appearance of roses or the fragrance of roses, they are the same every time they go to the greenhouse. long time

"This will allow the fragrance of the rose to spread more thoroughly, making the perfume more fragrant."Su Bai explained.

He smashed all the rose petals and put them into a small bottle. Then he unscrewed the alcohol and poured it in.

"Wu, why do you need to pour alcohol? You didn’t say alcohol was used for disinfection before."Yu Ying has doubts again.

"This is also to allow the fragrance to evaporate better, so that the fragrance of the rose can be directly integrated into the alcohol."Su Bai said while operating.

"So that's it."Yu Ying nodded as if she understood, her pink eyes kept looking at the operation.

Because she just said that she could make her own perfume, she had to record this operation.

Su Bai poured the alcohol into the After putting the rose petals inside, he began to cover the bottle and shake it to ensure that the alcohol and rose petals were perfectly integrated.

After completing this operation, he took out a small piece of linen and placed it on the outlet of the bottle..

Then he took out another bottle and poured the shaken rose petal alcohol water through the linen into another bottle.

"Wu, what is this step for?"Yu Ying looked at it carefully.

"This will filter out excess impurities from the rose petals, so that the perfume that comes out will be relatively pure."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he completed this step, took the bottle and continued:"In this way, a bottle of perfume is ready."

Yu Ying's pink eyes widened and she said in shock:"Wu, is making perfume so easy?"

"Of course, this is just a simple perfume and it is not difficult. When conditions permit, you can make more advanced perfumes in the future."Su Bai nodded and said.

This is the method used by ancient people to make perfume. It is not difficult and almost everyone can make it.

But the only disadvantage is that the shelf life is too short and can only be stored for about a month.

Unlike The perfumes made on the earth after many processes can be stored for several years.

But in the primitive era, it was already very good to be able to make a perfume with a shelf life of one month. After all, not everyone in the primitive era had alcohol. Yes.

Su Bai can make perfume only by relying on the large bottle of alcohol dispensed by the system.

"That being the case, I learned."Yuying shook her pink fox tail. Such a simple production process was not difficult for her.

"Wu, how long does it take to use this perfume?"Yanhua put her eyes close to the bottle and looked at it carefully.

The bottle was either a transparent bottle or a small porcelain product.

"Leave it for a while until the fragrance is completely released and then use it." Su Bai said.

In fact, he was not very sure whether this method could be successfully produced. He had only seen it in books and videos. He had not practiced it himself, so he could only see the results.

"I know, then I’m going to start making perfume too."Yanhua was so excited that she stood on tiptoe.

"Okay, you can choose the flowers you like and start making them. If you don’t understand, please ask me."Su Bai said

"Yes, I want to choose this red rose, which is the same color as my eyes."Yanhua took the rose in one fell swoop.

"I also like roses, so I will also make rose perfume."Yu Ying also picked up two roses.

Sha Lan just picked up a handful of lavender and said,"This smell is quite special. I like it very much.""

"Be careful with the alcohol when handling."Su Bai warned.

"yes!"The girls said in unison.........................................

"Fourth update, please support and customize."

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