Chapter 497: Totally worth it. (4 more requests for customization)

On a street not far from Yong'an Building, a barbecue restaurant opened quietly.

Nowadays, the houses of Yanlong tribe are planned like this. The second floor is used for living, and the first floor is used for shops.

It’s just that there are almost no stores to be opened now, so people are still living there.

But as long as there is a store, the space on the first floor will be cleared for the store.

The barbecue restaurant is on the first floor of the first restaurant on this street, and the location is very large.

There is also a conspicuous plaque hanging above the door, with three big characters written on the plaque: Barbeque Restaurant.

At this moment, the entrance of the barbecue restaurant is already crowded with people, and people are already queuing up one after another.

Initially, everyone did not line up, but after being severely scolded by the owner of the barbecue restaurant, they started to line up obediently.

The owner of the BBQ restaurant said that if you don't line up obediently, there is no way to enter the BBQ restaurant, and the order in which you enter the BBQ restaurant is the order you queue up.

If they make trouble, they will never be able to eat barbecue, or even be kicked out of the Yanlong tribe.

So everyone didn't dare to mess around easily, and they all lined up obediently. Of course, not the entire tribe was queuing up, there were also many people watching.

This also resulted in the huge crowds of people in the scene just now, and there were crowds of people everywhere.

"If you want to enter a barbecue restaurant to eat fried meat, you must do double the labor today."The shopkeeper shouted loudly at the door.

After all, there is no currency in this primitive era, so this is the only way to collect rewards.

"If you don't want to work so hard, you can bring something in exchange."The barbecue shop owner continued.

In addition to working, you can still collect some things. For example, those people will also have some strange animal skins or beautiful animal teeth at home.

Or some strange things, Because some people married from other tribes, of course they would bring some different things with them.

Although these things are not very useful, after all, they can win by quantity.

Those people in line all started to get restless. Everyone was looking forward to entering the barbecue restaurant.

Some people had prepared things for exchange, and both hands were full of things. They were all very excited, and they were talking about it.

"I didn’t expect that the witch guild would open this shop in the tribe called.......It's called a barbecue restaurant"

"Yes, the smell coming out of it is so fragrant, it must be delicious."

"The smell is the best I have ever smelled, and I don’t know what it will be like."

"Will it be better than the barbecue we had before? I see there are so many people here. I don’t know how long the queue will last."


There were endless discussions, but everyone's eyes were only looking at one place, and that was inside the barbecue restaurant.

The decoration in the barbecue shop is very simple, with several tables placed and a big hole dug in the middle of the table.

There is a large stone pot placed in the cave. There is a lot of red charcoal placed in the stone pot. There is also a thin stone slab placed on top of the stone pot. That stone slab is used for barbecue.

There is no decoration except for tables and chairs, but it looks clean and tidy.

"Tap tap tap......"

The manager of the barbecue restaurant arranged at the door for a while, and then asked the waiter to start letting people in.

This barbecue restaurant has also solved many people's work problems, because working here is a long-term job.

The barbecue restaurant manager was selected through the chief. After all, he knew the people of the tribe relatively well and knew who was qualified for this position.

Gradually, people at the door entered the barbecue restaurant one after another and started eating.

"Zila Zila......"

The sound of the beast meat placed on the stone slab is irresistible, and the smell of the meat is also very strong, especially after adding condiments.

It was the first time for those people to eat barbecue with seasonings. Before, they rarely even ate salt when eating barbecue. Now they can actually eat barbecue with seasonings. The expressions on their faces must be happy.

After everyone took a bite of the barbecue, they praised it again and again. It was so delicious that they couldn't even open their eyes.

"This barbecue is so delicious, it’s even better than the ones I’ve had before."

"Yes, I thought it would be similar to the meat with salt added before, but unexpectedly it tasted new."

"I really love this taste. I am willing to eat this every day. I can keep eating it."

"You think so, who wouldn't want to eat this every day? But I'm willing to work twice as hard to eat these barbecued meats"

"It turns out that it was totally worth waiting in line for so long. The meat is so delicious."


Compliments are endless in the barbecue restaurant, and everyone who has eaten barbecue praises it.

And everyone ate a lot. Of course, the more you eat, the more things you have to do, and the more you eat, the more things you have to exchange.

But those people couldn't help it and ate one portion after another without caring about doing more things.

"Tap tap tap......"

There was an endless stream of people inside the barbecue, with groups leaving and coming, and there was a steady stream of people queuing at the door.

Those who were still watching, couldn't help but start lining up after hearing the words of praise from those who had eaten.

The time lasted until dusk, and the number of people in line did not decrease at all.

People in the barbecue shop are very busy. They are always adding charcoal, cutting meat, arranging condiments, etc.

"I didn’t expect that so many people were willing to come. I thought there was no one at first."The manager of the barbecue restaurant murmured to himself.

When he heard that he was going to open a barbecue restaurant, he was very confused. He didn't know why he wanted to open this thing.

So he was not optimistic at first, but he didn't expect it. It will be so hot

"It seems that I will be busy until late, but today's harvest is also very good."The manager of the barbecue restaurant said to himself.

Today the store received a lot of good things, which he has never seen before.

If it weren't for this barbecue restaurant, those people probably wouldn't take out these good things. Bar

"If you keep driving, you might be able to get something better."The barbecue restaurant manager thought to himself

"Tap tap tap......"

The manager of the barbecue restaurant stood at the door and watched the people coming and going. There was no need for him to shout anything, and those people started queuing up consciously.

Because everyone who has eaten barbecue spreads it by word of mouth, so those people are very conscious when they come.

I didn’t believe it at first, but when I smelled the fragrance at the door, I was completely impressed..........................................

"Fourth update, please support and customize."

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