“How do you want to die?”

Bang bang bang!


In the next moment, Naruto’s countless shadow clones had swooped out from behind Zabuzhan, surrounding them and pressing them to the ground.

“Pillar, I didn’t tell you, why do you have to pretend before you start?”

Naruto’s voice followed.

And now, he has met Sasuke’s angry face.


They fought.

Bai Ye is not interested in this. Now he has achieved his goal and is looking for another goal.

With his white eyes open, he swept forward and muttered.

“So, are you male or female?”

Seventh more

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Chapter 132 The perfect mission process, returning to Konoha, shocked the sand ninja crowd. (1)

Zaibuzhu has been taken by Naruto.

Their seventh shift tasks will also be upgraded.

But this has nothing to do with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye’s team just came over to make a name and let his disciples increase the amount of tasks.

There is only one point of concern now.

That’s the white gender issue.

There are different opinions in the original book, but the old thief means that he is a man.

Bai Ye expressed dissatisfaction with this.

He’s just a manga-knowing Naruto.

But after a few seconds, Bai Ye let out a sigh.


People not only draw comics, but the setting of this dimensional world has not been changed because of his curiosity.

But think about it.

If Bai was a woman, he would have been picked up by Buchan for so long.

I guess there are kids now.

Bai is indeed a man, which makes Bai Ye a little regretful.

For Naruto and the others, the Land of Waves action had little impact.

Even if there is no more slashing, there should be no problem with this mission.


Just after opening his eyes, he discovered an interesting thing.

Back to his private car.

Bai Ye glanced at Shion who was sitting there, who was confronting Rabbit Kaguya, and smiled.

She is not a ninja, so she is naturally inferior to his disciples in terms of physique.

So this time, his disciples also followed Zhanguang into Bai Ye’s exclusive car.

However, those female disciples naturally didn’t know that only the women of Bai Ye were lucky enough to get in the car, so they had no chance to go back in the future.


Bai Ye knew that as long as the necklace on Shion’s chest was broken, her power as a witch would explode.

She is by no means a vase.

Rather, she is a shrine maiden who has the power to seal monsters.

To a certain extent, the power of the witch has already involved the rules, but the embarrassing thing is that the rules she involves are not very useful for the protagonist of the dimensional world.

Ordinary people will see the ending at a glance by her.

According to Bai Ye’s conjecture, the power inherited by the witch is much higher than that of Toad Maru, and in a sense, it is similar to his pupil reincarnation ban.

The difference is that she can only watch, not stop.

And Bai Ye opened the reincarnation after the ban was lifted, and he could handle everything in the reincarnation at will.

“What happened outside just now?”

Seeing Bai Ye come in, Zi Yuan asked curiously.

In front of him is the only person who can’t see the future clearly. Of course, there is another rabbit who can’t see through.

The mother saw that the monster was completely destroyed by this man, but she was still a little uncertain.

“Small things, not worth mentioning.”

Bai Ye said calmly.

“I can feel those things approaching.”

Shion looked a little pessimistic.

It’s been like this time and time again.

When she can predict the death of others, she naturally wants to keep a distance from others.

The kind-hearted she knows that as long as those people leave her, she can avoid bad luck.

“No need to panic, they and Sasuke will solve it.”

Bai Ye’s tone was calm, as if dealing with a trivial matter.

“The coming of monsters will destroy the world~”

Shion sincerely reminded.

She really didn’t know why this man was so confident.

The existence of the witch is to deal with the constant resurrection.

This is the inherent impression she has left after being taught since she was a child.

“Your mother should have said in her suicide note that monsters will end because of me.”

“You should believe her, and I’m sure the end she’s talking about is the kind that won’t be resurrected.”

Why is this man so confident?

Shion was silent.

The reminder was not taken seriously, and she seemed a little sullen, pouting like a squirrel.

She said that this time she also entrusted Konoha to help with her mother’s suicide note, but she never thought that in the end, Hokage just sent this beautiful man and his female apprentices.

Although after a month of special training, the mental outlook of these ninjas has improved a lot.

But is this kind of strength that has just graduated for a month, does it really have a chance of winning against monsters?


“Do not think too much.”

Bai Ye’s voice came lingeringly, and he naturally put it in front of Shion, helping her to open the curtain and point out.

“What you value and fear is not worth mentioning to me.”

“Similarly, the guy called sprite, if it wasn’t for the experience of my disciple, it would be dead now.”


You are right.

Shion blushed slightly and stepped back slightly.

She felt that Bai Ye was a little too close.

Since childhood, except for her mother, no one has approached her within one meter.

Even her bodyguards.

Bai Ye smiled.

There is no explanation.


Before he left for the country of ghosts, he had already sensed it.

That thing is similar to a soul body that can absorb negative energy and become stronger.

And that soul body has already materialized itself in order to turn its malice into a physical attack.

This means that ordinary moves can attack sprites.

But the point that it is difficult to deal with is that every time the entity is destroyed and sealed, it can be resurrected again and again.

The test Bai Ye gave to his disciples was to destroy the entity of sprites.

As for preventing its resurrection, he did it himself.

Under the lifting of the ban on reincarnation, there is no such thing as soul, immortality and immortality!


At this moment, Shion, who had finally regained her composure, exclaimed and looked outside.

The plot that appeared in the original appeared.

Countless manipulated, terracotta-like stones swept in.

and this.

It was also the first step to test the strength of his own disciple.

next moment.

Bai Ye’s disciples moved.

Tian Tian folded her hands calmly, and in just a few seconds, a golden star appeared on her forehead, and the surging natural energy around her began to gather towards her!

This is the power given by the teacher!

With a trace of natural energy source as a guide, you can instantly enter the fairy mode.

When they are familiar with this kind of power method, the power that belongs to Bai Ye will also be absorbed, leaving a complete imprint.

That’s why it was said that these disciples couldn’t run away when they first joined the sect.

The laser cannon landed, and she jumped into the air excitedly and fired directly at the ground!



The earth trembled.

The rays of the laser cannon instantly swept across the ghost army that resembled the Terracotta Warriors.

The first show every day is quite shocking.

But others were not left behind either.

Hinata’s eyes flashed a touch of firmness, and after she opened her eyes, Roubu Double Lion Fist started directly.

The amazing Immortal Chakra gathered in her hands, and the originally blue fists were dyed with a touch of golden light. She rushed forward to face the group of ghost corps with a gossip empty palm, and the effect was also extremely amazing.

When the soft step double lion fist is added with the change of the chakra nature, the soft fist method has the long-range attack effect, and the lethality is increased several times.

Sakura had already taken out the gloves and entered the inner mode, and punched a deep hole round with her unpretentious fist.

Ino controlled the overall situation, went deep behind the enemy and found the location of the enemy leader Huangquan, and then connected with others to give precise coordinates.


Xianglin also made a move at this moment.

She raised her arms high.

One after another golden chains appeared from her palm, and then began to intertwine in the air.

When a dazzling golden lightsaber slammed into the position given by Ino, the battle was perfectly brought to an end.

Very simple encounter.

Totally worthless.

Completely different from the original.

Because of Bai Ye’s forcible intervention.

The mission of the country of ghosts, which originally conflicted with the time of the escort mission of the country of waves, was directly integrated.

In the distance, Naruto and the others rushed over when they heard the movement, but when they came, the battle was over.

“�”So sturdy, this is the result of a month of training in Bai Ye?”

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