I, The Grandson of Garp, Scared Luffy Into Tears

I, the grandson of Garp, scaring Luffy with a ghost back Chapter 138

"Move for me!"

Feeling the loss of control of his feet, Oren kept roaring.

The roar is deafening,

Like a beast locked in an iron cage.

His burly body ten meters tall, and his huge calf like the trunk of a lush tree, has been completely frozen, so that even if he spends a lot of energy, he still can't break the frozen subsidence.

His body was firmly stuck to the ground.

Even if you struggle so hard...

I want to break free from the ice cubes under my feet.

But he never could.

The power of the ice cubes under his feet is too terrifying, and in an instant, his calf and the ice cubes from the ground are fused into one.

regardless of each other,

Can't let go.

Oren, incarnated in the form of a raging bear, has the blood of the giant family. It stands to reason that his power should be very terrifying.


Even with the terrifying power he currently possesses, he still cannot break free from the freezing erosion under his feet.

It can be seen from this.

Aokiji's ultimate move, the Ice Age, is so terrifying.

bow your head,

Looking at the two legs that had been frozen into ice, (cjde) Oren shook his head bitterly and sighed. His face was ashen, and he chose to give up the struggle with a look of despair.

he knows.

From the very beginning, facing a terrifying monster like Aokiji, he had absolutely no chance of winning.

It's just unpredictable after all.

The difference in strength is so huge!

Just one day, one place!

Heaven and Earth!

"Lieutenant Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters really lives up to its reputation."

"I admit it."

Oren was devastated and disheartened.


The ice cubes extending all the way from under his feet gradually froze Oren's waist down completely.

A body ten meters tall...

The lower body of nearly five meters was frozen!

The speed of freezing extension is still accelerating.

Blink of an eye.

The chill swept across Oren's neck, freezing him down completely.

After a while.

Oren is completely frozen!

including the brain...

All were completely frozen into ice by the cold air.

So far,

Oren declares defeat!


Killed by Aokiji with one move!

There was almost nothing to fight back.

This is the difference in strength between the pirates of 60 million Berries and the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

like a gulf,


in the sun.

A huge ice sculpture ten meters tall stood quietly on this chaotic and dirty street, covered with ice cubes, reflecting the golden halos scattered from the sky.

very smooth,

Crystal clear.

Like a crystal statue.

The devil Oren, reduced to a frozen statue, motionless.

Completely sealed in ice.

this time.

If there is an external force attacking Oren, his body will become extraordinarily fragile, and in an instant, it will be reduced to countless broken ice cubes, which will cause the body to be torn apart and die on the spot.

Objects frozen into ice...

become extremely fragile!

Broken in one hit.

Once broken...

Life will wither.

Even the corpse can't be preserved intact.

Countless pieces of corpse debris were torn apart.

this moment,

An incomparably huge ice sculpture was quietly placed on this street, attracting many eyes from the audience, looking at the ice sculpture formed by the devil Oren.

The atmosphere is quiet!

quite a while,


The green pheasant exhaled lightly, even if it was a breath of air, it was a grayish-white cold air, trying to completely freeze the airflow in the space.


Withdrew the pair of hands that were close to the ground, Aokiji slowly stood up from the ground, clapped his hands, and looked at Oren, the demon who was reduced to an ice sculpture, with satisfaction.

Looking at his masterpiece, Aokiji becomes more satisfied and gratified the more he sees it.

The big pirate with a bounty of up to 60 million Berry...

at best,

It can only be a toy in the hands of Aokiji.

It was casually played between the palms of the hands by the green pheasants.

"This time..."

"Isn't it supposed to be crushed by that kid Lu En?"

"You have your overlord color, I have my frozen fruit!"

Aokiji thought to himself.

With the captain of the Demon Pirates, Majin Oren, he was killed by Aokiji in one move...

So far,

It can also be officially announced.

The Devil's Pirates are completely gone!

from this date.

In this sea, there is no longer the so-called Demon Pirates.

Just today...

They were all wiped out by Vice Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters, plus a four-year-old monster!


From the beginning to the end, Admiral Aokiji was only at the last moment, he took action to deal with Majin Oren, the captain of the Majin Pirates.

As for the remaining 3,000-odd crew members of the Demon Pirates?

It was killed by a four-year-old monster! .

Chapter 100 More terrifying than Lieutenant General Qingzhi, the four-year-old! 【12/10 Please customize】

"So strong!"

"Is this the strength of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"

"One move to kill 60 million big pirate devil Oren!"

Dozens of navies stared blankly at the huge ice sculpture standing a hundred meters away.

can be clearly seen.

The appearance of the ice sculpture was exactly the same as that of the devil Oren, and the other party was frozen inside the ice block, unable to move, and turned into a statue.

"Actually, I want to say more."

When people were lamenting the strength of Qingzhi, a navy said weakly, "Don't you think that the four-year-old gentleman is more terrifying than Lieutenant General Qingzhi?"

"He's only four years old..."

"However, he killed 99% of the members of the Demon Pirates with his own power!"

"As for Lieutenant General Aokiji, he only dealt with the demon Aurun. The rest of the people were dealt with by that one alone."


"Still destroy the audience with an absolutely crushing attitude!"

"More than 3,000 pirates were killed in an instant, and the captain of the three Devil Pirates who offered a reward of tens of millions of Berry was also brutally killed by three punches."

"That one, he's only four years old! When it comes to who is more monster, even Lieutenant Admiral Aokiji will look particularly inferior in front of that one, right?"

The words fall.

A group of navy was stunned.


They nodded with amazement in their hearts, agreeing with this remark.


"Even if you look at this sea, you can't find a second monster of this level."

"By contrast."

"Even if it is the incomparably powerful Lieutenant General Aokiji, it doesn't feel more terrifying than that four-year-old monster!"

"You're so powerful at the age of four. With time, wouldn't it be easy to surpass Lieutenant General Aokiji?"

"I also feel that way."

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