I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 652: Gu Yan still doesn't want to recognize him

   Chapter 652 Gu Yan still doesn't want to recognize him

   "What?!" Guo Rou was shocked.

  Her mouth grows big, and she didn't close it for a long time.

  Guo Rou could not even imagine that if Gu Yan did not come to the special training team and did not take part in the Interstellar League test later, instead he would return to his hometown and marry such a scum...

   Then how miserable her life should be!

  Gu Yan guessed what she was thinking from Guo Rou's worried eyes.

Gu Yan shook his head slowly, and said, "Don't worry, look at me, isn't it good now. Since ancient times, evil has been rewarded. A scumbag like Wang Tiejiang will definitely be subject to the law. Sanctions!"


  The two of them returned to bed late due to special reasons, but after clarifying the reason, Han Jiao did not embarrass them, so she asked them to go back to the dormitory to rest.

  After Gu Yan slept, she woke up a little tired.

  She looked at the upper bunk next to her and found that Zhang Cuihua had not returned.

  I didn’t see that Zhang Cuihua also had such a time when it was so affectionate and righteous.

   She Gu Yan hooked the corner of her mouth and used her supernatural ability to get rid of her tiredness, and then went to the reception room to call Xie Luan.

  Xie Luan happened to be the one who answered the phone.

  Hearing Gu Yan's voice, Xie Luan was very happy.

  Gu Yan could hear the excitement in her voice through the phone line.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Gu Yan always felt that his mother Xie Luan was not happy at the Bai’s family. Although the people of the Bai family are not bad in character, at least Father Bai and Bai Jianjun will not be good if they are not good in character. Will sit in the current position.

  But they are a little negligent towards their family... after all.

Gu Yan felt sorry for her mother Xie Luan, so she said, "Mom, do you have time today? I want to invite you to my new home. Of course, the new home has not been cleaned up. I don’t know how to put some furniture better. Can you advise me on the staff?"


  This must be possible!

  As Xie Luan became more and more healthy, she felt that the atmosphere of the family was too low.

   is too depressing.

  Xie Luan wanted to go out for a stroll.

  Unfortunately, Changle went to another place to perform a mission recently.

  Xie Luan usually accompanied Bai Changle when she went out.

  Gu Yan didn’t want to go to the Bai’s house, but she didn’t worry about thanking Luan alone, so she said, “Mom, then you clean up and go to the gate of the noble district later. Will we make peace?”


  Xie Luan happily hung up the phone, and when he turned around, he saw Mr. Bai slowly walking out of the stairs.

During this period of time, Mr. Bai has never seen Xie Luan’s smiling face. Today, when she saw that she looked good, and the smile on her face hadn’t recovered, he couldn’t help but ask softly, "Xie Luan, who called me just now? Why are you so happy?"

  Although the old man’s eyes were a little expectant, Xie Luan put away his smile and said softly, “It’s Xiaoyan, she asked me to go shopping.”

  Old man Bai never admits that the unpleasant feeling in his heart is called jealousy.

  Gu Yan does not recognize him.

  Gu Yan still didn't want to recognize him.

  Old man Bai lowered his eyes, the expression on his face became more serious, but Xie Luan didn't think so much, and immediately went back upstairs to change clothes and clean up.

  Wait until Xie Luan was ready, and when he went downstairs, he found that Mr. Bai was still standing in the living room.

  Old man Bai's expression stopped, there was a sentence that had been lingering in his mind for a long time, but he couldn't say it.

  Finally, suddenly changed direction.

  Originally, Xiaoluan, your health is not good, let me go to see Xiaoyan with you.

  In the end, because of face and entanglement, it became, "Xiaoluan, you have just recovered, so you should pay attention to it when you go out."

  (End of this chapter)

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