Chapter 87 Pony: I was cut off by my own people?.

Before the meeting,

Xiao Ma had obviously already greeted all the board members, so everyone was not surprised that Chen Fei had joined the board. After hearing what Pony said,

These executives sitting in the conference room also smiled and greeted Chen Fei: “Hello Mr. Chen!” ”

“Mr. Chen, it’s nice to meet you!”

Seeing that everyone greeted Chen Fei, Xiao Ma Ge smiled and explained for Chen Fei: “President Chen, let me introduce you to everyone.” ”

“Tianping, you already know, he is now the general manager and executive director of our [Goose Factory].”

“This is Xu Chen, he is the chief information officer of our [Goose Factory].”

“This is Zhang Dalong, the general head of the VX business department..”

Brother Xiaoma introduced all the executives present to Chen Fei, which also gave Chen Fei a certain understanding of everyone’s identity.

Those who can attend the [Board of Directors] meeting all present hold a certain share of the [Goose Factory].

Among them, there are senior management, and there are relatively pure shareholders who do not participate in business management. For example, the representative sent by [South African Newspaper] to the company belongs to the latter!

Of course, Chen Fei is the same type.

Those who hold important positions and participate in management in [Goose Factory] are called executive directors. Those who do not participate in management are called directors.

Only enjoy dividends and do not interfere with others, so if Chen Fei does not want to participate in any meeting of [Goose Factory] in the future, it is okay!

As long as he arranges for someone to be a representative like [South African newspapers]. Chen Fei felt that this arrangement was quite good, otherwise he would have come to a meeting every day, how painful it would be. Introduce Chen Fei to everyone,

It’s just the first topic of today’s board meeting, so many [Goose Factory] executives gathered here, it can’t be and just to say this thing, so after introducing Chen Fei to everyone,

Xiao Ma Ge directly moved on to the next topic: “Now, all departments will report on the completion of this quarter’s tasks.” ”

As the big boss of [Goose Factory], Xiao Ma Ge has too many things to deal with,

In particular, it is necessary to follow up the business completion of each department in a timely manner, without this data, it is impossible to make appropriate adjustments in time and make the next development plan. Chen Fei did not continue to pay attention to the content of these meetings.

The main thing is that he does not participate in the daily management of [Goose Factory], and it is useless for him to understand this information.

However, Chen Feiyou noticed that the few resident representatives from [South African Newspaper] seemed to have heard it soundly and colorfully, and they still took minutes of the meeting from time to time………..

The meeting is really boring, Chen Fei sat here for more than an hour, and he must not come here again in the future,

When you go back, find a business representative. Just as Chen Fei was thinking about his next plan, suddenly, the sound of Xiao Ma Ge talking with others caught his attention: “Chaohui, how is the investment in [Mituan]?” ”

Just now, Xiao Ma Ge had already introduced everyone to Chen Fei, so Chen Fei knew who this person who was reporting to Xiao Ma Ge was. LI Chaohui,

48 years old this year, he is the general manager of the investment and M&A department of [Goose Factory], and the vice president of the group.

Prior to joining Goose Factory, he served as the Asia Investment Director of Bertelsmann Investment Fund, a world-renowned investment bank, and held senior positions at Google and Nokia.

The one who was recruited by Xiao Ma Ge to [Goose Factory] five years ago is a well-known investor in the investment world. Hearing Xiao Ma’s inquiry, Li Chaohui spoke: “Ma Dong, regarding this investment, I have encountered some difficulties here. ”

“At first, [Mi Tuan] seemed to have given in to the pressure.”

“But then, without knowing what happened, he suddenly changed his tone and rejected our investment.”

“I now have serious suspicions that they may have been secretly in contact with other investment institutions.”

Regarding the investment of [Mituan], Li Chaohui first discovered it, and then reported it to Xiao Ma Ge,

After understanding the main business and structure of [Mituan], Xiao Ma Ge also had a high interest in this company, and he let Li Chaohui contact the other party, saying that they [Goose Factory] were willing to help them complete the B round of financing, and as a result, it is not wonderful if there is a problem now.

So hearing this, Xiao Ma Ge instantly frowned: “Some big investment banks in China, haven’t I already greeted them in secret?” ”

“Could it be, who else would be more suitable than us [Goose Factory]?”

In the eyes of Xiao Ma Ge, investing in [Mi Tuan] is basically stable for their [Goose Factory]. Because first of all, he has passed gas with some large investment banks in China,

Everyone’s quotation will not be too far off, if the price is consistent, [Goose Factory] will be more competitive.

After all, [Mituan] has just set foot in the takeaway business and wants to actively and quickly expand the market, and [Goose Factory] can provide them with a lot of convenience and assistance.

So Xiao Ma Ge couldn’t understand at all, why didn’t the other party choose them? Seeing Xiao Ma’s doubtful eyes, Li Chaohui pondered for a moment and spoke, “Could it be that we are asking for too high a price, which has caused their resistance?” ”

Xiao Ma Ge shook his head: “Although we asked for a lot of shares, we should be stuck on each other’s bottom line.” ”

“As long as the other party is not the kind of person who is easy to get angry.”

“In the end, we should still be chosen.”

After saying this, Xiao Ma Ge immediately looked at Li Chaohui: “Chaohui, can you find out, which investment institutions [Mituan] has recently had contact with?” ”

Li Chaohui spoke, “I’ve asked people to investigate. ”

“It’s just that the results of the investigation have not yet come out.”

“However, regarding this matter, my personal guess is that it should be impossible for domestic investment banks.”

“So I suspect that it may also be from overseas investment institutions and [Mituan] contact.”

Xiao Ma Ge looked at Li Chaohui and said, “Whether it is at home or abroad, this matter must be followed up quickly.” ”

“[Mituan] is a company with development potential.”

“We can’t just miss it like this, it’s a big deal to let some profit out.”

“In this way, if it is really the quotation from an overseas investment bank, they are moved.”

“We’ll raise the offer a little bit.”

“Reduce the proportion of shares requested by 2-3 percentage points.”

“If that’s the case, it should be enough to push them to make the right choice.”


Hearing the conversation between Xiao Ma Ge and Li Chaohui, the expression on Chen Fei’s face began to become a little strange,

If you heard correctly, these two people were talking about “rice balls” just now? Rub, do you want to be so clever?

Still ready to investigate the identity of the other party?

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn’t help it: “Ma Dong! ”

Seeing Chen Fei speak, Xiao Ma Ge immediately cast a puzzled look, and then he asked: “President Chen, is there something wrong?” ”

Chen Fei spoke, “Ma Dong, did you and President Li just talk about [Mi Tuan] again?” ”

“Yes, has President Chen also heard of this company?”

“Brother Ma thought that Chen Fei wanted to ask [Mi Tuan], so he introduced it with a smile: [Mi Tuan] was excavated by Chaohui some time ago and recommended it to me.”

“I have known this company, it has a lot of development potential, and the development direction is clear.”

“The other party recently released news that it will open a B round of financing.”

“At present, we [Goose Factory] are actively in contact with each other!”

Active contact?

Also contact a ghost, people’s second round of financing, has long been put into his pocket. In the next second, Chen Fei said with a smile: “Ma Dong, I don’t think there is actually any need to contact each other anymore.” ”

“No need to contact each other?”

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Brother Ma instantly froze: “President Chen, what do you mean by this?” ”

Chen Fei looked at Xiao Ma Ge and replied, “Because the second round of financing of [Mituan] has been officially completed. ”

“I guess you don’t know about this yet, because the other party hasn’t released the news yet.”

Has the second round of funding been completed?

It’s just that the other party hasn’t released news yet?

Hearing this, Xiao Ma’s face instantly became a little ugly: “President Chen, how did you know about this?” ”

“Could it be that you have relevant information?”

Chen Fei shook his head: “I don’t have any intelligence.” ”

“Because, in the second round of financing, the investor is me!”

“Don’t hide from you, I called them all the money, and the agreement was signed.”

“So I think Ma Dong, you are spending your energy on this matter, which is a pure waste of time.”

Xiao Ma Ge: Li Chaohui: “At the moment when Chen Fei’s words fell,

Almost all the high-level officials of the [Goose Factory] set their eyes on Chen Fei, and Xiao Ma Ge was stunned for a long time before he was a little relieved.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Fei with some disbelief: “President Chen, are you saying that you helped [Mituan] complete the B round of financing?” ”

“Is this true?”

“You’re not kidding me?”

Chen Feidu was almost a little crying and laughing: “What am I doing joking with you about this kind of thing?” ”

“Didn’t I say it just now, we both signed the financing agreement.”

“How about I show you?”

Hearing Chen Fei ask himself if he wanted to see the financing agreement that had been signed, the corner of Xiao Ma’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch: “This…. That’s not necessary. ”

Eggs hurt!

Brother Pony really has a painful feeling now. In order to determine the investment value of [Mituan], the evaluation department of the entire [Goose Factory] did an evaluation for half a month.

It was determined that the other party had an investment nature, and a quotation plan was developed for this purpose.

Even, Xiao Ma Ge launched a network and contacted other investment banks to let them not compete maliciously with [Goose Factory].

In order to win more profits, even he was ready to fight a long-term war with [Mituan], but suddenly at this time, someone came out and said that he had helped [Mituan] complete financing, which is not the same as saying that his side has been busy for several months? Moreover, what makes Xiao Ma Ge feel his scalp numb the most is that

If the investment in [Mituan] is another investment bank, then they [Goose Factory] can still contact each other to see if they can resell [Mituan] shares to [Goose Factory], and now, the financing party is Chen Fei,

Or their [Goose Factory] own shareholders, how can they open their mouths? was cut off, and it was cut off by someone who had just become “his own person”, this kind of thing, it’s really a bit fucked,

Brother Ma himself felt a little crying and laughing: “President Chen, when did you come into contact with [Mi Tuan]?” ”

“Why did they raise money and didn’t release any wind at all?”

“I thought they were all still in the inspection stage.”

“As a result…. Outcome…. Just…..”

Before Brother Ma finished speaking, Chen Fei guessed what he was going to say, and in the next second, he said with a smile: “It is indeed quite a coincidence.” ”

“But in fact, the process of contact between me and [Mituan] was quite smooth, and the speed of negotiation was quite fast.”

“Basically, the contract was signed the same day.”

“If the news was not announced to the public in time, it may be that the [rice group] side was not prepared.”

“The financing of [Mituan] is also related to the subsequent development pace of [Goose Factory], so after hesitating, Xiao Ma Ge slowly spoke: President Chen, this means that the shares transferred in the second round of financing of [Mituan] are already in your hands.”

“I don’t know Mr. Chen, do you have the idea of transferring this part of the shares?”

“Everyone is their own, I can call the shots and buy at a 20% premium to the market price.”

Chen Fei is now a shareholder of [Goose Factory], although he does not have management rights, he can be regarded as more or less a member of the board of directors.

In this kind of thing of investment, bullying outsiders is okay, and their own people still have to be cautious, so Xiao Ma Ge gave Chen Fei a very fair purchase price.

To be honest, if he had taken out this purchase price earlier, with a premium of 20%, [Mi Tuan] would have chosen them a long time ago, and there would be no such thing as being cut off by Chen Fei later. I thought that Chen Fei would seriously consider his offer, but in the next second, Chen Fei directly gave an answer: “Ma Dong, I don’t have the idea of transferring [Mituan] shares. ”

“So we can’t get this thing done!”

“……. Pills”.

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