"After Blackbeard got the Dark Fruit, he has already begun to plot the navy and Whitebeard!"

"In the first step, he lured Ace to be alone and captured him through his understanding of Ace, and then made up a very ridiculous stupid story that only the world government would believe, and gave people to the navy in exchange for the king's Seven Martial Seas.

"The second step is to use Ace's inexplicable identity to announce a public execution, so as to provoke an inevitable war between Whitebeard and the navy, and the navy will therefore transfer a large number of navies to Marin Fando to wait for the battle, creating a situation where there are no troops to adjust and no generals to send. He took advantage of the situation to invade the city, went to the sixth underground floor to recruit people to strengthen himself, and unleashed several legendary sea thieves to turn the world upside down.

"The third step, after both the navy and Whitebeard are defeated, then take advantage of the situation! When the time comes, whether Whitebeard is checkmate or any of the three major generals is checkmate, he will suddenly strike and kill the dying person to snatch the fruit!"

"These are Blackbeard's three steps to disrupt the world! And his own secret is that his body structure is very special, and he can have two fruit abilities at the same time!So! If Whitebeard, Akainu, Yellow Ape, and Pheasant see my live broadcast, you should be careful of your heads! Your powerful fruit ability is very attractive to Akainu, the three-headed dog of hell!"

At this point, Curris's words came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, the live broadcast was also interrupted at this time.

Because by this time, Ivankov had already arrived with poisoned lightning, and the next step was for everyone to climb on his big head and leave here in the blink of an eye.

At this time, you have to give everyone a suspense, and you can't directly let them know about their side getting out of trouble.

In this way, when the navy and Whitebeard start an irreconcilable battle, they will be able to descend from the sky!

"I see..." Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, and his fists clenched hard.

"This bastard, it turns out that the plot is so big! Not to mention snatching the Dark Fruit, he also wants to plot Daddy's Shock Fruit ability!"

"Originally, this guy was quite bold, but now that I look at it, he's not just insidious!" said Diamond Joz through gritted teeth.

"If he really has both the Dark Fruit and the Shock Fruit, or one of the Dark Fruit and Magma Fruit, Glitter Fruit, and Frozen Fruit, this guy will be even more difficult to deal with. A cold sweat ran down her forehead.

When everyone heard this, they all fell silent.

As Bista said, if Blackbeard alone has two powers that are enough to threaten the world, then the problem is indeed serious.


Marin Vando.

"Blackbeard, bastard, got the idea on our heads?" Akainu was also so angry that he was covered in magma.

"Perhaps, the person who is broadcasting is lying?" The pheasant said coldly: "After all, the person who started the live broadcast should also belong to the prison escapees, right, because he is also being attacked by Magellan

!" "Don't mention Magellan to me!" Sengoku roared angrily: "Now, we don't know how many people have been released by that soul egg on the sixth layer!

"Oh... How terrible! Why don't I go on a trip?" the yellow ape volunteered for the first time.

"You can't go!" Sengoku shook his head: "It's too late to go now, in the live broadcast screen I saw before, the sixth underground floor has already fallen." If you go, you'll probably suffer.

"Moreover, the person who started the live broadcast is not from the pirate side. Karp said: "I know that kid, what bad intentions can he have when he starts a live broadcast? It's nothing more than to share the information he got princess with the public, and remind me from the air... Oh no!, warn us to be careful of Blackbeard!"

(≧▽≦)//(-_-. )......

( ;﹁_﹁ )//( ̄_, ̄ )......

Warring States raised his eyebrows, quietly glanced at Warring States for a long time, and then glanced at Granny Crane on the side, and the three of them tacitly understood something.

On the execution table.

Ace, who saw everything just now, was also a little short of breath at this time.

Why am I so stupid that I didn't even have a conspiracy to look at Blackbeard!

Luffy, this guy... But don't be slaughtered...

Gritting his teeth, he blamed himself for a while, and Ace began to pray again that Luffy would never have an accident.



-" "Success

!" "We've escaped!" Pushing

out of the city, Ivankov's big-faced plate managed to reach the naval ship, and all the people who escaped from hiding in his hair burst into tears and cheered.

"Little straw hat! I never thought that we would really succeed in escaping from prison!" Xiao Feng hugged Luffy and cheered happily.


Hahaha... It scared me to death just now!Fortunately, little Ivan was here!" Luffy was also laughing and slapping Ivankov's big face plate.

Ivankov smiled and returned to his original state, and shouted to the shemales a little weakly: "Go find the medical kit on the ship, lightning he is poisoned

!" "Okay!" The two shemales responded and immediately rushed into the cabin.

Bang bang....

Curris was taking pictures of the scene in front of him when a burst of artillery could be heard in the distance, and it was the Navy's pursuit party arriving.

Seeing this, Lao Sha and Luffy jumped up left and right, and successfully intercepted this wave of shells.

But what made everyone wonder was that the navy only symbolically fired a round of artillery and gave up the pursuit.

"What's going on?" Luffy tilted his head, puzzled.

"I don't know!"

(Θ_Θ?) (◒_◒?) (·_·?)

Xiao Feng, No. 3 and Bucky stood in a row, and they all shook their heads.

Curris didn't bother to explain anything to them, because at this time, the door of justice in front of him had already opened a crack.

"Strange! I was worried that we wouldn't be able to get out of this door of justice, but now why did we open it by ourselves?" No. 1 looked at Lao Sha in confusion.

"What do you see me doing?" Lao Sha shook his head with a cigar in his mouth, "I don't know who did it." "

It doesn't matter who did it!" Luffy jumped up, raised his arms and shouted, "Target, Navy Headquarters

!" "Nani!!

" Bucky's head flew up when he heard this, and he came to Luffy's side angrily and roared: "Hey, Straw Hat Boy, we just escaped from Advance City, why do we want to go to that dangerous place?" "Ah, I'm

going to Ace!" Luffy nodded as a matter of course and said with a calm face: " If you

don't want to go, you can get off the boat!" "

God get off the boat

! It's a windless zone here!

By the way, how did I forget about this kind of thing

? But what should I do now? I don't want to go

! But in the current situation, what I said seems to be of no use at all!

Bucky quietly observed, and seemed to be surrounded by people, only himself and No. 3 showed a more resistant idea.

Everyone else seems to be excited...

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