I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 655

He had to admit that the words of the team members hit the point. If the expeditionary force really launched a black operation in Wano Country, then they would face a group of experts who had received professional training and mastered espionage methods.

In particular, this group of old ghosts tempered from the invisible war, all of them have rich experience, and their actions are even more ruthless. Each of them has at least hundreds of thousands of pirates' lives in their hands.

Seeing that the captain took the lead to set an example, the rest of the CP0 couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and they untied their masks and shawls and threw them on the ground.

At least in this way, under equal conditions, they can use their excellent skills to play an open and secret battle with the sailors who are said to have sneaked into the Wano country.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of clothes shaking and scratching in the air, and the muffled sound of masks falling to the ground one after another.

The agent who fell at the end of the line also hurriedly took off the clothing that hindered his movement, wrapped it up in a ball as if venting his anger, and threw it viciously on the ground not far behind him.

After doing this, he raised his head and looked forward in satisfaction, waiting for the next instruction.

Suddenly, his elated expression froze, as if, just now, he had missed something unusual.

The senior agent tried his best to think about what kind of details he had missed in his mind, which would produce that sense of incongruity in his subconscious.

Finally, he realized where the strange uneasiness in his heart came from—the pile of clothes left behind him.

Obviously, he threw down the cloth mask with all his strength, almost as if venting his frustration, but the ground did not make any sound when it came into contact with this group of trivial debris.

Even if... he didn't hear even a single noise, it was clearly in the wild, and he could still hear various insects and birds in front of him,

The forest behind him was eerily quiet.

575. No such person found (Part 2)

[Not good...] An uneasy emotion spread from the brain to the limbs, and a strong and deep sense of crisis spread throughout the body in an instant, making the agent who noticed the abnormality covered with a fine layer of goosebumps.

Rich experience in investigation and anti-investigation and the subconscious reaction honed by years of immersion in this way allowed him to take the lead in completing the warning before his brain completed the judgment.

"Enemy attack!" The agent roared hoarsely, but in the face of his loud cry like a thunderclap, the companions who were close at hand turned a deaf ear to it as if they hadn't heard it at all.

And almost at the same time, an invisible short knife stuck to his back and pierced directly between his skin and flesh.

How quick was this powerful agent's reaction? Although he didn't know why the domineering aura was confused, the well-accomplished armed aura played its due role in an instant.

The domineering energy gathered on the back in an instant is like a bullet-proof vest with excellent function, blocking out the sinister short knives trying to break through the defense.

Before he could relax a bit, the strange strength accumulated on the short knife continued to burst out along the blade and towards the tip of the knife.

"!? This is..." The agent couldn't help showing a look of horror when he realized this long-famous killer move.

But it's too late.

The short knife resting on the agent's back stabbed the sword energy straight out in a way that tended to eject.

The treacherous sword qi, whose initial speed was far faster than the bullet, pierced through the thin layer of domineering defense like a bamboo in the blink of an eye.

This CP0 member, who had already realized something was wrong, tried his best to tense his muscles and launched a defensive physical skill [iron block], hoping to resist it in a hurry, but how could he stop this long-planned killer move?

The cold, hard feeling penetrated straight into the agent's heart along the back, and finally protruded from the chest in one fell swoop.

The eyes of this experienced CP department elite were blackened, and when he lowered his head, he vaguely saw a circle of inconspicuous scarlet dyed on the fabric of the front chest, and blood beads were hanging on the transparent sword light along the wound.

With his whole body pierced from the back, he kicked out with the last remaining energy, kicking a stone on the soil layer towards his teammates,

Even though he was dragged into the silence, his figure completely disappeared in place.

The flying stone precisely hit another member's shoulder, and the agent who noticed the movement immediately turned his head to look back, but the sharp claws that gradually enlarged in his eyes and occupied most of his field of vision made him startled. With a light tap on the toes, he pulled himself up from the ground with an explosive and astonishing speed.

He was quick, but the huge beast with stripes and stripes followed him like a shadow, clinging to it like a tarsal maggot.

Yu Zheng speeded up again in the pounce posture, turning into a light and silent afterimage.

While maintaining the straight-line distance of [shaved], the ghostly beast shadow easily surpassed the fastest speed of the agent, wrapped in a high-level armed domineering finger gun, Madara, and precisely hit the pupil of CP0 Miniature left eyeball.

The index finger with its sharp nails stretched deep, penetrating directly into the brain's reaction area.

It's also a sneak attack, but Sakaski might hit the opponent's heart with an elbow, severely injuring the enemy with devastating power.

If it was Karp, he would retaliate with a fierce and unparalleled punch. Where the enemy was the strongest, he would specifically pick the strongest point to attack, completely defeating the opponent's mind and will.

But Lu Qi didn't want to be too entangled, his actions were as precise as a machine, without any extra strength, and his cleanliness reached an unattainable extreme.

Strive to kill the opponent in the most efficient way every time you make a shot, and every well-prepared offensive will achieve "no failures".

Do not choose non-lethal areas such as limbs, shoulders and back, and do not choose a torso with thick muscle protection around the chest, waist, abdomen, and ribs.

Eyeballs, ear canals, breasts, breasts, mouth, neck and jaw, these are the weakest points of the human body, which are the targets of his stabbing.

Even with the protection of armed domineering, relying on his terrifying strength and the high-level armed domineering that has already reached the level of [Liu Ying], in Lu Qi's eyes, those places are still vulnerable.

Until now, the aftermath of the fight between the two sides was captured by other agents relying on vision, touch, and knowledge and arrogance, and this 7-member tactical team has gone to the second place.

"As expected of a direct agent belonging to the Celestial Dragons, this combat quality has never been seen before.

It was really the first time we missed, and we were spotted in advance. "Rob Lucci carefully looked at the guy who was hanging above his head and on his index finger, and couldn't help laughing cruelly softly.

The six-style martial art is not a fixed dead end, but can be derived according to practitioners with different biases to combat methods that are more suitable for them.

The same is the practice of the six postures, which is reflected in Sakalski's body as immovable and majestic as a mountain, and in Karp's body as indomitable stamina.

And the skill honed by this six-style master who is regarded as the "King of Assassins" is one-hit killing.

Accidentally and mentally, it is commonplace for this proud big cat to quickly get rid of a spy who is also a master of gymnastics.

The CP0 agents who put up a ring-shaped security circle also recognized this young talent who was supposed to join them according to the original plan.

"Rob Lucci," the captain of the action team almost choked out the name from his throat.

The veteran World Government agent didn't see any waves in his eyes, even if his colleague died tragically, there was never a single bit of anger in his calm eyes.

The leader of the action team, who was unable to find any flaws, seemed surprisingly calm in the face of the dilemma of one member dead and one missing: "Although not all the candidates for CP0 can match the generals of the Navy headquarters, at least they are not easily accepted. A mediocre player who gets rid of it is safe to fight one or two sailors with the rank of ordinary lieutenant general..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help showing a look of appreciation: "Although it was a surprise attack without any precautions, in the end, I only value the result-my subordinates failed to withstand your attack.

There is no doubt that you have the potential to go to the top of the world, the heart, the wrist, the skill, and the ability to do things, these are what we need.

Lu Qi, it's not too late to come back to us now. "

Although CP0, who was in charge of this operation, was shocked by the accident, he was extremely indifferent. At the moment when he knew that he should have been besieged, he even had the heart to offer an olive branch to this young man and make a sound to solicit.

As for the fact that the Navy dared to intercept and kill them without authorization, the agents with experience and experiences that can be qualified for a walking espionage history did not want to get to the bottom of the matter.

Since the other party made such a move, didn't they already explain everything with their actions?

Just as Wu Laoxing was worried, the Navy Headquarters did intervene in the civil war in Wano country. Even judging from the means of this group of people, from the provocation of the civil war to the sudden outbreak, they may have been carefully planned.

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