I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 653

Its interior is absolutely impossible to look like that dance of gods and demons.

But the image that remained on the retina just now is so real, it seems impossible to fake it.

In that glimpse, he not only saw the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the veteran generals headed by Kuzan and Polusalino, but also seemed...as if he saw the former generation of the Navy who was said to have retired to the second line Marshal [Smart General] Warring States and the naval hero who was picked up by him to fight.

Full of confusion and astonishment intertwined, driven by the intensity and curiosity as well as the professionalism of completing the task entrusted to him by the Five Old Stars, Mr. Agent raised his arm and put his hand on the door handle.

Perhaps it was an illusion, he comforted himself in this way.

With that strong sense of uneasiness and crisis, he pushed open the office door again to find out——

"The one who loses by punching obediently sings!" The super loud voice bursting out from the room obviously startled CP0 a lot.

"Hahahaha, I strongly urge Polusalino to dance PPAP..." It was the general Aokiji who was naked from the upper part of his body, and at the moment he was punishing with a wok of cooking on his head.

The victim with a bitter old face put his face, which could be directly characterized as obscene and wet, close to and almost stuck to Sakalski's face:

"Hey, Sakaski, you really didn't cheat, did you? Why do you always win games of probability like punching?"

In this regard, Mr. Sa gave a proud smile: "Because of the old man!"

"...As expected of Mr. Sa, he said such unflattering words with ease." Kuzan expressed his amazement at this.

"...As expected of Mr. Sa, he said such words that fit the code name easily." Polusalino resigned himself to his fate and planned to get up.

Suddenly, he turned his head abruptly, and his pupils behind the glasses were looking at the direction of the door.

"...Sorry to bother you, goodbye."

The torso of CP0 that retreated suddenly was not completely vacated, but was lightly pressed down by the dazzling flash that had already rushed to the side.

"Hey, let me say, this little CP0 guy, what are you doing running so fast?" the shiny fruit ability user asked briskly with his lips curled up.

The agent who was instantly restrained and unable to move, his face hidden under the mask was a little sluggish, and he replied dryly:

"You all seem to be celebrating. In that case, it's better to come and visit some other day."

This group of muscular brothers quickly surrounded them, showing signs of having a good time with the special envoy sent by Wu Laoxing.

Realizing that he does not seem to have the upper hand in terms of force, the seasoned Mr. Agent quickly changed his strategy.

I don't know if he was trying to digest what he saw and heard that overloaded his brain today, and he broke the silence after a few seconds: "What are you generals doing? Today is not a statutory holiday. Gathering is not for military discussion... "

Before he could finish his question, Karp, who finally broke away from Sengoku, stuffed a bottle of high-alcoholic drink into his hand.

He was caught by the Warring States and hammered hard twice, even with Mr. Garp's majestic physique, he couldn't stand it.

The number one troublesome man in the Navy Headquarters was smiling brightly at the moment, and he grabbed the agent who was still unknown and replied loudly:

"Today is a memorable day, even if you are CP0, it is worth celebrating."

[Why do I sound so awkward...] Looking down at the heavy drink in his hand, CP0, who was ordered to investigate whether the navy secretly launched a black operation, put the bottle aside at will and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, the five elders Xingji himself came to check the military budget statement for this quarter, I hope you understand me..."

"Sure, just check it out," Sakaski approved repeatedly without waiting for the other party to finish his polite words.

The corner of CP0's mouth twitched for the second time when someone interrupted his speech. The navy and CP0, the direct secret service organization serving the Tianlong people, have never dealt with it very well.

The high-level navy leaders led by Sakaski and Karp repeatedly interrupted his words, which was obviously intentional and made it clear that they did not want to respect both parties on an equal footing.

"Then let's take a step ahead..." Before he finished speaking, the high-ranking senior agent was grabbed by Sakaski, who was approaching quickly.

"As of today, the navy has finally completed the elimination of the remnants of the late Whitebeard and the Golden Lion, and the recovery of territorial waters and territory. This is undoubtedly a day worth celebrating." Sakaski, who is holding a celebration banquet His dead face, which is often expressionless, could not hide his joy: "I am really happy in my heart, this is not only the feat of the navy, the timely information transmission of the CP department is really hard work.

This old man must offer a toast to the CP department on behalf of the entire navy, come, let's have a drink. "

The experienced CP0 couldn't help but feel vigilant. Although the toast was reasonable, if the navy wanted to use this banquet to prevaricate the inspection, then they must not fall into their trap.

The burly marshal slowly leaned over, put his head close to the ear of the agent who was much shorter than him, and bewitched:

"Don't worry, just have a drink. Knowing that you have a mission, we will replace the wine with water, so that it will definitely not hinder the next work.

The old man's current office is quite big, you might as well come in and take a rest, I will send someone to help you check the report later.

This quarterly report is good. "

"Since you've talked about this, just drink it and never drink more."

Surrounded by the pungent smell of alcohol emanating from this group of drunkards, the high-ranking naval officers who surrounded him made it more difficult for the air to circulate in the narrow gaps. Son.

Seeing Sakaski's earnest words, thinking that he was just drinking water, the agent thought for a moment and took the water glass from Kuzan.

"I wish the Navy the phased results, and I hope that you will report to the world government immediately after you have a drink." The CP0 agent said and lifted a corner of the mask covering his face, only the mouth was exposed.

Not hypocritical, he drank the water in the cup in one gulp.

"Bang Dang!" As the water glass suddenly slipped from the agent's hand, CP0, who seemed to have swallowed a knife, covered his throat, but couldn't stop the glass of liquid from burning along the esophagus and flowing into the stomach pouch.

He hastily stretched out his hand to put his index finger and middle finger into his mouth, and pressed it to the end of his tongue, hoping that through strong stimulation, he could regurgitate the cup of unknown liquid.

But even after several pumps, he failed to spit out a few mouthfuls of gastric juice from the esophagus that was almost numb from the burning of pure alcohol.

"Quick, quick, the special envoy has vomited! Get some tea and rinse his mouth." Sakarski ordered anxiously, and handed a dark brown cup to the 97° water of life. The mouth of the unlucky guy who "shot into the soul".

CP0, who was scratching his throat desperately, couldn't take care of so much in a panic. He held the teacup next to his mouth and poured it with his head up, hoping to relieve the severe burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach.

"Gudu Gudu," the eyes of the two agents who drank up the "tea" suddenly widened, and he stared at Sakaski with a horrified expression.

Through his hoarse voice, he said with difficulty: "This... What kind of tea is this?"

But he saw the bewildered expression on the faces of this group of navy scumbags, as if he was blaming him for asking a question that was too common sense.

"Haven't you ever drank oolong? This is the standard oolong tea of ​​the Legion." Sakaski's expression became more and more confused, and he didn't understand why CP0 made such a fuss.

"This is not the oolong tea in my impression..." The masked man, who was getting more and more dizzy, showed signs of shaking from side to side.

Under his almost constipated stare, Sakalski held the high-purity vodka in one hand and unscrewed the bottle cap of whiskey in the other, and mixed the two into the empty glass at a ratio of 9:1.

In the last residual consciousness of the agent, only one sentence was heard:

"Here, oolong tea."

574. Finding No Such Person (Part 2)

Sakarski leaned over with a concerned look, reached out and patted the drunken unconscious CP0 on the cheek several times.

"Envoy? Envoy! Envoy, how are you?"

His Excellency the Admiral of the Navy yelled next to the other party's ear with a loud voice, trying to wake up the unlucky guy who was drunk and dreaming, but it turned out that such a cautious temptation was superfluous.

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