I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 646

Cat Viper clearly knows that Garrot in his normal state does not have such a comprehensive ability with few shortcomings like an "iron barrel".

At least, it was before Garrett entered the special state of [Moon Lion].

"Who is here?" Duke Inuarashi, who was also assessing the abilities of the group in front of him, asked first.

This special species that is not a purebred human, nor a fur race, just the tip of the iceberg that was revealed before is enough to attract his attention.

But the three people on the opposite side showed no sign of answering. Under the suspicious gaze of Inulan, the group of strange creatures turned their heads almost at the same time to cast their eyes on the woodland behind them, and slowly made way for a passage.

"We? We are the hidden...allies of the Guangyue clan, you can understand it this way." A dart with a piece of paper hanging on it was thrown from the direction of the woodland at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

And pointing to the Cat Viper who took the dart, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the end of the dart was tied with a very familiar pattern logo - Yatagarasu.

"Allies?" Mao Viper, the former member of Kozuki's vassal, wrote the three characters [distrust] on his face unabashedly: "You are not from the Wano country, are you? What intersection, then, why should I trust you?"

Chen Sir, who calmly walked to the front of the line, showed a hint of provocation: "You don't need to trust us, you are planning to restore the restoration, and we are planning to arrest people. The goals of the two parties are not the same, but at least they have a stake."

The straightforward character of the little girl with horns on the opposite side is quite suitable for Inuarashi's taste. Zou's day king asked before the old cat questioned again: "Arrest people? Or, what are you planning to cooperate with us?" ?”

Although the opponent claimed to be their ally, to be honest, none of Guangyue's old ministers present believed it.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend can only be judged by themselves.

Old Chen was not surprised by this either, she put one hand on the hilt of the sword and signaled: "Hundreds of beasts."

Pedro, the jaguar who had gone out to sea before, was taken aback when he heard the words, and then blurted out: "Could it be that you are the navy?"

Combined with the recent newsweekly, Pedro vaguely found a clue from the army that had been following them these days.

"We didn't declare it that way." Chen was noncommittal.

But Pedro shook his head, his eyes piercing: "If your target is really beasts, then I really can't think of any other forces besides the Navy Headquarters that would have a strong interest in them, especially in the Now that Wano Country has joined the World Government."

Although the newspapers played up the military operation that the Navy Headquarters was urgently recalled after it failed, as an exercise, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that the Navy Headquarters had lost face this time.

The news that Wano Country hastily joined the World Government spread like wildfire. The World Government headed by Wu Laoxing publicly recognized the fact that the Hundred Beasts Pirates were the generals of Wano Country to protect the country and resist the public in the law. It caused an uproar.

The most dissatisfied is not the navy, but the Qiwuhai group.

These seven big pirates, who are subject to the rules and regulations of the king's Qiwuhai and act within the scope of the rules, have questioned and dissatisfied with the world government's move to make an exception and set a new precedent.

What the Five Old Stars have done is undoubtedly to distribute the profit cake that they monopolize as [officially recognized pirates] to others.

And the Beasts Pirates, which had a long history of grudges with Moriah, changed into a force under the command of the Allied Powers that the Navy could not arrest. If it hadn't been for the newly promoted Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters to go to the terrifying three-masted ship in person,

This news almost did not attract Moria to directly lead the army to attack the Wano country.

Therefore, when Pedro heard that the target on the opposite side was the Beasts Pirates, he immediately thought of the Navy Headquarters, which had been slapped hard on the face.

Thinking about it, it would be a little strange if this ocean overlord just let it go without saying a word.

"I remember that the Navy Headquarters stopped its military exercises?" Cat Viper bit the word "exercise" very hard, and he casually turned the pipe upside down and knocked the ash off: "Why do you still persist in coming to Wano Country? Drift in this muddy water?"

"I don't think it would be a good thing for you, the remnants of the former dynasty, to repeatedly sore our nerves under the premise of lack of backup and lack of troops." The girl with blue hair and dragon horns looked unhappy , the strange cat on the opposite side looked a bit untidy with a fault-finding face.

But Cat Viper seemed to see their scruples, sneered and shook his index finger: "You should know, right? Inuarashi and I were pirates before,

From the beginning to the end, we have nothing against the navy at all, and the internal affairs of Wano country do not need the navy to intervene.

Since I didn't plan to ask your navy to do something, on the contrary, you took the initiative to come to the door and ask for help... In other words, you are the one who is powerless, right? "

A cold male voice directly cut off Mao Viper's analysis, appearing extremely domineering: "Incompetent? Do you believe that this army behind me can kill all of you here?

You old ministers of Wano Country are really arrogant, even if Lu Qi has not arrived, I alone can deal with you two old fellows. "

As soon as this remark came out, Duke Inuarashi was immediately annoyed. He turned his head coldly and looked at the direction behind everyone, where someone seemed to be gradually encircling the group of monster-eared monsters:

"Since you're here, don't hide it, you've been following her for a day or two.

It is precisely because you did not show any intention of killing or the slightest malice that the old man let you hang behind us, don't give me an inch!"

Under the shadow of the night, there seemed to be countless crowds of people, and finally, a classical style of military boots with copper buckles was the first to catch everyone's sight.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent's recognizable Fran's war hammer and heavy hand and half sword exuded the unique cold light of metal in the hazy night.

"X. Drake, an upstart in the military like you, doesn't go to the New World to gain great military exploits, but what do you do in Wano Country?" Seeing this, the corners of Inuarashi's eyes couldn't help twitching. I have seen the demeanor of this young general on the Internet.

At other times, they would be interested in wrangling with the navy.

But right now, their group is alone and helpless in Wano Country, and it is not easy to get an unexpected new force.

He didn't want to have a fight with the navy here because of the teasing of the mutual nozzle guns, and finally let the big snake catch the cheap and the fisherman benefited.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to know me." The ancient animal-type ability user who had been exposed in a single word slowly took a step forward, somewhat surprised.

Successfully reunited with the team commanded by Chen, which made Drake feel much better. But he did not forget the rude words of the group in front of him.

"Hmph, although Zowu has always adhered to [pacifism] to stand aloof from the world, it doesn't mean he's ignorant." The huge cat viper still had a fierce look on his face, but his words seemed to soften a lot, and he was fierce. Stupidly replied.

Drake, who has a deep understanding of this, flipped his wrist lightly and swung the warhammer in his palm, as if intending to measure whether the other party is qualified to cooperate with the navy:

“[Pacifism] is a perfect word, but it only makes sense when it comes from the mouth of a strong man.”

567. You Sing (Part 2)

Taking a step forward, this animal-type ability user who had assumed the title of lieutenant general in real power at a young age didn't have any extra words, and smashed straight at the cat viper with a hammer.

Derek, who wanted to test the specific strength of the opponent, secretly restrained his strength a little, but even so, the whistling sound of piercing the air wrapped around the French hammer was still very frightening.

In his field of vision, the left arm of the fat strange cat flickered, and the big palm with a thick pad firmly held the warhammer in the air, preventing it from taking an inch.

"That's it? Ha, I thought the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters would be more powerful." The cat viper grinned, and tried to push the warhammer swung by Drey away with a sudden force in his arm.

The young lieutenant general, who took advantage of his strength and jumped back smoothly, didn't care about this, the level of activities just now was not even a small fight.

Through the brief contact just now, Drake has already made a rough assessment of the opponent's strength and speed.

While confronting Mobamushi, he twisted his slightly stiff neck and turned his gaze to Duke Inuarashi who was standing beside him watching the battle: "Save time, let's go together."

"..." Both Garrott and Pedro stared blankly at the arrogant military warrior not far away, and even the musketeers standing behind Inuarashi were stunned .

Mao Viper, who had just pushed back the kid on the opposite side, seemed a little unbelievable: "What nonsense are you talking about? Even that level of strength can push you back, and now you plan to fight two with one?

There has to be a limit to not being able to see the gap between each other..."

Like a fired shell, the navy who uttered such nonsense instantly lowered his posture, not to mention any other bells and whistles to move and interfere, and bumped into him head-on.

With every step he took, it was as if an ancient giant beast was trampling on the ground forcefully, crushing the still compacted ground into pieces.

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