I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 644

But for the silver-haired accountant, Xiaoju's identification method and even intuition lost their due effect.

The guy Xiaoju calls Mr. [Ichimaru] is not as rough as ordinary warriors and military soldiers. His skin is smooth and delicate, and it is difficult to identify the specific age of the other person from the details of facial wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

As an accountant, I wear a linen gown, but it is dirty and torn. It seems that it has not been mended or washed for many years.

Seeing the little boy straighten up, all the diners who were drinking and enjoying the dance looked at him and smiled.

Some shouted, "Mr. Accountant, your face is red again!"

He didn't answer, but raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding, and called out to the cabinet, "Bring me two warm, wet towels, and a roll of gauze."

They loudly yelled again on purpose: "You must be bullying the little girl again!"

However, this silver-haired man tried his best to open his slender eyes and said, "How can you insult people's innocence out of nothing..."

"What's your innocence? We just saw you molested the back kitchen again, and beat you."

The accountant, whose face was already bright red with shoe prints, had blue veins on his forehead, and argued, "It's teasing girls. Can teasing girls be called molesting? Cultural people's affairs... can it be counted?"

It caused everyone to laugh, and the inside and outside of the store were filled with a happy atmosphere.

It's just that everyone didn't notice that the noisy back kitchen became quiet again.

More than a dozen black shadows shuttled vigorously over the eaves and tiles of the Flower Capital while taking advantage of the dim night.

"Lieutenant General Lindemann is serious, what kind of action signal is that! Can't he choose a decent one every time?" A petite figure tapped the toes of the eaves, and bounced several meters high as if nothing. Swept away to the distance again.

Just as the Legion Assassins had previously judged on the shoe print, she was indeed not tall. Even counting her two long ears on the top of her head, she was only about 1.5 meters tall.

But what is surprising is that all these black shadows that shuttle under the night are of different shapes, some with horns on their heads, or beast tails that can help them maintain their balance while moving at extreme speed.

"Okay, okay, stop complaining, Amiya, since everyone just heard what the officers were talking about in the back kitchen, how about forgiving Mr. Fox for his weird behavior?" The leader with blue hair and two heads The girl with a pair of dark golden horns on her sides couldn't help soothing her.

If there were outsiders present, they might be taken aback by [Chen]'s words.

The distance between the back kitchen and the counter is still nearly ten meters apart, and the wine shop is noisy with people, sometimes it is difficult for ordinary people to hear what the other side is talking about even if they are half a table away.

What's more, these legion assassins have already lowered their volume when exchanging information, adjusting their voices to the point where they can clearly hear each other's whispers.

But these young girls who seem to be young claim to have learned about the latest mission from the discussions of Lu Qi and others, and people have to marvel at their hearing that is different from ordinary people.

"Yes, Sir Chen! I understand. At present, the mission is the most important thing. We will strive to win over Zou's twin kings." The audio-visual and sensory organs are far beyond the limits of what human beings can achieve physiologically.

The powerful perception and keen biological instinct endowed by this innate ability are comparable to the domineering perception of the young and knowledgeable.

And their strong and high-density muscle fibers unilaterally crushed the strength of the original [Tyrant] model pacifist from two levels of force and speed.

This is the "improved version" masterpiece of the naval mad scientist [Dr. M. Moira] enshrined inside the Megatron.

Hearing Amiya's statement, the dragon-horned girl couldn't help but smile knowingly. God knows who gave Amiya such a crooked name in the first place, making Miss Rabbit tend to go berserk every time she hears the three words "Ami Donkey".

Still perplexed, Amiya waved her small fists and threatened angrily: "Hmph, but when the mission is over, I will keep an eye on Lieutenant General Lindemann and make him work overtime until his liver bursts!"

The group crossed half of the capital within a few minutes and arrived at the parapet of the city.

This place is heavily guarded. Not only are there many Wano warriors, but also many members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are deployed.

Now that General Orochi and [Ember of Fire] who chose to join the World Government all settled in the Flower Capital, the defense of this City of the Best would naturally not be weak.

It is not easy to hide yourself beside a high wall with bright lights and hard to find a blind spot, especially when there are more than ten people in this special team-every additional person is added, the difficulty of lurking and concealing will increase. It grows geometrically.

Moreover, most of the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates distributed on the city wall are elite thugs who can fight against a hundred with one enemy.

It is a fantasy to break through the defense of this city wall quietly in a short period of time without causing other people to warn.

But this group of agents belonging to the navy didn't even have the slightest intention to hide their figures, and appeared under the city gate majestically.

They either held the other wine gourds around their waists in their hands, or stared upstairs with fierce faces.

The blue-haired dragon-horned girl in the head was no longer refined, picked up the bloody straight knife at her waist, and slashed towards the top of the tower:

"※Longmen swearing※, you dead boys still don't open the door, hiccup, do you want to disturb your aunt's drinking pleasure?"

Suffering from an unexpected surprise attack, the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates guarding the tower looked down while avoiding the slash that was a warning rather than an attack.

Immediately, the pirates of the Beast Pirates on the dormant city tower scolded in their hearts [Fuck, it’s those drunken animal-type abilities again!]

Looking closely, these irascible guys with animal ears and tails are all unhappy.

But this group of pirates only flipped the switch of the city gate on one side, and complimented them with what they thought were the most friendly smiles: "Everyone has a good drink all the way, and the little ones are always on call."

Among the shipboard status divisions of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the [Three Disasters], who are the big boards, are well-deserved leaders, while none of the [Pillar], [Five Volleyers], and [Barbarians] under them are ordinary. The crew can be provoked at will.

In the eyes of these ordinary sailors in charge of guarding the city gate, the group of domineering and indulgent animal-type ability users below, at least not at his level, can be provoked.

Thanks to the notoriety of the tyrants who are wanton, clumsy and silly, and like to mess around,

If the pirates guarding the city half a month ago still felt that this group of animal-type ability users who were used to knocking on the city gate at night and wandering around were a bit unfamiliar, these days, they are basically used to this group of guys and the barbarians. The group of readers is messing around every now and then.

【After all, apart from our Beast Pirates, who else has so many animal abilities...】

565. Here, look at the donkey? (Down)

Far away from the warning range of the Capital of Flowers, the movement speed of this group of "animal-type ability users" who were addicted to alcohol and had a violent temper increased sharply.

There is no longer the free and undisciplined state of the past, and alternate sprints are adopted one after another, using moves such as [shaving] and [moon step] to shorten the straight-line distance or reduce obstacles on the way.

In view of the fact that the hidden sword army commanded by Drake has been hovering around these secretly sneaking fur tribes, by tracking the location sent back by Drake, [Chen] and his group quickly confirmed the exact location and rushed to the predetermined location .

"They should be here soon." Suddenly one of the members broke the usual silence during the rush and reported in a concise and concise manner.

The team member in charge of forward detection has a lizard head, and the milky white tough scales cling to every inch of his body.

And the two cheek sockets next to his nose are feeding back to his mind the exact position of the objects in the front area in the form of thermal sensation.

The dense shrubs in front are intertwined layer upon layer, and it is difficult to tell what is hidden behind these forest trees with the naked eye alone.

But this scene presents a completely different situation in the thermal field of vision. Light blue, green, and—a human figure intertwined with eye-catching orange and red.

The commander at the front of the team immediately raised his left arm and issued a standby message to the whole team.

The girl with blue hair and dragon horns narrowed her eyes slightly, and her delicate nose was slightly widened, carefully confirming whether there was any error in the message.

Extend her keen senses that are far beyond ordinary people, even among the best among this group of animal artificial humans, to the distance.

Through the circulating air, it was detected that the smell molecules in front of them were becoming more and more intense, and the other party seemed to have also noticed them, and stopped to put on a vigilant posture waiting for you.

"Does it mean that we let the horses come over?" There was a faint noise from inside the team. The speaker had messy silver hair, and two soft dog ears were half buried in it.

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