I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 633

Regarding the failure of the Black Sail Alliance, Jhin seems to have read his own opinion, and a deep laugh came from under his mask: "The Four Emperors tried to defeat the navy by [force] through a frontal collision, so they, one by one Withdrew from the stage of history.

These guys who rely on force will never understand how important politics are.

Using individual strength to compete with the Navy Headquarters and even the world government standing behind it, how can it be possible to compete for resources and talents? "

He suddenly looked at the puppet general selected by the Hundred Beasts Pirates, asked himself and answered: "There are two reasons why the Navy Headquarters dared to attack Wano Country this time——

First, after the Beasts Pirates lost their deterrent power, they were no longer enough to scare the Navy Headquarters.

The second is that Wano Country is still considered an extrajudicial place that is not under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and is not under the protection of the World Government. "

Since pure force cannot resist, the Hundred Beasts Pirates can only borrow strength from other aspects.

And Jhin found a breakthrough.

"Listen well, Orochi, I need you to negotiate with the CP department sent by the World Government to Wano to discuss the sea stone business.

On the condition of paying the heavenly gold and giving the world government a discount on the sea building stone trade order on schedule, immediately join the alliance system of the world government.

Once they become an ally of the world government, even if the navy sends the five armies, according to their political stance and the multilateral constraints of the legal treaty drawn up by the world government, they will not be able to attack the Allies at all.

Even if the navy can still set foot in the territory of Wano country to arrest pirates, what does this have to do with us, the personal guards of the Wano country general?

The navy can arrest pirates, but it cannot interfere in the internal affairs of allied countries, let alone arrest any domestic ministers of allied countries. "

In a few words, they changed their identities together with the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and turned into General Orochi with an official background to protect his retainers.

As soon as Jhin made a move, he was extremely ruthless and made a big fuss from the limitations of the naval system.

As long as the navy is still under the jurisdiction of the world government, even if Sakaski is mad, he can't break free from the constraints of the law and take action against the Beast Guards who have been "washed white" with Wano country.

In Jhin's vision, as long as there is the promise of immunity from the Five Old Stars, the Hundred Beasts Pirates, which are no longer a threat to the rule of the world government, can even act as a stick in the hands of the Five Old Stars, slapping the Navy Headquarters in the face. Disgusting, that old thief Sakaski.

In other countries, Jhin may not have the confidence to offer conditions that will make the world government tempted. However, Wano Country is different. Occupying the monopoly position in the birthplace and mining and processing of Hailou Stone has unparalleled innate advantages.

In view of the current delicate relationship between the Navy Headquarters and the World Government, compared with the gradually declining Black Sail Alliance, the navy's terrifying combat power has formed a higher level of oppression for the World Government.

A sword that is too sharp is good, but it also needs to be held in the palm of your hand.

On the one hand, it can not only reap the heavenly gold tax and Hailoushi discount orders paid by Wano Country, but also deflate the navy.

Based on Jhin's familiarity with the art of checks and balances of the Five Elder Stars, there is at least a 90% probability that Wano Country's proposal will be adopted by politicians.

In fact, such a proposal has already been done.

Jhin, who once worked in the Deep Sea Prison, knows this very well. The Kingdom of Flowers in the New World used to employ and appoint powerful pirates as guests of honor.

Those pirates known as the Eight Treasures Navy not only have an official background, they are even qualified to serve as royal guards to attend the World Conference in this capacity.

Even if the navy is itching with hatred, it can only turn a blind eye to the guards of the kingdom of flowers under the rules drawn up by the world government.

However, Big Snake seemed to be hesitant: "The gold in the sky is not a small sum, and according to the vile nature of those politicians who are not profitable, they will definitely take the opportunity to knock us for a fortune! Come on, my money must be reduced..."

"Idiot!! Money and silk can be lost and recovered, so how can there be two lives left?" The leader of the three disasters suddenly reprimanded: "As long as we can still rule the Wano country, money is just a concept that flows slowly, and the wool comes from the sheep! To pluck wool from those foolish people!!"

556. The Realm of Chaos and Martial Arts (Part 2)

"What did you say?!! Let the fleet turn back?!!!" The first time he received the call from the phone bug, the lieutenant general of the legion known for his staunch temper cursed at the microphone.

The vanguard of the expeditionary force under his command had only arrived in the waters of Wano Country within a few minutes, and received an urgent message from the general [Momotu] before the formation was set up.

The content of the message was very succinct, but just a few words made Dauberman extremely crazy: the expeditionary force turned back immediately.

"What the hell is going on!!?" As one of the veterans of the legion, this experienced and accomplished warrior quickly noticed the strangeness of this order.

On the other end of the phone bug, Gion's face was also extremely ugly: "The situation has changed, and I will explain it in detail when I come back."

The microphone was deformed by Pitbull's grasp, and then it hit the ground hard.

Dauberman, who hung up the phone unilaterally, looked around at the sailors who were all eavesdropping, his old face full of interlaced scars looked more and more fierce: "You heard it! Tell the other ships to turn back together!"

"But...the hundred-man Wild Hunt team formed by Lieutenant General Lindemann and Deputy Commander Shiliu had sneaked in through the air channel opened by [Gatekeeper] Bruno five minutes ago."

Standing beside Dauberman, Ace couldn't help but frown. When traveling through such passages, the electric waves of the phone bug cannot be transmitted to the different space opened by the door fruit ability user.

In other words, even if they wanted to contact Xiliu and his party as soon as possible.

It still has to wait until the wild hunting team emerges from the other side of the [Air Open Door].

In this regard, Dauberman waved his hand to indicate that the problem is not serious: "Siliu and Lindemann are veterans with outstanding strength, so there is no need to worry about them, but this time the return order came too abruptly and too strangely.

I don't know what happened to stop the attack.

Under such a hasty order, dozens of troops need to be conveyed and redeployed,

I guess the headquarters is also in a hurry.

Leaving the two of them temporarily dormant in the Wano country to see the aftermath, there may be unexpected results. "

As for the interior of Marlin Vanduo Army Island, as inferred by [Bulldog] Dauberman and others, it is also in chaos at the moment.

The order to stop the attack was constantly switching and resounding among the communication channels of the Burning Legion, Templar Warden, First Order, and Deep Sea Dwelling Corps. The messenger almost used all the communication equipment on the entire island and will temporarily modify The command strives to be accurately and accurately communicated to all front-line combat units.

The senior management of the Navy Headquarters carefully laid out the coordinated combat plan involving the four main armies for several days, but was forced to shelve halfway with a phone call from the holy land of Mary Joa.

Putting down the phone bug, Gion let out a breath of depression with a worried face: "Dauberman is mad, seeing the second-class skills running around all over the ground are close at hand but can't be found, it would be embarrassing for anyone."

All the generals who came to participate in the emergency temporary discussion during the military meeting all smiled knowingly at this.

Manipulating the flexible tentacles-like hair to roll up the box lighter lightly and nimbly, the ghost spider slowly moved its head closer with a cigarette in its mouth:

"Isn't the world government messing around?! They are the ones who ordered us to prepare to take down the Hundred Beasts Pirates as soon as possible, and they are the ones who will sound the horn before the battle and order me to wait for the return journey."

He is not the only one who is confused, even Lieutenant General Stonoberg, who is not from the fighting faction, is quite puzzled by this:

"Ghost Spider is right! What are Wulaoxing and the others doing?"

Little did they know that his words spoke out the hearts of the people.

Everyone wants to know, why at the critical moment when the war is about to start, Wu Laoxing will directly issue an immediate truce order to the Navy headquarters.

The attack plan carefully prepared by the navy is no longer useful.

The lieutenant generals have different opinions on this, and have launched rich conjectures on the reasons for the truce.

Finally, someone couldn't bear his temper and asked the military governors who must know the reason for this order: "General Huang Yuan, I don't know the reason for the truce..."

Ghost Bamboo Virgo's questioning voice became smaller and smaller, because he noticed that when he mentioned the words [reason for armistice],

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