I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 619

The turbid flow of magma as thick as a mountain rises from the ground and goes straight into the sky.

Like a scorching spear projected by an underground Balrog, piercing the sky and the earth.

The island carrying the mighty volcanic power was even more unbearable. The solid surface was torn to pieces amid the continuous violent shocks.

The manic veins trembled, and the frost and snow piled up on the surface trembled. The flat wilderness in the center of the island first collapsed as a whole. The smoke and dust permeating the surface mixed with the high-temperature gas debris rising from the ground, gathered in mid-air into a cloud of indescribable dust. haze.

Immediately, surrounding the sunken pit that was several kilometers long, the ground of the island rose abruptly.

For example, there is an unknown ancient giant beast below, which broke free from the shackles that have been fettered for hundreds of millions of years with its mighty power, arching the earth's surface toward the sky in a large arc.

The long-frozen forest was uprooted with the violent movement of the earth, and the bedrock buried deep in the soil continued to crack, and finally shattered into countless stone pieces under the violent shaking of the island and the continuous strong earthquake, and once again engulfed in lava.

All the people watching the battle in the open sea retreated to the cabin of the Megatron, and it was impossible to stand on the open deck of the War Fortress.

Because the sudden and rapid rise in temperature outside has made the average temperature in this area reach 80-90°C, if you recklessly breathe outside without any protection, it is very likely that the respiratory tract will be severely burned by the scalding airflow.

And even though it is thousands of miles away, the debris flow from the volcanic eruption quickly spread here with a blatant impact at a maximum speed of 240 kilometers per hour.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the entire unnamed island was raised inch by inch.

Hundreds of small volcanic communities rise up one after another with the migration of the mountains, like loyal guards, surrounding the huge ring-shaped volcano from the periphery of the island to protect it.

"It's like watching the end of the world up close..." Ace, who witnessed this scene for the first time, couldn't help sighing.

This scene makes people feel a sense of insignificance in the bottom of their hearts. Under the wrath of nature, the power of any individual appears so pale and powerless.

On the other hand, Enilu's complexion finally recovered from the previous paleness and defeat. The strange heartbeat at the beginning finally awakened the dusty memory in the depths of his mind for a long time.

Last time, it was such a treacherous and suddenly stagnant "heartbeat", and in the blink of an eye, the "Corridor of Ashes", which has been listed as a forbidden area until now, was created in the New World.

But the sailors who experienced that tragic offensive and defensive battle habitually replaced it with the [second line of defense].

Robin didn't know when she came to the crowd, she pursed her thin lips slightly, and sighed softly: "This island is completely destroyed, such a huge ring-shaped volcano group, after a complete eruption, even if it is not manipulated by manpower, its It's not impossible for eruptions to last anywhere from days to weeks, or even months..."

"Is General Kuzan alright?" Seeing the dense rain of lava fire piercing through the clouds and roaring down from a high altitude, many murloc sailors seemed worried.

In the image of the surface projected by the Megatron, the thick ice that was completely frozen around the island is gradually melting, and the sea near the island is churning up huge waves of tens of meters, which spread far away.

In this sea area, the submarine continental shelves supporting the islands trembled with the continuous volcanic eruptions, and the volcanoes dormant on the bottom of the sea were continuously activated, returning the frozen thousands of miles of sea to the ocean currents.

Inevitably, this massive natural disaster once triggered dozens of shallow earthquakes of various sizes and sizes on the seabed.

And the large-scale tsunami caused by the volcanic earthquake forced Fujitora, Gion and others who were still watching the battle to take action one after another. Only then did they avoid the tragedy of the entire navy fleet being wiped out by their own people in time.

Looking at the turbulent sea below, Ace seemed to have discovered something: "It's really a creepy awakening move!"

Following his line of sight, Robin, Lu Qi and others heard the reputation, but saw countless dead sea creatures floating on the sea.

Most of them were frozen in the ice layer when they were frozen, and then quickly thawed and even cooked under high-temperature steaming.

"The sea is boiling..." Lu Qishi calmly explained while staring at the bubbling and boiling sea surface with bubbles.

He has never been the kind of person who expresses his emotions and anger. Only Robin, who has known Lu Qi since childhood, noticed the small movements that Lu Qi would show when he was nervous-inadvertently clenched his fingers quietly.

The girl looked at Lu Qi, then tilted her head to look at Drake, and saw that both of them had a constipated look of "I'm so special and want to get away now\

,"Robin couldn't help covering his mouth, and snickered, "You guys have really strong biological instincts..."

I still feel that Drake, who is in great trouble, is uncomfortable all over his body. This picture of doomsday natural disaster almost arouses the fear of his fruit ability inheritance.

"Brother's [Great Cataclysm]..." Looking up at the towering Stanley, Kuzan nodded calmly: "That's how you deserve to fight me!"

The snowflakes drifting down from the sky slowly fell, and these tiny ice crystals that should have been melted by the high temperature still maintained their original shape for some reason, and the frost and snow plate descended, like an ice dragon swimming in the frosty sky.

In the sudden eruption of the volcanic community, the frost and snow slowly falling on the whole island creates a different kind of beauty.

Be still and move.

One rush and one slow, the beauty of movement and stillness is interpreted in this world where ice and fire blend together.

"I can't lose to you..." The always lazy man murmured to himself, he slowly raised his right arm to shoulder height, his fingers naturally spread and drooped, as if plucking invisible strings.

His index finger moved forward in an instant, pointing directly at the endless volcanic waves.

It seems to sing with heaven and earth.

"[Four Realms Frozen]!"

As the voice fell, these tiny ice crystals instantly turned into frost crystal flowers that condensed all over the island, and the blue cold current froze the lava flowing freely on the surface.


Whenever it touches the hot lava, it will be transformed into countless rough volcanic rocks with dense pores without any delay, among which black and bright ores are dotted here and there.

But the cold air stopped in front of those erupting volcanoes, and even the frosty air was still unable to stop the eruption of the ground fire.

Frost, snow and ice crystals are like a cage, a fence that isolates the scorching air flow from the flying ashes and debris, reducing most of the island to a piece of ice crystal white land.

Endless frost and cold diffused from the half of the island behind Kuzan, and the thick blue glacier stood tall and confronted the volcano on the opposite bank.

That blood-like and bewitching red dress sat alone on the volcanic crater, condescendingly looking down at all the movements on the surface.

The hot magma that was like a wave shot out from the crater, but circled obediently behind the man.

The bone-piercing frost wind howled in the harsh cold area, and the snowflakes outlined the shape of the air mass more and more clearly, covering the whole world where Kuzan was.

The faint blue and white frost complement each other, paving half of the island into a scene of ice and snow.

The frost has fallen, and winter is approaching.

Standing on the solid ice, the sky full of frost and snow is lightly directed by him, as if composing a melodious and tactful song and dance.

The sea surface that was already fully boiling calmed down quietly, but on the side close to the ice, the frost once again froze the sea water, freezing the sea surface, freezing the ocean currents, and touching the bottom of the sea.

Looking up at the burly figure sitting cross-legged on the top of the volcano in the distance,

"You have the advantage of the land, and I own the sky." Kuzan put one hand in his trouser pocket and murmured softly.

545. Kuzan Kishi remains motionless (Part 1)

"In the autumn of 1521, my mother's name is Bermer. This is the tenth diary I have recorded since I retired from the East China Sea and returned to the front line."

The owner of the notes deftly flipped open a brand new diary, and breathed a hot breath towards the frequently clogged pen.

She placed the tip of the pen on the front of her tongue and licked it. After her taste buds could faintly taste the bitter taste of the ink, she began to write with satisfaction.

Even Bermer herself finds it hard to believe that the dozens of habits she was "forced" to cultivate after joining the Expeditionary Corps will continue to this day.

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