I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 612

In fact, as a sharp knife hidden in the dark, assassins and killers would not be able to survive today if they could not maintain calm thinking and respond flexibly and quickly during missions.

Under Lu Qi's knowledgeable domineering perception, the passage of the cabin is full of gossip and disputes, which are vaguely accompanied by dull staggered impacts of fists and feet.

He was a little confused in his heart, and the noisy situation outside really didn't seem to be caused by the enemy's attack.

Moreover, during Lu Qi's rest period, the siren never sounded throughout the ship.

The warship he was on was full of elite veterans. These soldiers who had followed Sakaski all the way from the extermination of all nations, and even earlier, had excellent individual qualities.

These sailors who have been in front-line combat forces all year round have long been accustomed to various emergencies.

Once the warning is issued, it usually takes less than a minute for all combat units to complete the emergency assembly and enter the combat readiness state.

[Then what are they tossing about? 】With such questions and confusion in mind, "Big Cat" opened the hatch.

What he saw with his eyes was even more unsightly than what he heard with his ears, and what he perceived with his knowledge and arrogance.

The veterans gathered together in groups of three or four, arguing for some reason and getting red-faced.

What's more, the quarrel with the other party will directly escalate into a physical conflict, and they will simply fight.

Among them were some grumpy Legion veterans who couldn't hold back their anger and beat their opponents black and blue.

"What are you doing?" Lu Qi pursed his upper lip slightly and asked calmly.

If it were normal, higher-ranking officers would have intervened and stopped such unruly fights, but what surprised Leopard was precisely this—the two fought the most fiercely in front of everyone. Yes, it is the Major General who is in charge of this cabin.

These doubts fell on everyone's ears, but made the more chaotic atmosphere stagnant.

That guy with an indifferent face is one of the most unfathomable beings on the ship.

For example, the wild hunting of a hundred people who was handed over to [The Polluter] Silius was called the [Wolf Pack] by the outside world.

Then these legion assassins belonging to the secret intelligence department and managed by [Fraudster] Lindemann are out-and-out [Lone Wolf].

And the young man who asked the question just now is one of the best.

"Report to Lieutenant Admiral Rob Lucci! We are vying for a spot on the Megatron to observe." The rear admiral who had fought the most fiercely before hurriedly raised his arms and reported to Lu Qihui.

This endless discourse naturally made Lu Qi more and more confused. He frowned slightly, as if he had figured out some key points: "Observation? What observation? Explain the cause of the matter clearly."

Following the descriptions and additions made by the sailors present, Lu Qi also roughly figured out the ins and outs of the riot.

It's a pity that not only did the brows between his brows not relax because of the clarity of the incident, but they became more and more wrinkled.

Even though Lu Qi has seen many big scenes, he still finds it unbelievable: "You said... General Kuzan and Zong Sa are going to have a duel? What's the reason?"

"It's absolutely true!! It was revealed by Mr. Huang Yuan himself." The leader of the sea soldier patted his chest and assured, and then he looked around and lowered his voice: "As for the reason for the sudden duel between the two generals, the Marshal of the Warring States Period did not Announcement, but we all feel that it is likely to be related to [change of term].”

The sailors exchanged glances with each other. Although the Marshal of the Warring States Period did not expressly say that he was about to retreat to the second line, through various signs in the details, some careful sergeants and generals still noticed some clues and unusual signs.

This conclusion was originally only a guess made by the sailors in private. This wishful assumption was really tepid. Many people didn't take it seriously and laughed it off.

However, this rumor that spread like wildfire was mentioned again in the sudden duel between the generals, and it was regarded as evidence that could be reasonably explained, and then quickly spread throughout the army.

This battle came too abruptly, which was unexpected.

If it is possible that the generals are playing small jokes on weekdays, or is it a confrontation training with each other? It seemed too solemn, so that the returning fleet collectively headed towards an uninhabited island, making a gesture of classifying it as a duel venue.

As the number one man in the navy, Warring States did nothing to stop such a dispute that rose to the level of action.

In the eyes of outsiders, the attitude shown intentionally or unintentionally under such a deliberate laissez-faire, then there is some way.

The rest of the generals and deputy regiment commanders also looked like they were watching the show from the sidelines, and they did not obstruct or comment on the upcoming battle.

The ambiguous statement of the high-level military department that almost acquiesced seems to have a lot of meaning.

"Lieutenant General Lu Qi, the brothers all feel that there may be a battle for the position of commander among the generals. After all, Mr. Sa has always been with Mr. Hai...uh, Mr. Kuzan is not on the right track, and there is a big difference in the concept of commanding the army between the two. difference." The major general standing in front of Lu Qi recalled what he had seen and heard in the headquarters in the past, appearing to be eloquent.

It's not that he's serious about it. The conflict between the legion master and the admiral of the deep sea is not a secret in the army, and it seems to be two extremes in terms of personality and style, which are highly opposed.

A voice came from far and near from the stair passage on the upper and lower floors. Lu Qi recognized that it was Ace's cheerful voice: "It's not a conspiracy theory. At present, this kind of hypothesis is the only way to connect many light and dark [clues] together. Get up, it makes sense.

The behavior of Grandpa Warring States and other generals and uncles is too abnormal. Mr. Sa and Uncle Kuzan have worked together for many years.

If it weren't for such a major issue as to who will be in charge of the navy in the future, I really can't imagine any other reasons why the two of them would have such a dispute. "

But Lu Qi's eyes fell on the owner of another footstep who came with Ace: "Anilu, didn't you get the specific reason?"

He fixed his eyes on the face of the deputy head of the First Order, trying to see something from it.

"It's a pity," but Enilo's answer was decisive. He shrugged: "Not only me, but also veteran lieutenant generals such as Shiliu, Dauberman, and Ghost Spider were kept in the dark. Fox, who is regarded as Mr. Sa's number one confidant, was completely dumbfounded when he received the news of their duel."

The thunderbolt fruit user paused for a while, raised his hand and pointed his thumbs up: "Now the whole fleet is spreading such rumors, and my unreliable teacher also suggested that we choose some elite or Potential episodes go to the Megatron to watch from the heights."

"'This is a rare opportunity. Collisions between generals are not common. It will be beneficial for you to observe~', that's what the old wretched old man said." Enilu rolled his eyes and said to Huang The ape master's reaction of not being afraid of big things felt a little headache.

Wouldn't those jittery New World pirates laugh from ear to ear? Is there a better joke than watching the internal fighting in the Navy Headquarters?

"Announce to the whole army, all ships are anchored three nautical miles from the coastline of the island, and all combat units, please prepare and observe the group to land on the Megatron! Repeat..." Zefar's calm and heroic voice came out from the phone bug broadcast, indicating that This fight is coming.

And the sailors running around even moved projection screens onto the deck, even if they couldn't observe it at high altitude on the spot to feel the most intuitive impact.

But at least they can get a glimpse of what's going on at the scene through the projection of the video phone bug.

"Let's board the ship too, the generals have already left." Enilo reminded who walked out of the cabin with Lu Qi and Ace.

He looked up at the sky and watched two streamers of light, one blue and one red flashing at a high speed, and immediately several familiar figures on the flagship rushed towards the Megatron stepping on the moon.

Author message:

PS: I have been on a business trip for the past few days, and the time is relatively tight. I took the time to write a chapter during the meeting this afternoon. I hope you will forgive me.

539. A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 3)

Everyone on the deck of the Megatron or gathered in front of the projection screen to watch the battle civilizedly focused their eyes on the huge and desolate uninhabited island.

Looking down from a high position, two flashes of light, one blue and one red, crashed into the central area of ​​the island.

Even though it was close to the surface, the momentum of the two extremely fast afterimages still remained undiminished, directly impacting the ground into two ring-shaped craters about five meters deep.

Sharp-edged ice crystals grow irregularly from the bottom of the pit, crawling and winding close to the surface.

Dozens of huge ice thorns in the shape of an inverted triangle rose abruptly from the ground and surrounded the core area in a spiral shape.

More dense slender ice cones, like wildfires, grow wantonly on the field where the ice crystals condense, and expand rapidly into the distance in this blooming posture.

The extremely ice evil flower wrapped in layers, everything it touches withers.

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