I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 118

"Phew, it feels so good to have someone help." Warring States heaved a sigh of relief, he stood up and stretched comfortably.

General Zhi glanced at his comrade who was mixing milk powder on the sofa in his office, but chose to show mercy. Actually what he wants to say the most is that it’s great that no one is helping!!

The energetic Buddha bent down and took out a bag of senbei from the drawer, and walked to the opposite table while eating.

In the Warring States Office, a set of desks and chairs was added opposite the original single desk, and Sakaski, who was helping to review the official documents of the military department, was very busy.

"Excluding the conscription budget, this season's military expenditure has increased by 30%?" Sakaski picked up a statistical data sent by the Ministry of Finance, and couldn't help being a little speechless.

When did Wulaoxing become so rich and powerful?

Warring States patted his subordinate on the shoulder: "That's not all, here is a new report from the capital of seven waters about the entry into service of warships, and you are credited for it."

"My credit?" Sakaski was a little puzzled, Wu Laoxing wouldn't give special funding to the military because of his performance on Murloc Island, right?

He didn't think he was worth the price. You must know that this part of the military expenditure combined with the latest batch of warships is enough to arm a fleet!

Warring States laughed without saying a word, because the strategy of the navy's stationing on Fishman Island was successful, and Wu Laoxing began to re-examine the overall plan, so the next plan was also adjusted.

With the Murloc Island as a barrier, the naval force can advance and attack, and retreat and defend, and is no longer limited to the unit strategy of using the G1 fortress as the hub.

As long as the Murloc Island does not fall, the pirate forces in the new world will never be able to launch an effective counterattack on the first half of the great route.

With a stable defense, even the Navy Headquarters was a little distracted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. up. .

But in order to cultivate Roger's children into a generation of strongest sailors, the naval hero shook his head and continued to act as the best grandpa.

Sakaski and Sengoku sneered twice, ignoring this unemployed naval veteran.

"No, this job is more tiring than holding mountains to practice boxing..." After the eighth milk bottle was prepared, the veteran lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters and the great hero of the entire navy lay dead.

He jumped up suddenly: "I really want to take a hot spring!!!!"

This kind of hot spring that can soothe qi and blood is his greatest luxury at the moment. Compared with this kind of full-time job as a nurse, he would rather go to the New World to find trouble with big pirates.

Zhan Guo squinted his eyes, Garp's words made his heart itch, how long has he not given himself a vacation? The hot spring is undoubtedly a perfect choice, to relax the nerves that have been tense, and let the whole body soak in the warm spring water. To unload all burdens and forget all worries, take a hot spring bath to find out.

But the rank of general in the Warring States Period restrained him, and the Buddha gave his old comrade a sideways glance: "Let me declare first that the general cannot leave the headquarters. If you want to lure people to other islands to soak in hot springs, don't use the old man's banner."

"?" Karp's expression was extremely confused, and he scratched his short hair: "Didn't we just open a sulfur hot spring in our headquarters? It's very comfortable!"

"Nonsense, Marin Fando has...yes...emmmmm" Sengoku turned his head and scolded. Halfway through the scolding, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Sakaski's busy back.

Seeing Karp pouted at a patient who had just returned to the team, he understood what the other party meant.

It seems that there is something wrong with it?

The Great Buddha coughed heavily, successfully attracting Sakaski's attention: "That Sakaski, you are seriously injured and unhealed, so you are not suitable for long-term work."

He looked at his subordinates who were carefully comparing and analyzing the data, and continued to work hard: "Hot springs can help relieve injuries, why don't you go and see the newly built hot spring pools in our headquarters?"

"Please excuse my refusal. There is still a document that has not been reviewed yet." Sakaski shook his head resolutely. Although he didn't know when the hot springs were opened in the headquarters, the rigor of the soldiers prevented him from giving up his job.

He picked up the last thick plan, which was thick enough to keep up with the other ten paper documents.

Sakaski glanced at the title of the draft, and frowned instantly. He looked at Warring States: "Is this a little too hasty?"

I knew you would say this with a clear expression on the face of the Warring States: "We have a few years, enough."

"Well, Sakaski, do you still remember the question you asked me? I'll tell you when I go to the hot spring." Karp and Sengoku looked at each other, and the two old ghosts had a tacit understanding.

Warring States shook his head: "Documentation is only secondary. Do you know why Kuzan was stationed on Fishman Island?"

The admiral's words made Sakaski look up suddenly. He thought that the move of sending Kuzan to the Fishman Island was the masterpiece of the admiral of the navy, but now listening to the meaning of the big Buddha's words, it seems that there is something else hidden?

"I would like to hear more about it." Sakaski stood up. He hadn't noticed it before, but after being reminded by the wise general, he finally discovered that the series of actions of the Navy Headquarters had an unusual meaning.

"Okay, let's go." Warring States nodded with satisfaction.

Sakaski was a little puzzled, why both of them were changing the topic when talking about the draft, but they still followed Karp and Sengoku to the inside of the fortress. Monkey D. Rantang Karp is an old man, but will the general of the Warring States Period still be out of business? Although it is inappropriate to talk about military and national affairs in the bathhouse, relatively, it is indeed clearer to talk about some things in private.

Then, he swears for the first time in front of his boss.


He looked at the indoor training ground that had just been dug open, and finally understood what Garp called the "sulphur hot spring".

Through a reservoir that is half the size of a football field, the magma fruit capable person who is the main valve of the hot spring is responsible for injecting the "hot spring" into different pits.

Sakarski sat down in the steaming "geothermal hot spring" that had just been adjusted by him, and looked at the two old things not far away who used sick patients as coolies with a look of disgust.

Garp and Sengoku had changed their clothes a long time ago, and strolled over wearing big pants.

"How's the water temperature?" Sengoku planned to soak in the hot springs and then come back to tell Sakaski in detail the future big moves of the Navy Headquarters.

"Comfortable." Sakaski closed his eyes slightly, enjoying his first hot spring in another world comfortably.

The two veterans sat down in the water carelessly——

"Aww! Sakasky bastard, you're making soup!!!" Karp stepped forward and rushed into the air.

"Old man's famous name, how could I ask you, this magma man, if the water is hot!!!?" The Warring States armed man was full of domineering, lying on the side of the hot spring pool and hammering the ground in frustration.

155. The Disaster of Lieutenant General Sakaski 【Part 2】

After pouring a lot of cold water into the pool, Sengoku and Garp continued to soak in the hot spring soup after all.

The Buddha let out a long sigh in comfort. The high temperature of the hot spring relieved the soreness and stiffness in his shoulders and back caused by long-term sitting.

The relaxed great calligrapher still had the time to popularize the Samyang of the hot spring for Sakaski.

Although Sakalski knew that hot springs have good curative effects on sports injuries, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, and some neurological diseases, this was the first time he had heard of Sanyang.

Calligraphy pays most attention to the state of mind, so the first nourishment described by the Warring States period is to relieve fatigue.

According to his metaphysical statement, this kind of psychotherapy that liberates the body and mind can enable the body and mind to be baptized from the inside out to gain new strength.

While talking, he and Garp began to untie the belts of the big pants in the hot spring pit.

Sakalski felt a little baffled, would these two old things take a naked bath? As soon as this terrifying thought appeared in his mind, it made Sakalski nervous.

In his heart, playing with his younger sister is considered exquisite, but playing with two muscular and strong men who are over half a century old is called hot-eyed.

However, disaster still struck. Garp took off his pants neatly with a look of looking at a country bumpkin: "Aren't all hot springs naked?"


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