I Really Like That Guy!

Vol 11 Chapter 1:

"What? My little sister has come down the mountain?"

Surprised shouts came from the house, Bai Yangyang held the phone with a look of disbelief.

"Okay, okay, I'll pick her up later, and promise to take care of her. Senior brother, don't worry, little senior sister is so powerful, it must be fine!"

Bai Yangyang couldn't hide her surprise until she hung up the phone. The assistant next to her asked, "Sister Yangyang, who is your little sister?"

Bai Yangyang put down her phone, and while looking for the car keys to go out, she said, "Sister's name is Bai Luo, she is the most talented person in my teacher's sect, she should stay with us for a while this time, please help Pack out a room and come out."

The assistant thinks that Bai Yangyang is already so powerful. In these four and nine cities, he is honored as a master by countless big people. How good is this little senior sister?

Generally, the temperament in this line of work is quite strange. Seeing that Bai Yangyang looks like a great enemy, the assistant can't help but feel a little worried.

Bai Yangyang didn't know the assistant's psychological activity, so she went straight to the train station when she went out.

Along the way, she was praying that nothing would happen.

It's not that the little senior sister is too scary as the assistant thinks, but because the little senior sister, she is, a, a way, an idiot!

Hearing from the senior brother, the little senior sister went down the mountain alone. Thinking about the experience of the little senior sister who lost her way down the mountain and couldn't find it back, and was almost abducted and sold after wandering outside for several days, Bai Yangyang was frightened.

Because of this incident, the master couldn't worry about the little sister before he died, and he told a few disciples to take good care of her.

Little Senior Sister has the highest talent. According to her personality and talent, if she had stayed in Qingyuan Mountain for a lifetime to cultivate Taoism, she might eventually be able to soar in the daytime.

Bai Yangyang couldn't understand, why did the little sister suddenly go down the mountain?

When she arrived at the train station, Bai Yangyang waited at the exit of the train station according to the itinerary of the ticket issued by her brother.

It didn't take long to wait, less than half an hour, a crowd of people poured out of the train station, and the train arrived at the station.

Bai Yangyang raised his eyes and swept his eyes, and then his eyes fixed on a figure, and he breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

It was a young woman, petite in stature, wearing a dark blue Taoist robe, with black hair tied into a ball with a simple wooden hairpin attached to the ball.

This kind of dress made her suddenly special in the crowd of countless people, and she stood out from the crowd. Bai Yangyang saw her at a glance.

Fortunately, it didn't get lost.

"Little Senior Sister! Here!" Bai Yangyang opened the car door, raised his hand and waved over there.

The woman looked up and looked over here, and after a while, she walked in front of Bai Yangyang.

As the distance got closer, the woman's face gradually became clearer. Her complexion was white, and her cheeks were pink, but her eyes were especially black. The pupils were large and round, clean and thorough, like an ignorant baby. Only eyes.

Seeing Bai Yangyang, the corner of her mouth turned up slightly, "Yangyang."

Bai Yangyang saw that she was still carrying a burden on her back, and she didn't know what to pack, so she hurriedly said, "Little Senior Sister, get in the car quickly."

The woman glanced at the car next to her with novel eyes and sat in the co-pilot obediently.

After going up, fasten her seat belt with Bai Yangyang's reminder, and then she looked around curiously with her eyes open.

Bai Yangyang said: "little senior sister, senior brother told me that I only knew that you were going down the mountain. Why are you going down the mountain all of a sudden?"

A Luo looked at the things in the car. The pendant hanging on the front of the car was a safety buckle that contained spiritual power. There was no bad luck in the car. After the inspection, she replied: "Someone went to Taoist Temple to look for senior brother a few days ago. They say that it is not enough to practice in the mountains, it is only useful to go out and experience the baptism of red dust."

Bai Yangyang: "this is right or wrong. Some people need to go through the test, but you don't need to do it, little sister!"

Some cultivators do need to go through trials before they can reach the state of detachment. But there is another kind of person who is born to be the seed of Taoism, born with a pure heart, and can surmount the world without experience.

Bai Yangyang is the former kind of person. She was abducted and sold when she was a child, and was left with a fever and sickness on the road. The master picked her up.

She cultivated Taoism at the age of five, and until she went down the mountain at the age of eighteen, she could never compare to this little sister who was younger than her but more talented than her.

The master said that her thoughts were not pure, and even if she practiced for a lifetime, she would not be able to achieve results.

So when he was eighteen years old, Bai Yangyang made up his mind to leave Qingyuan Mountain, enter this mortal world, and embark on another road.

She saw it very openly, and the master said that the cultivation of the Dao would be fruitless, so she would simply go out and become a worldly person.

However, after going down the mountain, Bai Yangyang discovered that she, who was ordinary on the mountain, was regarded as a **** outside! Master and the others don't know how far the Taoist celestial master has fallen outside. She, the worst disciple on the mountain, can be called a master outside.

Bai Yangyang started to live in these four and nine cities and made friends with many bigwigs. She opened a celestial master office, which specializes in catching ghosts, exorcising evil spirits, watching feng shui, and also selling talismans for fortune-telling part-time. What she earns is called a pot Full bowl.

And her little senior sister, and she are an extreme.

If Bai Yangyang is an ordinary person full of philistines, her little sister is the little fairy Benxian!

The master said that the younger sister has the heart of a child, and a child refers to a newborn baby. They are born with red bodies, pure hearts, no desires and no desires, full of energy, and a natural body.

Taoists believe that the state of an infant is the highest state of practice. To cultivate the Tao should return to an infant, not to rejuvenate the child, but to have a pure and flawless, clean and natural mind that reduces complexity to simplicity.

Bai Yangyang believes that it is impossible to have such a state in her life, but her little senior sister is such a person with a pure heart.

So even if the younger sister is more talented and more powerful than her, the master and the elder brother prefer the younger sister, but Bai Yangyang is not jealous at all.

"I also want to come and see Yangyang." A female voice interrupted Bai Yangyang's memory, and the little senior sister said worriedly, "I figured out that you will be in big trouble, and some can't see clearly, so I came to you."

Bai Yangyang's heart warmed, and the cultivators knew that the more they related, the less clear they were. The little senior sister was far away in Qingyuan Mountain, but she was still thinking about her safety. How could she not be moved?

"Since this is the case, then the little sister will stay with me for a while. It's fun outside. There are many things that you can't see on the mountain."

Of course, Bai Yangyang is also afraid of death. Little Senior Sister is much more powerful than her. With her here, she basically doesn't need to worry about her safety.

Driving back to the residence, Bai Yangyang currently lives in the office. The office is open on the streets of the city, and the rent is terribly expensive. Fortunately, Bai Yangyang can earn a lot of money for one vote, so he can still afford it, even more than enough.

She and a little assistant in the office are currently the only one in the office. The assistant cleans up the guest room and greets him nervously when he sees Bai Yangyang bringing a woman into the door.

"Hello, Senior Sister Bai!"

I thought that this powerful little sister would be proud, but the woman in the Taoist robe tilted her head and glanced at him, and she smiled back.


The assistant's nervousness disappeared all of a sudden. He was still young, and he was roaming outside at the age of seventeen or eighteen. He was an orphan without father and mother.

He has also met a lot of people, both good and bad, but he has never seen a person like Little Senior Sister.

Everyone looks at people with emotion, whether it is good or malicious, subjectively no one can be without emotion.

But this little sister looked at him, but didn't let him feel any scrutiny and evaluation, as if he was just like a tree and a flower on the roadside in her eyes, no different.

Almost instantly, he had a good impression of this little senior sister.

When they got to the room, Bai Yangyang asked, "Sister, what do you think of this room? Is there anything wrong with it? "

Arlo shook his head, "It's all good."

Bai Yangyang said: "then you should rest for a while. You should be tired after sitting in the car for so long. I'll call my brother back."

"it is good."

The door of the room was closed, and Arlo unwrapped the package, and took out the two sets of clothes in the package, the statue of the patriarch, the magic weapon, the peach wood sword, the evil seal, the bronze compass, an incense burner, and a stick of incense sticks.

Clothes were hung in the closet, the patriarch and the incense burner were placed on the desk, incense was lit, and a few more salutations were made.

A few instruments were placed at the head of the bed where the hands could reach, and then she sat on the bed and meditated.

There is too little spiritual energy in the city, the air is dirty, and the practice is half the effort. After meditating for a while, his thoughts drifted to another place unconsciously.

This time this world tells the story of a master of metaphysics who hunts ghosts and exorcises evil spirits and harvests wealth and love.

The female protagonist, Bai Yang, followed her master to practice Taoism when she was a child. When she became an adult, she went down the mountain to find her relatives, and started her life with one-handed Taoism.

In the plot, Bai Yangyang also has a little senior sister. As Bai Yangyang's golden finger and backer, when Bai Yangyang encounters a life-and-death crisis, the little senior sister will come to save her.

The little sister is Buddhist and detached. She doesn't admire fame and fortune. She leaves gracefully when she has done a good job.

The big trouble that A Luo just said is not a lie. It won't take long for Bai Yangyang to meet the biggest enemy of the whole book, a murderous thousand-year-old ghost king.

Compared with other celestial masters, Bai Yangyang's strength is quite good.

But in the face of the thousand-year-old ghost king with a profound cultivation base, Bai Yangyang had nothing to do. In the process of fighting with the opponent, she ran into the male protagonist who was born with masculinity, and only escaped with the help of the male protagonist.

Although she escaped temporarily, Bai Yangyang was targeted by the ghost king. She worked together with the male protagonist to fight wits and courage with the ghost king, and their relationship and strength also rose rapidly.

At the end of the whole text, Bai Yangyang fought the ghost king, plus the male protagonist who was born to be masculine, the off-site rescue sister, and some capable people in the Tianshi world, finally eliminated the ghost king.

This time, Arlo's target is the ghost king who has not yet appeared.

She came early because she didn't know the exact time. The original Bai Luo was indeed a person with no desires and no desires, and A Luo became very Buddhist after being influenced.

However, no matter how Buddhist she is, she can't stand the boring life on Qingyuan Mountain.

Bai Luo has no desires or desires, but A Luo does have desires. She does not seek fame or profit, but a ghost king. She doesn't have the heart of a child, and she is also a layman.

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