I Really Like That Guy!

Vol 8 Chapter 15:

Pei Qin has lived a smooth life since he was a child, and it is more apt to describe him with the word "Pride of the Heavens".

He was born in a scholarly family. His father was a professor of physics at a top domestic university, his mother was a famous musician and composer, and his grandfather was also a highly qualified historian.

Living in such a family with a strong learning atmosphere, he inherited the excellent genes of his parents, received excellent education since childhood, and was a typical winner in life from birth.

When other children were still crawling on the ground, he could already memorize hundreds of poems. He could understand simple circuit models in kindergarten. He taught himself junior high school subjects in elementary school. , and then went abroad to study, and returned home with a doctorate at the age of 23.

Not only was he academically strong, he was equally astonishingly talented in other ways.

He has a very deep literary literacy and has participated in the National Composition Competition, where he won the first prize for the first time. He is also exceptionally talented in art. He formed a street band in a foreign country on a whim while studying abroad, and was discovered by a local agent. He insisted on signing a contract with him, saying that he would definitely become popular all over the world.

Even playing games, which others see as frustrating, can become number one on the entire server in a short period of time by playing it by chance.

This kind of person who is chasing and feeding by the gods is just too good to be outrageous, and he also has excellent physical conditions!

He is tall and has long legs, a stature of 1.86 meters, a handsome face, and a model-like figure.

Take it out for a comparison, it is definitely a comparison of people, and people are mad.

Since childhood, Pei Qin has always been the pride of his family, a child of others in the eyes of his classmates and friends, and a veritable genius in the eyes of the public.

With such a growth process, Pei Qin has developed an extremely proud character. On the surface, he has always been gentle and courteous, and no matter where he looks, he can't fault him. Only those close to him know that the real Pei Qin has arrogance that comes out of his bones.

This arrogance comes from his superior family, from his outstanding talent, from the ease with which everything is at hand.

Yes, he can get anything if he wants.

Money, fame, status, things that the world desires, he can easily get them, and he doesn't even need to spend much effort.

He could have been proud, because he had the capital of pride.

The Pei family has always been proud of him. In the eyes of the Pei family, the only shortcoming of Pei Qin is that he is so perfect that he has never been in love at the age of twenty-seven or eight.

Pei Qin's rhetoric is also very simple, and there is no one who is moved.

Pei's parents would not urge their children to marry, they respected his opinion, and even they knew that Pei Qin was too good and too arrogant, and the chances of him wanting to meet a girl who could make him stand out were very small.

Professor Pei and Pei's parents even prepared that Pei Qin would end up alone forever.

In Pei Shuang's eyes, her brother has always been a mountain on her head. She looks up to him, worships him, and occasionally envys him a little, but most of the time, her brother is in her mind. is a powerful synonym.

Pei Shuang believed that no matter what difficulties he encountered, as long as his brother was there, everything would be solved easily. Just like every time I ask my brother a question, no matter how difficult or biased the question is, or whether it is a field he is good at, he will always be able to answer it easily with just a glance.

She never thought that her brother, the outstanding and eye-catching Pei Qin, would become what he is now.

Before she and her grandfather came to find her brother, Pei Shuang didn't really worry much in her heart. Her trust in her brother was deeply rooted, and she subconsciously believed that even if the end of the world came, with her brother's strength, she would definitely be able to live well.

As for the brother will become a zombie? She never thought about this question.

Brother is God's darling, how could he become such a monster?

But in fact, my brother has become that bloodthirsty, dehumanizing monster.

Professor Pei and Pei Shuang have been looking at the pale and handsome man in front of them for more than half an hour. The room was silent, only four people stood opposite each other.

The sky outside the window was gradually darkening, the setting sun slowly fell into the horizon, and the last ray of light suddenly disappeared. There was no light in the room, and the light was dim.

In the interlaced light and shadow, the man's expression was indifferent and indifferent, never softened by this gentle twilight.

His abnormality is easy to see, after all, his eyes will only stare at the girl next to him, and he will ignore the gazes of his grandfather and grandson. If it is really a family, this kind of performance is not right at first glance.

Compared with Pei Shuang's skeptical life, Professor Pei's ability to accept is obviously much stronger.

The first sentence he said was: "Qin'er can't enter the base like this."

As a human being and a highly respected professor, he must be responsible for all human beings.

Even if Pei Qin could enter the base without being discovered, Professor Pei still wouldn't take this risk.

Arlo was not surprised by his decision, "I also planned this way. I wanted him to evolve again and become more normal. See you again, but he came out to save me and was exposed. So I think I should discuss it with you. , what to do next?"

Pei Shuang still couldn't recover. Hearing what Grandpa said, he subconsciously shouted: "No, let my brother be outside alone, if someone is..."

She thought that her brother was now a zombie, and once someone found out, the consequences would be unimaginable.

A Luo explained: "You shouldn't have to worry about this. Pei Pei is now level 5, and it will be level 6 soon. Others will be unlucky when they meet him."

Pei Shuang's eyes widened, knowing that the strongest human beings are only level three! Her brother is level 5, this speed is too unbelievable!

In addition to being shocked, she couldn't help but think, should it be her brother?

Even if he is a zombie, he has to be the strongest one. He really deserves the name of his genius.

A Luo didn't know that she was slandering in her heart, and if she knew, she would definitely agree.

Professor Pei's focus is on another aspect: "Xiao Luo, what is your relationship with Pei Qin? I think he seems to listen to you very much."

Having said that, Pei Shuang also turned around.

Thinking that even if my brother is a zombie, he can eventually evolve into a human being, and then he will still be her brother, and Pei Shuang's mood slowly relaxes.

"Yeah, Alo, I haven't seen my brother like this. You see his eyes are full of you, and he is reluctant to turn his eyes."

To be honest, Pei Shuang has never seen Pei Qin like this. He has always been gentle and alienated in his dealings with others. He has friends all over the world, but he has never met a friend who can bring him home.

Although Pei Qin who became a zombie was unfamiliar, but after watching it for a long time, Pei Shuang felt that this might be his true face.

His eyes are higher than his head, he is extremely arrogant, and he is cold and dismissive of everyone except those he identifies with.

A Luo blinked and glanced at the man beside him. Pei Qin was looking at her without blinking, with no expression on his face, but she could vaguely see a little restlessness.

It seems that in the face of his relatives, he is not as indifferent as he seems, but he still feels a little bit.

"He and I, um... Actually, we were together before the end of the world, and then the end of the world came. I went to the research institute to find him, but he didn't expect him to know me, and we have been living together since then..."

A Luo's words were vague and vague, just to deal with it, or tell them that she is actually Pei Qin's reserve grain?

However, Professor Pei and Pei Shuang believed.

Pei Shuang came over completely, and approached Pei Qin in surprise: "I didn't expect my brother to be so sullen? I don't even talk about love. But then again, you guys really seem to be described in romance novels, even if I'm losing my mind, and I'll remember you too." She laughed as she spoke.

Professor Pei was much more stable, but he also praised A Luo a few times "good boy".

A Luo's face was a little red when he was praised, but he still took it hard.

One day, Pei Qin will become the same as he used to be. He has bit her and sucked her blood. No matter whether he admits it or not after returning to his senses, he must be responsible for her.

A Luo thought so, and instantly became at ease.

She discussed with Professor Pei how to deal with Pei Qin next. A Luo planned to purify the meteorite on the way, and then go with Pei Qin to find the meteorite in N City.

Seeing that it will take two days at the latest to arrive at the South China base, it will take about four or five days for the meteorite to be completely purified. To slow down the journey, Professor Pei has to cooperate.

Professor Pei asked, "Why don't you enter the base? Your abilities are too precious to humans."

A Luo: "I think the most important thing now is to solve the problem of meteorites. It's not that I don't want to contribute, but that there are priorities. Professor Pei, if we expect well, after the meteorites are completely purified, the end of the world will definitely end. "

Zombies lose energy, they will become weaker and weaker, humans will become stronger and stronger, and it will be a matter of time before the zombies are finally eliminated.

And if she advanced to the base, she wasn't sure if she could still be free before she came out.

Professor Pei pondered for a moment and said, "You are right, I think it is wrong. I will cooperate with you."

When the two were talking, Pei Shuang surrounded Pei Qin and looked at his brother strangely, and couldn't help but tut.

"Brother, look at the clothes you're wearing, how long has it been since you changed them? There are dirt spots on your trouser legs. Your shoes, the threads are cracked, and your cuffs are all gray. Your precious glasses are only left. Halfway through, the hair is quite clean, but has the volume of hair decreased?"

Pei Shuang muttered, staring at him hard. It's too rare, you must watch it enough, or you won't have to watch it when he recovers.

When her brother was so proud, she never dared to think about when she was so embarrassed.

"It's really rare to see you like this. If your brothers saw you, they might laugh at you. But brother, I have to admire you for one thing. The wife I found is also the best in the world." Speaking of the last sentence, Pei Shuang's voice was very low.

The man who had been ignoring her before suddenly replied, "Lolo is the best looking."

Every word, clear and straightforward, echoed in the ears of several people.

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