I Really Like That Guy!

Vol 6 Chapter 24: 【Finish】

In an unknown small town, a carriage rolled over the bluestone road, pulled by a majestic reddish-brown horse.

A young and beautiful woman was sitting on the cab of the car. She was dressed in fiery red clothes.

Beside the carriage, a blue-clothed monk walked by the side, following the carriage step by step.

The horse walked fast, but the monk was not slow in the slightest. He clearly seemed to be in a hurry, one step at a time, but he never fell behind at all.

On the streets of the city, pedestrians passed them from time to time. Some people looked at them, but more people looked depressed and couldn't tell how much attention they paid to these two outsiders.

This city is located in the northwest. It has not rained a drop for more than half a year in the city. Many people's fields are dry and the crops are not harvested. If the drought continues, I am afraid that people will die.

The monk and the woman raised their eyes and observed the surroundings, taking a panoramic view of the situation in the city.

These two people are Aruo and Tan Wu who have traveled here.

Pulling on the reins, he parked the car at the entrance of a breakfast shop. Tan Wu went to the shop to buy breakfast, while A Luo opened the curtain behind him and saw two five- or six-year-old children lying in the car.

The little guys were head-to-head, with two similar little faces facing each other, and they were sleeping soundly.

A Luo looked at their peaceful sleeping faces, and couldn't help bending the corners of her mouth. She walked in and woke the little guys one by one.

"Mother~" The little girl with more beautiful eyebrows hugged her mother, softly and coquettishly asking A Luo to help her dress and comb her hair.

The other little boy looked more mature and steady, got up and put on his coat, and said to his sister, "Worry-free, little slacker."

The little girl stuck her tongue out at him: "Wushou envy!" She obviously wanted to hug her like she did, but she had to pretend she didn't want to.

A Luo: "Okay, okay, get up, we have to hurry up today."

The two little guys are very obedient. As soon as the mother said something, she just took care of herself after only two troubles. You must know that this is the first time they have come out with their mother and father, but they must not be ignorant, or they will be sent back to the Xuanyin Sect!

Although Xuanyin Sect is also very good, they are still very curious about the outside world.

If you can let your parents go year after year, there must be something fun and interesting outside, right?

Half a month after coming out, they walked a long road with their parents. The two little guys did see many different things. The local customs, topography and landforms of each place were different from Xuanyin Sect.

Dad would take them to catch rabbits in the fields, teach them to ride horses, and when they passed the town, Mom would buy them delicious snacks.

The outside is really colorful, and all kinds of people are also very entertaining. Some are singing operas with painted faces on the stage, some are performing juggling on the street, and some are telling stories in cadence in the teahouse.

But the two little guys at such a young age have seen all kinds of bad people and poor people the most.

There are bad people in their own way, those who bully men and bully women, those who rob families, those who kill people, and those who seek money and treasure. Poor people are also pitiful in their own way, but most of them are born corresponding to bad people. If there are bad people, there will be poor people.

There are also some poor people who are not oppressed by bad people, but encounter bad destiny.

For example, in this city, the shadow of natural disasters such as drought shrouded the small city, and everyone on the road had a sad and numb expression.

When people encounter disasters, they have always had to survive, no one can control them, and no one can save them.

"Dad, where are we going?"

After passing that city, what we saw along the way was even more shocking. The fields along the road were all barren, and the weeds became withered, yellow and shriveled.

In the sweltering summer, the sun was too strong, A Luo pulled Tan Wu into the car, and the family sat opposite each other.

The little girl was lying on the window looking at the scenery outside the window. From time to time, she could see some ragged and skinny people brushing past them. These people were all fleeing from the front.

"Go to Licheng." The blue-robed monk said in a deep voice.

His expression was solemn, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and Ning He's eyebrows in the past seemed to be stained with a trace of sadness.

A Luo gently raised his hand and stroked the back of his hand. The monk fiddled with the Buddha's hand for a while, exhaled slowly, and clasped his wife's hand tightly in the palm of his hand.

"It's not your fault, it's a natural disaster. No matter how powerful people are, they can't do anything in the face of natural disasters. Humans can't defeat the sky. We just need to do our best and that's enough." She comforted him softly.

Ever since they heard that Licheng was hit by a severe drought, they have been rushing here day and night, just to try their best to help some people.

In fact, after knowing the ending of Tan Wu in the book, Arlo began to arrange it many years ago.

In the process of walking with Tan Wu, she has killed many vicious people, and generally such people have looted a lot of money. Every time A Luo will take the money as his own, and then go to business.

She is not a pure ancient person. After just a few years, she has accumulated a huge fortune.

Whenever she heard that there was a natural disaster somewhere, she would donate in the name of Tan Wu, and it was the same this time.

The family rushed to Licheng first and settled down there. The food carts and horses behind them couldn't keep up, so they had to fall behind.

Hurry up and hurry, and two days later, they finally came to Licheng. Licheng is the largest city in the northwest, and it is also the worst hit. Walking on the road, you can see the discarded corpses wrapped in straw mats from time to time. Under the sun, it exudes a foul smell.

On the way out of the city, they were all supported by refugees who were fleeing.

Every family on the street closed their doors and windows, and when they heard the sound of horse hooves, few people looked up and watched. Life has crushed the people here, turning them into shriveled bodies.

Such a scene stunned the two little guys, and my brother Wushou asked his mother, "Mother, what are we doing here?"

A Luo pointed outside and said to him, "See those people? Let's save them."

Wuyou's crisp and tender voice sounded: "Dad and mother have been outside, are they saving people?"

Tan Wu, who was silent on the side, said, "Although it is saving people, it is also self-saving." In Tan Wu's view, he is not saving people for the sake of saving people, he just obeys his own heart and does these things.

The two children couldn't understand, and A Luo said, "You need someone with wisdom to understand what your father is saying." She touched the heads of the two children, "Your father is a bad guy, I don't want to read it. When someone suffers and others suffer, he will feel uncomfortable, and in order to make him feel more comfortable, we are here."

Worry-free: "Just like Sister Xiao Xiao was sick last time, I was very sad. Do you want her to be better?"

Arlo: "Yes."

Wuchou continued, "We know little sister, but the others don't. Is daddy also sad?"

A Luo smiled and sighed: "Buddha loves the world, you will understand when you grow up." He looked up at Tan Wu, who was silent, his black eyes staring at the tragic situation outside, dazed.

With him, sometimes she also gets tired. But more often, she just feels satisfied.

To be loved by such a person, to be able to accompany him for a lifetime, is such a rare and rare thing.

The family bought a house in Licheng and settled down. The two little guys stayed at home, and Tan Wu and A Luo quickly acted.

They got along well for a long time, A Luo spent money to recruit some people, and reasoned about the corpses in the city to prevent epidemics, and Tan Wuze guarded the porridge shop opened at the door of the house to help the people.

The food was transported from other cities, and the water was specially found in the mountains outside the city. Every day, they traveled to fetch water. One bowl of cooked porridge was distributed free of charge every day.

There are many people in Licheng, not only Licheng, but also more people from other disaster areas came to hear the wind. There were more and more people waiting in front of the porridge shop, and the queue became longer and longer.

You can imagine how huge the cost is.

This small stall, known as the Living Buddha Porridge Shop by the refugees, has not stopped for a day, and the monk who divides the porridge in front of the porridge shop has never left.

People gradually learned that the monk's name was Tan Wu, and he was an eminent monk of the Bodhi Temple.

Some call him a master, some call him a living Buddha. Every morning, seeing that figure rise with thin smoke, everyone is certain.

Sometimes, a woman in red would appear beside him. The weather was too hot, and the woman would wipe his sweat and fan him by the side.

Sometimes, there will be two children carved in pink and jade, leaning on the wall and looking out with their small faces.

This small stall stands on the side of the road, from the scorching heat to the late autumn when the branches and leaves on the trees turn yellow, until the first rain of the year.

When the rain that everyone was looking forward to fell from the sky, everyone's eyes were red.

There was still a line in front of the porridge shop, but everyone looked up at the sky, let the cold rain wet their faces, and couldn't help crying with joy.

When the rain fell, it also brought vitality and vitality, and the days gradually improved.

In the following days, the number of people who came to the porridge shop gradually decreased, and when there were only a few old, weak, sick and disabled, Tan Wu distributed some rice grains and closed the small stall.

When an old man turned to leave, he saw a woman in red and two children waiting not far away, and asked tremblingly, "Living Buddha, how many people are there, who are they?"

Tan Wu replied slowly, "My wife, my son."

The old man nodded suddenly, his old face wrinkled with a smile: "It's good, the living Buddha also has a wife, so he's not alone."

The blue-clothed monk clasped his hands together and said in a low voice, "Good."

Saying goodbye to the old man, closing the door, Tan Wu slowly walked towards the three.

The two little guys climbed into the carriage, and the woman in red turned on her horse and extended a hand to him: "Husband, would you like to ride with me?"

The monk raised his eyes, and his gentle gaze fell on the woman's charming and lively face. After a while, he smiled and nodded, "Yes."

He took her by the hand and mounted the horse, landed behind her, and pulled her into his arms.

[Cold and Hard-blooded Dark Guard x Unruly and Willful Little Princess]

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