I Really Like That Guy!

Vol 6 Chapter 18:

A Luo quietly followed the two people in front, and it has been two days since he followed, and the more he followed, the more bitter his heart became.

When the monk walked with her, he never opened his mouth to speak, but facing the woman, he broke his silence.

The two walked hand in hand and talked a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious.

A Luo is a willful little witch, but that woman is very polite. She doesn't complain about foot pain when she walks. She also respects and admires monks. She eats what she gives.

Yes, Tan Wu had the same attitude towards this woman as he did to A Luo at the beginning.

The two of them were walking on the road, and Tan Wuxiang approached the family for alms, or got into the mountains and forests to pick wild fruits. The woman also has a portion of the meal she eats every day.

All kinds of behavior, as before.

It seems that A Luo's departure has no impact on him and his life.

He is still in front of his Buddhist son, carrying out his travels, doing his good deeds. His expression was always sympathetic, as gentle and tolerant as a god. That night's relapse was like passing by, never leaving a single trace on him.

From the wild to the town, Arlo followed them from a distance.

Although she had vowed to find him responsible before she set off, when she saw him, Arlo became hesitant.

Should she really appear in front of him? Do you really want to impose that responsibility on him that doesn't belong to him? Really want to see him forced to cater to her?

I don't know if it was because of the extra little life in her belly. The little demon girl who used to run wild and only cared about her own happiness now began to consider the feelings of others.

So for the past two days, she hid all the way, only watching him secretly.

But looking at it like this, A Luo found something different from before. The monk seems to be less pedantic!

Because she saw, he killed!

Once passing through a village, Tan Wu went to the village to beg for alms.

The monk should also feel embarrassed. Every time he seeks alms, he will take the initiative to do something for the master, such as seeing a doctor, treating an injury, or doing a little favor.

Most of the rural peasants live a very hard life. They either do farm work or chop wood every day. They have some hidden diseases. The monks learned the first-hand medical skills from nowhere.

For this reason, he always likes to walk on the mountain road, through the mountains and forests, he can find a lot of useful medicinal materials.

In the village we went back to, there was a bully who bullied men and women. The bully was the youngest son of the landlord's family. He raped the youngest daughter of a family. The youngest daughter could not bear the humiliation and committed suicide. There are only a pair of elderly parents and an elder brother in the girl's family. The elder brother is not angry with the town's government, but the government has long been bribed by the bully. He even said that the elder brother had framed him and beat him to death.

In the end, there were only a pair of old people left. The old mother couldn't stand the blow and died of anger when she heard the bad news of her son.

When Tan Wu knocked on the door, he saw a withered old man. There were three corpses in the yard, exuding an unpleasant stench.

The old man only opened the door halfway. Hearing that he was here for alms, he went into the house and brought a large bowl of rice with two eggs lying on top of it. Go, my old man won't be able to eat in the future."

Tan Wu asked: "What happened to the old man?"

The sadness on the old man's face was no greater than his heart's death, and at a glance, he knew that his heart was dying. Maybe it was the last moment of his life, he wanted to tell his grievances, or maybe Tan Wu seemed too compassionate, so he told his own experiences one by one.

At that time, A Luo was hiding in the distance, and after vaguely hearing the old man's words, he was also very angry.

After the monk quietly listened to the incident, he asked the old man, "If the old man can take revenge, what would you do?"

Muddy tears flowed from the old man's eyes, and he said bitterly, "I wish I could slash him with a thousand swords! That beast shouldn't live in this world! Go and ask, which one in this village has not been killed by him! He can run away! They all ran away, and all the daughters in the family who couldn't run were ruined by that beast!"

Tan Wu put his palms together on his chest, and recited a Buddha's name: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no reward, the time has not come."

The old man said, "Who knows when that beast will be punished?"

Tan Wu: "It's today."

Then, the monk followed the old man to the bully's house, found the bully, broke his hands and feet and threw them in front of the old man. In the end, the bully was hacked to death by the old man with the hatchet at home.

Seeing this scene, Arlo was shocked.

The bully is not Tan Wusuo, but because of him, it is an undisguised fact.

A Luo didn't think he didn't deserve to die. If she were here, he would have to torture the bully with Gu worms and let him die.

She was just surprised that when she traveled with Tan Wu before, it was not that she never met such villains, but Tan Wu never killed them.

He seems to have always believed that the wicked will one day turn to the good. Or maybe he takes life too seriously, even if it's a wicked person, he can't bear to hurt his life.

This time, his actions allowed Arlo to see some kind of transformation in him.

He is still kind, but he is no longer standing high in the clouds like he used to.

In the past, Tan Wu, with great love and compassion, looked down on the world like a god, and saw that everything is equal.

In that way, he is more like a **** than a human being with flesh and blood.

Now he finally cast off that trace of divinity and became like a human being. He no longer pretends to be a god, and no longer forgives sins on behalf of others, but returns the choice to the victims, so that sins can be punished.

Did he... change because of her words? Or because of the heroine?

A Luo did not dare to get too close to them for fear of being discovered by Tan Wu, but despite this, she still recognized that the woman following him was the heroine of the book, Shen Tiantian.

Even if there is no abduction and trafficking incident, the heroine still meets Tan Wu. Should it be said to be a fateful encounter?

Tan Wu's feelings for the heroine are not clearly written in the book. The two seem to be friends and confidants. The heroine from the modern society brought Tan Wu a lot of advanced ideas about good and evil, which to a certain extent promoted his understanding of Buddhism. Since then, Tan Wu has protected the heroine many times in times of crisis. The friendship between the two is profound and obvious to all. .

Seeing the two facing each other every day, Arlo's heart bubbled with sourness.

After walking for two days, they arrived in a town, and the two entered a restaurant to rest. A Luo led his little red horse and entered a restaurant opposite.

She didn't see that the blue-clothed monks in the teahouse swept around and chose the seat by the window.

The window was wide open, and it faced the street, and from the outside one could see who was sitting in that seat. Most people do not like to sit in such a position, there is no sense of privacy.

Shen Tiantian: "Master, it seems that you really like places with a wide field of vision."

In the past few days, no matter where Tan Wu is, he likes to rest in a place where there is not much obstruction to his sight. According to what he said, it is safer, and if there is danger around, he can find it immediately.

Tan Wu only smiled and said nothing.

Shen Tiantian didn't think too much about it. She and Tan Wu had been together during this period of time, and she knew that he didn't like to talk, but he was a good person, kind as a living Bodhisattva.

It was because she knew that others were good that she felt relieved to go with him.

Sometimes she thinks that if she keeps walking like this, it's good to be a good person and a good person. Anyway, she has no home in this world, she is a drifting duckweed, and she has no sense of belonging anywhere.

Just thinking about this, my body suddenly became cold, and a chill rushed up my back.

Shen Tiantian raised her head if she felt something, and saw on the street outside the window, a man in white was staring straight at her, his whole body was full of coldness.

The man was dressed in white clothes that were not stained with fine dust, and his black hair was **** with ribbons of the same color. Even the sword at his waist was a cold, silvery white.

His face was cold and white, as if it was made of ice and snow, and the bright sky light fell on him, and his whole body was almost reflective. And behind him, there were also four beautiful maids in white clothes. The maids held swords in their hands and stood quietly on the side, with the same expressionless expression as him.

Shen Tiantian: "..."

Every time she sees such a scene, her goosebumps will fall out!

When reading martial arts novels, she just thought it was cool and handsome, but when she actually experienced it, she only felt extremely embarrassed, which was too pretentious.

The man in white walked into the teahouse step by step, and the other guests in the building had long noticed that the wind was wrong, and they all ran away before they knew it, and even the street was empty in an instant.

The people here have long been accustomed to the Jianghu people who appear from time to time. The man in white is not good at first sight. When will he not run at this time?

Shen Tiantian knew, however, that men were not here to find fault, after all, no matter when, he was like an iceberg.

The man walked to the table, and Shen Tiantian also stood up and said to him, "Wei Zhixian, if you still think that way, I won't go back with you."

Wei Zhixian's black eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "Where else can you go?"

Shen Tiantian pointed to Tan Wu, who was drinking tea quietly across the table, and said, "I can travel all over the world with the master, even if I live a life of eating and sleeping, I am free, and it is better than living in your backyard for a lifetime! "

Wei Zhixian's gaze shifted to the blue-clothed monk. He was silent for a moment, then sneered: "Buddha, we are really destined to meet again, and it was because of a woman. This time, are you still going to stop me?"

Tan Wu's expression was flat, his eyes were gentle, and he said slowly, "If she doesn't want to, I will protect her."

There was a hint of surprise in Shen Tiantian's eyes, I didn't expect these two to know each other, and after listening to their conversation, Wei Zhixian still couldn't beat Grandmaster?

Coming to this conclusion, Shen Tiantian suddenly became more assertive, "Wei Zhixian, if you want me to go back, you can either promise me, don't treat me like a housewife again, or you can go back!"

Her eyes were stubborn and her attitude was firm. Wei Zhixian looked at her, feeling an unspeakable irritability at her inexplicable persistence.

If it wasn't for her being his woman, why did he search for so long and come to take her back to the village in person? Putting it on other women, she has long been flattered, why is she different?

When he was feeling gloomy, Wei Zhixian suddenly sensed a prying gaze and turned his head to look over.

"He Fang rat! Come out!"

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