I really didn’t want to be a warm man when I was reborn

Chapter 659 The “low-key” Teacher Qiao

In March 2016, Pinxixi took the lead in launching the live streaming sales model.

In May, Taobao immediately launched the live broadcast function. Four months later, Aunt Thirteen used a live broadcast to guide a turnover of 100 million, establishing her status as the number one live broadcast sister on Taobao.

In September, Goudong's live broadcast function was launched, and subsequently invested at least 1 billion in resources to support merchants and incubate anchors.

E-commerce platforms such as 201, Goudong, Pinxixi, and Weipinhui have launched live broadcast functions and launched live shopping guide models. Live broadcast platforms such as Kuaishou and Douyu have cooperated with e-commerce platforms or brands to develop live broadcast e-commerce businesses. .

Qudong Video only started large-scale e-commerce sales in short videos and live broadcasts at the beginning of this year, which is relatively late.

Live-streaming of goods is a double-edged sword for short video platforms. Large-scale e-commerce goods can certainly increase platform revenue explosively, but it can also reduce the vitality and creativity of the platform.

The huge profits from selling goods will make short video bloggers become more utilitarian. As long as there is a little bit of popularity, they will be eager to bring goods and cash in.

As the commercial attributes of the platform become stronger, the entertainment quality will inevitably decrease.

Douyin was able to emerge suddenly, and it only took 2 years to reverse the competitive landscape, surpassing fast cars and achieving corner overtaking.

Advanced algorithms and recommendation mechanisms are only one aspect. More importantly, novel, diversified and high-quality original content attracts a large number of young people.

However, after Douyin vigorously supported live broadcasts and brought goods, the quality of short videos dropped significantly, and it can even be said to be chaotic.

After Qudong Video launched its e-commerce function, ATV immediately opened an e-commerce account, allowing its artists to collectively bring goods overseas.

Even in order to be able to better sell goods, Zhou Ziyu arranged for artists to start learning Mandarin more than a year ago. Those who pass the Mandarin assessment will receive a salary increase.

Of course, Li Zhe came up with the idea of ​​letting artists collectively go live to deliver goods to Zhou Ziyu.

Before his rebirth, he was a little confused. Many of Hong Kong's outdated artists made a lot of money by selling live broadcasts. TVB clearly has so many artists, why would they rather lose money year after year than let the artists collectively Bringing goods to generate income?

Today's ATV is full of talents.

In recent years, Zhou Tzuyu has gathered a large number of unsatisfactory old artists and has frequently poached talents from her old rival TVB.

For example, the veteran actor Che Baoluo was well-known to mainland audiences for his role as "Fat Tou Tuo" in "The Deer and the Cauldron", but when he was in his 40s, TVB was unwilling to even give him an "annual salary" of NT$2,000 because he "could not renew his contract." "I was fired for this reason, so I had to do odd jobs, such as selling insurance, working as a maintenance company, and working as a security guard.

At the age of 50, he went bankrupt and was reduced to receiving social assistance.

A down-and-out old actor like Che Baoluo has acting skills, experience, is also obedient, and is easily satisfied. In fact, he is very valuable.

Quku Entertainment has a star-making factory, and there is no shortage of young actors. What is lacking is veteran drama stars and character actors like Che Baoluo.

Compared with the mainland "old actors" who rely on their old age to show off their talents, these down-and-out old actors from Hong Kong are really cheap and easy to use.

TVB was even more anxious to be poached by Zhou Ziyu.

Not only old people like Wan Qiwen, Chen Wei, and Ou Jintang who had switched jobs to TVB were poached back, but many old people from TVB were also poached by ATV.

Even the first sister She Shiman was poached.

Faced with ATV's crazy poaching behavior, TVB could only complain to the media while being forced to raise the salaries of artists. As a result, the artists ran away when they should have, and the losses became more serious.

Although most of these Hong Kong artists have become outdated, many mainland audiences grew up watching their movies and TV series, and they still have feelings for them in their hearts.

There are really many people who are willing to pay for feelings.

This is why after they switch to live streaming to bring goods, their sales are generally not bad and they make a lot of money.

On the first day of ATV's live broadcast, more than a dozen well-known artists appeared in the live broadcast room and launched more than 100 products. The cumulative transaction volume exceeded 100 million. The first battle was successful and the results were quite impressive.

In this era, the trend of live streaming has just begun. Celebrities are still reluctant to let go and imitate Internet celebrities in selling goods. Zhou Ziyu is the first to let ATV artists collectively go overseas to sell goods.

Later generations of celebrities are so "down-to-earth" that they will do anything to make money. There are some who are friends with Panga, and there are also female celebrities who call their eldest brother "husband" in public in the live broadcast room.

If you really comply with that sentence, how much face is worth?

Zhou Ziyu and her assistant came to the delivery site and asked about the preparations for the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival live broadcasts and if there were any problems.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day this year, ATV will hold a 6-day non-stop large-scale live broadcast event. More than 100 artists will live broadcast online to interact with consumers. For this purpose, the TV station has been busy a month ago.

It has to be said that live streaming is really profitable. ATV has made more than 100 million in just half a year since it started selling products.

We barely managed to break even last year, but we can definitely achieve a substantial surplus this year.

The morning passed quickly.

In the afternoon, Zhou Ziyu took a private plane back to Shanghai, preparing to spend the National Day holiday with Li Zhe.

Shanghai Normal University.

In a public classroom, Xiao Qiao is teaching students.

After graduating from graduate school in June 2014, she stayed at the school as a teaching assistant. Because of her outstanding performance, she was rated as a lecturer after less than a year and was able to teach.

After Xiao Qiao became Teacher Qiao, Li Zhe joked that she would mislead his students.

However, teaching quality aside, Xiao Qiao is still very popular among students.

She is pretty, loves to laugh, and gets along with students like friends. Which student wouldn’t like such a beautiful teacher?

The leaders of the school also take good care of Xiao Qiao, and his colleagues treat him warmly without any conflicts.

She has been a graduate student at school for three years, and the teachers at the school basically know her background. As long as she is not a fool, they will not offend her, the richest man's wife.

When the music after class started, Xiao Qiao immediately stopped teaching and said with a smile: "Okay, let's finish class."

The classroom suddenly became lively, and the students packed their things and got up to leave.

Several female students who were relatively close to Xiao Qiao were not in a hurry to leave. They came to the podium and talked around her.

"Teacher Qiao, how do you plan to celebrate National Day?"

"I guess it must have been with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Teacher, I've been married a long time ago." Xiao Qiao said while packing up the lesson plans.

Several girls were a little surprised when they heard this, "Teacher Qiao, are you already married? You are so young, we all thought you were not married yet."

They also guessed which male teacher might be interested in Xiao Qiao.

"The teachers are not young anymore, they are all 30 years old."

"Teacher Qiao, are you 30 years old?"

"Why can't you see it?"

"You can't tell at all. You look like you're in your mid-twenties at best."

"Yes, even college students believe it."

Xiao Qiao is 29 and 30 this year, but she still looks like a college student.

When walking on campus, some boys would mistake her for a student and strike up a conversation with her.

On the one hand, she is relatively small, and she looks like a minor without makeup when she was in college. On the other hand, more importantly, she has a good attitude and takes good care of herself.

If you have money and know how to take care of yourself, you can stay young for a long time.

After coming out of the teaching building and saying goodbye to several female students, Xiao Qiao got into a silver BYD.

When bodyguard Zhou Jing saw Xiao Qiao getting into the car, she immediately started the car and left the school.

In order to be as low-key as possible, Xiao Qiao specially bought a BYD for Zhou Jing to drive.

After all, many school leaders only drive cars like Toyota, Volkswagen, BYD, etc. As a new teacher, not to mention luxury cars such as Land Rover and Porsche, even a BMW is a bit too conspicuous.

However, Xiao Qiao's BYD Nuvoton is a top-of-the-line luxury car, and it is a rare silver-grey version. It is really no worse than ordinary million-level luxury cars, and it can be regarded as a "low-key show off of wealth."

Several girls were talking about their teacher Qiao as they walked to the dormitory.

"Teacher Qiao's family is probably quite rich, and they have a dedicated driver to pick him up and drop him off."

"Indeed, Teacher Qiao has an unusual temperament."

"With Teacher Qiao's conditions, the husband she finds will definitely not be too ordinary."

"However, I always feel that Teacher Qiao's name is very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

"Where have you heard of it? The surname Xiao is not common."

Everyone can recognize Jack Ma at a glance, but not many people know who his wife is, let alone recognize his wife.

Although Xiao Qiao has also appeared in public, her exposure rate is too low. Without knowing the details, it would be difficult for ordinary people to connect her with the youngest richest woman's wife.

That's right, Li Zhe is the youngest richest man, and Xiao Qiao is the youngest richest man's wife.

No richest man's wife is as young as she is.

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