Light and shadow rotate.

The shuttle flies away.

Lin La sat by the window, watching the things outside keep flying back. Her thoughts were flying, but they did not drift to Yang Guoding.

What was tumbling over and over in her mind like waves was still the unfinished work in her hands.

Countless nutrition ratio plans are appearing repeatedly in her mind, and then the human brain calculates and demonstrates them.

The proportioning plan is not a simple combination of percentages.

It can be traced back to the specific process in the synthesis stage of nutrient solution raw materials.

There are extremely strict standards for the synthesis method of each nutrient, as well as the modification and fine-tuning after synthesis.

Later, it can be moved to a series of biochemical reactions that may occur after the substance is absorbed by the "resurrected" embryo.

Although similar calculation processes have been completed by artificial intelligence no less than tens of billions of times, 100% results have still not been obtained.

Lin La and countless other researchers involved in related links are racing against time to trace the source, trying to find the cause.

To this extent, nutrition and aerospace engineering are similar. They both use a large number of calculations and simulation experiments to find the fault point as much as possible, and then improve the process and design plan bit by bit, and finally solve the problem.

It's a pity that I'm still short of breath now.

So Lin La is trying to give up the computing power assistance of artificial intelligence and use his own human brain thinking to do mental calculations.

It’s only about five kilometers from the launch platform to Lin La’s work station.

This section of the road can be reached by the shuttle in just sixteen seconds.

On the way, she completed a round of deductions, but to no avail.

Along the way, as the shuttle passed through Yang Guoding's office area of ​​the project leader, Lin La's thoughts briefly fluctuated.

She didn't have to look to see what Yang Guoding was doing now.

He must still be sitting there, looking at the embryo simulation diagram intently, with countless details of the entire project from front to end in his mind.

His body temperature must be much higher than normal.

Because his brain never stopped for a second.

One minute and seven seconds later, Lin La sat back at her work station again.

She completed another embryo simulation modeling at an extremely fast speed and sent the photon mapping information.

The practical printer connected to her work station once again began to synthesize a one-to-one replica of the original embryo.

Her next experiments will be based on this replica.

The leader of the nutrition team who was waiting anxiously outside received the operation prompt here and was shocked to find that Lin La was working again.

"Lin La, what are you doing! Didn't you say you were going to visit Director Yang? Get off the workbench quickly! We must evacuate!"

Lin La looked at the synthetic embryo replica that was rapidly formed in the sealed cabin of the real energy printer, while shaking his head slightly and said: "Team Leader Demong, I'm sorry, I lied, I decided to stay. You can go, no need Leave me alone."

"Shut up! You know the consequences of this. Everyone on this planet will die. You don't have to sacrifice in vain. The preparation station on the mothership is ready, what difference does it make if you work there?"

Lin La: "Only in the research institute base can the most accurate physical reconstruction of the original embryo be carried out using a pure energy level scanner. After leaving here, any data must be transmitted through the quantum network. Information has a process of transmission. There must be gains and losses, and the results obtained must be slightly different. This is the meaning of our research. Didn't you say, Leader Demong, that we have the best experimental conditions, if everyone fails If so, we are the most shameful, isn’t it?”

Demeng's beard trembled violently, "But there are thousands of people left in the space station, and they are enough. The sage once said that there is an old Chinese saying, leaving green hills without worry about having no firewood. The meaning of life is more than It’s more important to die in vain.”

Lin La grinned, "Team Leader Demong, you are an American, but you can also remember ancient Chinese sayings."

DeMont: "I've read a lot of quotes from sages, but that's not the point now."

"But you only read things about the sages, right?"

"Yes. I said that's not the point!"

There were still three minutes left before the embryo clone was synthesized. During this time, Lin La was relatively free. After a brief thought, she decided to have a frank talk with Demon James.

Lin La said slowly: "Team Leader Demong, I recognize your academic ability. But I have never admired you. Do you know why?"

"I don't need your admiration, I just need you to abide by the rules and regulations, come out quickly, board the spaceship, continue to live, and then go to the mothership to complete the work you should complete."

Lin La: "No, no, no, my most important job is right here! It is to ensure the survival rate of the sages! This is our career! Our most important job is right here! So I won't go anywhere!"

Demong: "Are you doing it for Director Yang?"

Lin La: "This has nothing to do with Director Yang. It is my own decision."

Lin La took another deep breath, and her tone suddenly increased, "Although the world government and salvation have always emphasized a community of shared future for mankind. Human beings have put aside the concepts of country and race for hundreds of years. But many things are deeply rooted in the bone marrow and difficult to shake. Just like my family , Team Leader Demong, as you know, my family implements a very strict traditional education system. In addition to receiving regular knowledge learning, I also have to maintain a high degree of interaction with my family. Before joining the Original Gene Research Institute, I even lived under the same roof as my parents for a long time.”

Demeng nodded, he knew this very well, "This is not uncommon in pure Chinese families. Chinese people are so old-fashioned, but we understand your different ethnic customs, just like you also understand other people very well."

Lin La: "Actually, this kind of family caused me a lot of trouble. I used to feel very painful, and even occasionally felt torn apart. I live in the gap between the knowledge system of modern society and the old traditional family concept."

"I once wanted to escape, but I couldn't let go of my family ties. I once wanted to be lazy, but I couldn't let go of the responsibilities that the sages taught me. My heart was like duckweed, with nowhere to turn. It wasn't until I met Yang Guoding that I realized that I didn't care about anything. How happy it is to only focus on one specific person and specific thing.”

"I have repeatedly asked myself many times, is it my love for Yang Guoding, or is it a simple desire for genetic matching, or is it an impulse to produce better genetic offspring for human beings? I have not found the answer."

"Later, I discovered that when I started thinking about love, I couldn't help but compare myself to my parents."

Demeng interjected: "Your father, Dr. Lin, and your mother, Dr. Li, are freely married, right?"

"Yes, they are childhood sweethearts, and their love is sincere and deep. I can feel my envy of them, and I also realize that I am still a very traditional Chinese after all. No matter whether I have resisted or not, my family cannot What I avoid determines my thinking pattern. Of course, I am also trying to adapt to other people's worldviews, because the importance of unity goes without saying. But I must admit that no matter how many languages ​​I master and how hard I try to integrate, Everyone will clearly realize the differences between you and me."

Dement: "Ideological diversity is in line with the development outline of the empire. You don't have to worry and blame yourself for this. We are all working towards the same goal with our different lifestyles."

Lin La: "But I must tell you, the difference between the real Chinese and you. Before human technology began to take off, China experienced hundreds of years of decline and depression. We suffered heavy losses in the war, and all lives were devastated. The war is over Then we endured decades of oppression."

Demon: "That's all in the past. The Empire doesn't encourage hatred, and now we have a common enemy."

Lin La: "Yes, I know. But what I want to say here is not hatred, but objective facts that must be respected. The Chinese have experienced more than you. This kind of modern history is different from the history thousands of years ago. , a new data carrier in the information age, detailed imaging data allows us to see this history more clearly."

"Leader Demong, do you know? China's rise is far from being as easy as it was lightly described by the outside world after the establishment of the world government. It was a lonely and painful journey full of thorns. We rose up at the end of the day, surrounded by hostility. We moved forward bit by bit with difficulty. It took us a hundred years of struggle to stand on the top of the world again. The difficulties and obstacles in the struggle have been engraved deep in our national memory. Compared with others, we are better equipped to deal with difficulties. I have a lot of experience and lessons learned.”

"It has only been more than six hundred years, and the national memory is not so easy to forget. In the past, we tempered our sharpness for the common goal of all mankind and chose to treat the world with a more inclusive attitude. But today, I have to let you know, How Chinese people in distress usually treat their jobs.”

"My father once said to me, my job is my life! If the job is important enough, if the job is related to the life and death of more people, the Chinese will always stick to their jobs. We will complain, and we will also be envious. We are For most of our lives we are just mortals. But if the time comes that we need to step up, we will stand where we should stand."

"I know that the corpse planet will be physically accelerated to the speed of light without outer protection, and the human body will disintegrate and disintegrate in this environment. But I don't care at all. This has nothing to do with human rights and freedom, but is driven by my personal beliefs. A choice made proactively.”

"You guys, Team Leader Demong, don't understand this. Just now you said that you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood, but in the logic of my elders and I, there are two types of green hills. One is to regard yourself as a green hill. The other is to treat the entire civilization and the entire collective as a green mountain. If I have the opportunity to exchange for higher rewards with my own sacrifice, this can make the green mountains greener and the trees more lush. I will choose myself without hesitation. sacrifice."

"Team Leader Demong, you have only read the quotations of the sages, but the sages are only part of the Chinese people and can be regarded as representatives. You have not been able to understand the thousands of years of Chinese inheritance from him alone."

"Team leader, you can take a look and see if there are many people left besides me? Quite a few, right?"

Lin La asked finally.

Demon glanced at the list again.

Indeed, as Lin La said, among the more than 3,000 people in his group, there are still more than 600 people who have not come out. These people even ignored his call.

"Team Leader Demeng, look at the other groups and see what percentage of the people who have declared themselves on the stay-behind list are Chinese."

Demeng called up the list of staff of the entire institute, then swallowed his saliva and said slowly: "More than 80 percent."

Lin La smiled freely, "Now do you know why your ancestors were always wary and afraid of the great eastern countries before the shadow of war dissipated? Of course, the facts now prove that they were wrong. Because many years ago, when Now that we have the ability to refuse war, we have taken the lead in taking the long-term view of a community with a shared future for mankind."

"The sage is indeed a Chinese, but his life is related to whether the entire human race can tide over the difficulties. Everyone has the same purpose now, and they are trying every means to ensure that he lives. So I respect your choice, but you should also understand us."

"Those of us who stayed have not communicated with each other. It is our individual decision to stay. Why do we all make the same decision at the same time? It is because we all believe that at this moment, from the 21st century to the present, The most important life-and-death moment facing humanity.”

"In the previous hundreds of years, we have united in the way of all mankind for hundreds of years. Now it is time for you to see how unique the Chinese people's way of uniting is."

Demon was silent for about thirty seconds.

Then he dialed the communicator.

On the other end of the communicator is his wife Stella who is far away on earth.

He didn't say much, he just told Stella in a very calm tone that he decided to stay because the work was not finished yet.

Stella asked him if this was a request from the government, with some indignation in her expression and tone.

Demon shook his head, "No, I just want to do a better job. I don't want to hang my head in shame when my children ask me if I have tried my best to complete the most important work in my life many years later. To see him."

Word spread quickly about Demon's decision to stay.

Many people came to ask him what happened.

Demeng didn't say much, he just transferred the recording of his conversation with Lin La.

About thirty seconds passed, and more and more people who had boarded the small spacecraft turned around and ran down the steps.

Those who arrived on the mothership early also submitted applications one by one, requesting to return to the institute.

Small spacecraft traveling between the mothership and the space station no longer return empty.

In just a minute and a half, four hundred thousand people changed their minds.

Everyone thinks differently.

Some people do not agree with Lin La's statement and strongly oppose allowing the narrow Chinese concept to override the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. They even secretly criticize Lin La's words for being a moral hijacker for others. To be serious, it even encourages separatism.

But there are also people who were just immersed in work before, numbly and strictly obeying the orders of their superiors, without considering their own personal choices. Now they are reminded and realize that they can actually stay.

It doesn't matter what everyone's motivations are, what matters is that the final choices are exactly the same.

The sudden changes made people outside even mistakenly believe that a new technological revolution had occurred, and it was no longer a certain death to stay on the planet of fish-man corpses.

The administrative department even consulted the organizing committee of the confidential project, saying that since safety is now guaranteed, whether it should open up the registration permit and allow more technical personnel to come to the base to enhance the technical capabilities of the Original Gene Research Institute.

There are indeed many young people outside who are petitioning to sign up.

The administration got a quick answer.

The miracle didn't happen.

Staying behind is still equated with death.

The fact that these people who were originally going to evacuate suddenly changed their minds was not a technical breakthrough, but that the staff made new choices on their own.

The conversation between Lin La and Demong also spread among the high-level officials.

There was a dead silence in the highest meeting room of the imperial government.

The Solar System held a quick summit meeting and decided to respect the different self-choices of the institute's staff.

The Archon of the Solar System realized that perhaps, since the dome was solved, the Solar System, as the rear of the war, had received too favorable conditions, causing humans in the Solar System to lose their courage to sacrifice and forget the principle of using every possible means.

Linla used her own way to rekindle the blood of humanity in the solar system.

There are millions of families affected by this.

This matter is of paramount importance to the solar system and millions of families.

But if the area is enlarged and the time is extended, this is only a drop in the ocean in the entire history of Orion Arm humans and the Morrowind Empire. On the front lines, similar things happen every month.

The staff members of the nutrition team returned quickly one after another. They did not exchange much greetings, and did not need any encouragement to cheer each other up. They all returned their attention to their respective jobs at an extremely fast speed.

Lin La, who was sitting at her workstation, watched as the empty laboratory cubicle around her became lively again, but she silently muttered in her heart, "I'm sorry."

What she said to Demong earlier was actually a conspiracy.

She is actually very selfish.

She just didn't want Yang Guoding's sacrifice to become meaningless.

But the other side of selfishness is selflessness.

The first condition in her conspiracy is to sacrifice herself first.

Her ultimate goal is still to ensure the survival rate of the sage. Even if it means using the lives of hundreds of thousands of people to fill up the last 0.0000...1% failure rate, it's still worth it.

"Everyone, listen up. We will definitely die here. There is no doubt about it. What we have to do now is to make our death more valuable. So, regardless of what other tricks you have, what do you need from Master Fanxing? Support, come up with me the plan quickly! No matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it is something that has never been tried before and has no precedent, come out with it. The embryos of the sages are around us, and hundreds of thousands of us are now carrying them It holds the hope of hundreds of billions of people in the entire human race!”

Demon's thick voice suddenly sounded in the nutrition team's communication channel, full of energy and awe-inspiring.

This chapter is 5,000 words long, and I have finally regained some speed.

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