I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 400 I am so great [5200 words please vote]

The Oxford professor first wanted to refute out of habit, saying that the Western world had no prejudice against the East.

But he thought about it for a while, and then thought about the identity of the person in front of him, and felt that there was no point in sophistry.

"This stereotype cannot be let go. But it seems a bit biased to summarize the differences between the Eastern and Western worlds simply by using language structures."

Chen Feng shook his head, "Of course we can't just talk about language structure, but Eastern and Western scholars have written a lot about the analysis of civilizational differences between the two modes of thinking and explained it very thoroughly. My personal opinion is that all current situations cannot be separated from the historical isolation. in conclusion."

"We do not deny the backwardness of the East in the past few hundred years. But we can assume a scenario. If the East had never fallen behind, during the first industrial revolution, the East and the West would have maintained a high degree of information exchange. What do you think the world will be like now?"

Professor Oxford thought for a long time and felt that he couldn't imagine it.

Of course, it's possible that he didn't want to answer.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I can tell you a more 'hypocritical' answer. We can even conduct another questionnaire survey. I believe that more than 80% of native Chinese speakers will choose the same answer. If the East had not fallen behind, The world will be better, and peace will no longer be a fantasy. Maybe a community with a shared future for mankind has already become a reality, and humans are now seriously considering the colonization of Mars."

Professor Oxford: "That's because you are beautifying your own humanity. You are just doing a good job in ideological work."

Chen Feng spread his hands: "I have previously analyzed with you the differences in the fast and slow thinking structures of Chinese and English. Don't you realize that the worldview of native Chinese speakers with fast thinking is difficult to be shaped by others? I admit that the main circulation in all countries All information must be systematically processed.”

"But fast-structure native speakers acquire information faster, and the information they acquire every day is larger. The positions of people who process information are not entirely consistent, so even if what we receive is still processed information, the processing The direction is diverse and dialectical.”

"In the Chinese-speaking world, no one or any force can accurately shape the worldview of native Chinese speakers. We can have the current national self-confidence and form the current worldview not because of who shapes us, but because we have inherited it. Five thousand years of civilization and the vast amount of information that each of us absorbs more actively every day."

"The self-confidence and self-discipline of native Chinese speakers come from the large amount of diversified information they quickly absorb from childhood to adulthood. Chinese civilization is famous for its construction, and it is precisely because we can quickly complete the accumulation of basic knowledge as we grow. , begin to create wealth for society and civilization.”

"We ordinary people can also focus on the present more down-to-earth, instead of always thinking about the illusory future. On the contrary, native English speakers should obviously better plan for the future, but now they are completely immersed in the trap of excessive consumption. , whose fault is it?"

The Oxford professor expressed dissatisfaction, "If the East leads the world, there will still be plunder, exploitation and oppression."

Chen Feng: "Plundering is indeed one of human nature. But the people who commit the plundering are different, and the results are also different. A civilization that is good at construction often thinks not of depleting others, but of mutual benefit and win-win results when robbing others. We must also We want to eat the bulk, but we will leave enough space for the prey to develop."

"Under our model, the wealth of the entire community with a shared future for mankind is amplified in value, rather than simply being transferred from area A to area B. Our exploitation is benign exploitation. It can no longer be called exploitation, but a win-win situation." , which can also be called sustainable development.”

The poor old Oxford professor found out to his embarrassment that he couldn't argue with the young man in front of him.

He was a little annoyed at first, but quickly calmed down.

At this time, it was Chen Feng's status in the academic world that had the effect.

Others will always be more tolerant of his words.

After completing the questionnaire survey report in Chinese-speaking areas, the Oxford professor's project was declared a great success.

But he was not happy, and even refused Chen Feng's invitation to further expand the survey sample to 10 million people, and returned to China with his team.

Chen Feng didn't mean to make any remarks, he enthusiastically put the other party on the plane, and said that Xingfeng Research Institute would also establish subordinate research institutions in the social sciences and economics categories, and then sent the other party a very formal invitation to join. Letter, polite and impeccable.

After returning to the company, Chen Feng scanned the international news while organizing his thoughts more seriously.

Although he is very tough-spoken in front of others and praises his mother tongue in various ways, he is actually very aware that as a civilized leader, he cannot just look at the shortcomings of others and ignore his own shortcomings.

You must be more dialectical and rational when thinking about problems yourself.

In fact, both languages ​​have their own advantages and disadvantages, and both have their own inevitable birth.

There is no reproductive isolation between human races regardless of skin color. Human beings share a genetic system and their brain structures are almost identical. However, in the course of historical evolution, two completely different types of language structures have subtly emerged.

There is only one reason, the instinctive need of civilization.

This is driven by human competitive instinct.

Two language structures with completely different speeds have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In a slow-thinking society, people at the bottom are often more ignorant.

Because the information acquisition speed is slow and the time cost of information acquisition is high.

However, native English speakers engaged in academic and professional work can use more accumulated study time to make up for the shortcomings of low learning efficiency and acquire a stronger knowledge system.

Slow means they have more time to think carefully during the learning process.

In a fast-thinking society, it is easier for the people at the bottom to obtain basic information, and the people are relatively more intellectually enlightened.

But the disadvantage is that if they are non-professionals, the multi-faceted knowledge structure of the fast-thinking people is not solid, commonly known as the problem of everything.

Because the fast-paced knowledge system is built too quickly and the foundation is not strong enough.

It is easy for native Chinese speakers to learn something in a superficial way, but if they want to become impeccable in their knowledge, they need to spend more time consolidating the knowledge system and slowly laying a solid foundation.

To understand it from the perspective of quantum thinking is that the rapidly established small spiral of fragmented memory needs to be repeated and consolidated more times to form a more stable pattern.

This time to re-establish the foundation is actually not much shorter than that of native English speakers, basically the same.

Some geniuses may show individual differences, but Chen Feng will consider issues from a more comprehensive overall framework.

Therefore, at the level of basically qualified middle- and upper-level intellectuals, expert scholars with fast thinking account for a higher proportion.

But at the level of top intellectuals, the efficiency dividends gained by the fast thinking structure have been spat out.

Currently, the proportion of native Chinese speakers among the world's top scientists is low, even far less than one-fifth of the population.

For this gap, a more external explanation is the difference in national conditions.

Because China, the main body of fast thinking, is currently playing the role of a catch-up, and in the process of catching up, it always needs to face the scientific blockade constructed by the slow thinking society.

Relative backwardness in many fields is an objective fact and does not change due to personal will.

Most scholars who were born in a Chinese-speaking environment must first break through the blockade before they can obtain real top knowledge. Fast-thinking China has one more dilemma than slow-thinking Europe and the United States.

A more idealistic view is Chen Feng’s so-called theory that language determines thinking patterns.

In the social structure of Fast Thinking, ordinary people have better knowledge at the grassroots level, but at the top level, Fast Thinking will experience a certain degree of efficiency attenuation.

Theoretically, if a fast-thinking native speaker has a relatively calm personality, he or she can lay a solid foundation step by step in the process of learning and accumulating knowledge like a slow-thinking native speaker.

But this also requires a calm and tenacious personality. Therefore, proportionally speaking, slow thinking does tend to produce middle-class intellectuals, and leads to gaps in the number of top intellectuals.

In terms of the number of top intellectuals, those with fast thinking native language structure lag slightly behind.

The reasons are complicated and there are many aspects. Chen Feng can only stubbornly believe that no matter what his native language is, the difficulty of reaching the end of the era of knowledge is the same.

It's just that the complex external environment in the real world ultimately led to such a result, so he can only view the world with both dialectical and idealistic ideas.

He believes that the most perfect and labor-saving shortcut is to perfectly integrate the environments of the two languages ​​so that future generations can think without distinction between fast and slow structures as they grow.

This is an innate fusion.

There is the most vivid case beside him.

Ryan, a young scholar who grew up in a bilingual environment since childhood, has no distinction between Chinese and English in his mother tongue.

It is true that Ryan's success is inseparable from his personal talent and hard work, but his presence at least gave Chen Feng confidence.

At the same time, Chen Feng also wants to pursue the integration of acquired skills.

A true scholar can break free from the constraints of his innate mother tongue environment.

He grew up in a Chinese-speaking environment when he was young, and entered an English-speaking environment during his growth stage. Then he mastered English with extremely strong learning ability and combined the advantages of the two languages ​​into his own brain.

This kind of acquired perfect fusion can select more representatives, such as Li Zhengdao, Yang Zhenning, Ding Zhaozhong, Tong Dizhou and others.

Chen Feng thinks this is not bad, at least it provides a new possibility.

But maybe some people will question him, express dissatisfaction with his views, and ridicule him, "Do you think you can't become a scholar in a purely Chinese environment?"

Chen Feng could only say helplessly, yes, but the quantity and quality are not satisfactory enough.

And the meaning of globalization lies in integration. If you insist on withdrawing from integration and only stick to your own language, isn't that going backwards in history and closing the country?

Every language represents a precious thought, and every thought has its own value.

Diversified languages ​​are precious treasures left to mankind in the process of civilization development and evolution. Do you want to give up the wealth you have acquired to promote extreme nationalism?

That is of course not advisable.

The world's outstanding academic treatises are both in Chinese and English.

Do you only like Chinese and not English?

Then what you see will always be one-sided.

Do you still expect to be able to go to university and become a scholar?

At this time, the gangsters had something to say again.

So why can’t all valuable English papers be translated into Chinese?

Chen Feng would spread his hands.

Even if he can rely on this foresight to identify which papers are of value, he can also organize enough manpower and material resources for translation.

But one thing cannot be ignored, the learner’s own need for perfect comprehension.

When an article in one language is translated into another language, not only the superficial meaning changes, but its logical core will inevitably be lost to a greater or lesser extent in the translation process.

The result of only reading the translation is that what you absorb will definitely be partially one-sided.

Whether it's Chinese to English or English to Chinese, it's the same.

Chen Feng wants to win the war a thousand years from now, so he has to pursue the ultimate. From now on, he will explore a perfect logical operation method that conforms to the structure of the human brain - a combination of fast and slow, without distinction between Chinese and Western.

He wants future generations to have square characters and pinyin characters running side by side in their brains, allowing them to switch seamlessly anytime and anywhere.

Then, when the knowledge level of future generations continues to expand and reaches a certain level, they can choose the next focus.

If some descendants plan to engage in purely technical work, they will mainly speak Chinese.

Some later generations are preparing to engage in the purest theoretical research, and their thinking mode gradually favors English.

This is a relative preference, and in specific practice there will be different choices due to individual differences.

In the end, there must be a small number of people who come to the same goal from different paths, naturally master both languages ​​and become proficient in both languages. They can cover all core knowledge both broadly and deeply, and become university scholars who lead the times.

As for how Chen Feng realized this seemingly impossible idea?

It's not difficult at all.

He had even planned the preparations in advance and had actually done them.

It is the game "Crisis of the Multi-Eye".

Through virtual reality technology, the second world is covered based on the real world.

In the previous timeline, "Crisis of the Compound Eyes" was released in 2038 after eighteen years of hard work.

The world has never been the same.

A hundred years in advance, people have played the all-round "game" of the second era, where the fake is the real thing.

People can do anything in this game. They can not only enjoy the satisfaction and pleasure brought by virtual reality entertainment, but also complete the foundation of basic knowledge here.

People from all over the world are connected because of this software that looks like a game but is not a game. Many cultural barriers that existed due to mutual understanding have been eliminated invisibly.

And what’s even more terrifying is that Chen Feng doesn’t look like a capitalist at all.

His original intention of making games was not to make money at all, so he did a lot of tricks.

In order to prevent it from impacting the productivity development of the first world, he kept the average online time per person extremely stuck.

I heard that you want to increase your online time?

That's okay, you go learn something and take exams. If you pass the exam, the game time will increase.

If you can become a doctor in the game, then you can play eight hours a day.

Of course, doctors also suffer from the pain of being a doctor. The game tasks of a doctor directly become what achievements you are required to achieve in reality.

He's just so deceitful and overbearing.

The final interpretation right belongs to our company.

If someone else had played this game, he would have died a long time ago.

But Chen Feng also has technical advantages that others cannot match.

In addition, governments around the world have benefited from the talent dividend of the bizarre operating model of "Multiple Eyes Crisis". Instead of stabbing Chen Feng, they "helped" the tiger and became the wings of Star Edge Games.

After the holographic helmet jointly developed by Star Edge Research Institute and Star Edge Games came out and was fully sold at a low price, the holographic era of mankind officially arrived. The influence of "Crisis of the Compound Eyes" increased again, and eventually became popular for two hundred years, becoming a An important boost to the great integration of civilizations.

Using the second world to cover the first world and allowing culture to integrate in the second world can effectively eliminate conflicts.

In the previous timeline, Chen Feng embedded a unified translation function to facilitate communication between people of different languages ​​in the game.

This time he came up with a new main idea.

Weaken the scope of application of the translation function and deliberately misplace the language used by users of different languages ​​when they interact in the game.

For example, a Chinese user wants to use a certain function, but when he opens it, it is an all-English interface, and the translation is not allowed. He can only use the dictionary that comes with the game to look up words one by one.

The rewards for this kind of function are particularly generous, and once you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Even worse, there are no words at all, just pure speech, forcing you to practice listening and reading.

Of course, he would not be so sick during the promotion stage of the game, but once he stabilized his position, Chen Feng was ready to start various tricks to commit suicide. There was nothing others could do to him anyway.

He doesn't seek quick success either.

Assuming that after he increases his investment this time, "Crisis of the Compound Eyes" can start open beta in 2035, then he will spend the next fifty years sweeping two generations and will always see results.

After making up his mind, Chen Feng called Meng Xiaozhou over with his backhand.

"How is the preparation status of Light and Shadow Studio and game companies?"

Meng Xiaozhou: "Everything goes well. Light and Shadow Studio will be established in two months at the latest. Star Edge Games will take about five months."

Chen Feng waved his hand, "Intensify your efforts to attract money! Prepare the film production team of "Across the Stars" as soon as possible and go to the bank to negotiate for a loan. I want to increase my investment in Xingfeng Games. Within three months, I must set up a stall for me. I have a list here, you can click on it to find out.”

Chen Feng gave Meng Xiaozhou a long list.

All of them are well-known figures who have made important contributions to the development of the "Crisis of the Compound Eyes" game in the previous timeline, such as Chen Liangqi, He Anqi, Xiang Ri and others.

These people had a mixed love-hate relationship with Master Chen in their previous lives, and were tortured to death by his 18-year long development cycle of three years and three years.

The project has been in closed beta, tested again and again.

These young people with dreams endured and endured, waiting and waiting. When they couldn't wait any longer, they came and left again and again.

Jianghu, commonly known as Whampoa Military Academy, entered the palace many times.

What's even more tragic is that their names were all remembered by Chen Feng when he read historical materials.

Meng Xiaozhou was about to leave when Chen Feng stopped him again and highlighted a few names, "The contracts for these people will be longer, and their salaries and performance bonuses will be higher."

Meng Xiaozhou was puzzled, "Looking at their resumes, aren't they very impressive?"

Chen Feng smiled and said nothing, "Trust my judgment."

Meng Xiaozhou understood instantly that these people seemed to be future giants in the gaming field, and they were about to be harvested by Chen Feng in advance.

"Okay, then I will sign a contract with them directly for eighteen years?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "Eighteen is an unlucky number, let's just say twenty years. Oh, by the way, find the best psychological treatment institution and sign a long-term contract."

Meng Xiaozhou vaguely heard murderous intent from Chen Feng's mouth, and left quickly with sympathy for these people.

Master Chen said with a smile, how could I live up to your expectations.

This time, we at Xingfeng Games still have to work hard, the task has become heavier again.

He looked down at his chest.

I am so great.

The red scarf on the chest became more colorful.

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