I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 398 Old Thousand Layer Cake

Chen Feng talked about his plan in detail, focusing on how to focus on improving the living security of young scientific workers.

Of course, some top scholars with extremely high achievements may also have the opportunity to receive high bonuses if they can complete cross-era research and promise to share their knowledge with the association.

Moreover, the Guarantee Association does not want your patent, only your knowledge, and it does not have an exclusive role.

The cooperation model is in-depth communication. For example, you can join a large-scale project led by the association and be responsible for part of the technical research, or you can provide your own ideas to the association and participate in the assessment of the significance of the prospects.

If the association recognizes your research, you can also choose to receive research-level sponsorship, as well as personal life sponsorship.

Different levels of sponsorship will have different conditions, but personal life sponsorship does not require you to pay any additional rights.

If the association does not recognize your project, of course it has no right to forcefully stop you. Just forget about various sponsorships.

Chen Feng's protection association has no involvement in new patent rights and does not even pay any money. Its purpose is just to help these top scientists evaluate whether their projects are meaningful.

Chen Feng proposed something very big, and he hoped that these people would stand up and support him. Laursen and others could not make a decision for a while and had to think carefully.

Chen Feng was not surprised by everyone's concerns.

When anything new with great historical significance is born, people will be worried.

What's more, his association must be completely based on his personal noble feelings of sharing and potentially super strong financial support. It is still full of unknowns and may still be stillborn.

He is not in a hurry for people to make decisions, just to sow new seeds again.

Usually, as long as it is an innovative project led by top scientists who are really doing something, even if the final research project fails completely, the failure itself can still have considerable value.

This value may simply be the elimination of a wrong answer, or it may be the discovery of some additional results during the development process.

Assuming that projects with a global total investment of more than 100 million yuan are summarized, they can be roughly divided like this.

About 10% of projects can exceed expected goals, not only meeting the original plan, but also obtaining more in-depth conclusions or products, or the product of a certain intermediate link is actually of extremely high value.

30~40% of projects can just achieve the expected goals. This kind of project usually belongs to applied scientific research, and every link from project establishment to promotion has strict planning. The project plan can even be accurate to the specific months to complete which link.

30% of the projects are almost halfway completed. Such projects include both theoretical research and practical application.

There are also about 30% of projects that are complete failures. This is usually because they went in the wrong direction from the beginning, and even failed to produce reliable intermediate products.

The scientists who worked on the failed project cannot be blamed.

Because failure has limitations of the times.

For example, ultra-low-process carbon structure chips and room-temperature superconducting metals. If he could not directly give the answer and complete the advance layout of other related materials science, it would be a pure waste to devote all his efforts to these in the early 21st century. resource.

Asking some of the scientific research staff working on these projects to grow sweet potatoes may make a greater contribution to the times. After all, a small loss is considered a win.

What Chen Feng wants to do most is to use his "prescience" to avoid the final 30% of projects from being successful as much as possible.

This is of course also part of the work of the Five Centenary Plan.

Master Chen decided it was time to get started.

In the past month when he was active in the 21st century, most of his attention was focused on the literary and artistic circles.

That's because he is weak and has insufficient influence, so he gets half the result with half the effort in academic circles.

Now the situation is different. With the Starfeng Research Institute under preparation, two versions of "Madman's Conjectures", and what he said publicly at the Linton Institute, his voice in the academic world has increased. .

So when he discovered the opportunity, he decisively began to make plans, trying to maximize his advantage in knowing the future.

He had to be careful when coming up with more advanced leap-forward theories to avoid misleading students, but it was much easier to rule out wrong answers.

It's definitely true that if you see a cheating project, you will kill it.

After a few people chatted, the meeting officially began and everyone took their seats.

Chen Feng's seat is quite close to the front row, with Laursen on the left and Illen on the right.

One after another, well-known scholars took the stage to explain their respective views.

Unlike the doomsday theory of alien threats that has no theoretical basis and is purely inflammatory in the field of civil science, the people who can appear in this conference room and can speak on stage are very reliable.

This is a serious occasion, and the speaker must not speak randomly, but must come up with something convincing enough to support his argument.

For example, the first person to take the stage was the four major experts in the fields of artificial intelligence, computer programming, mathematics, and psychology.

He perfectly combined the ideas of biology and computer science, and also integrated a lot of psychological knowledge, and analyzed the direction of the human brain's thinking in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

He believes that from the birth to the present stage of evolution, human beings have been under the control of higher civilizations.

Humans and human genes are the product of ultra-high-level programming.

This person even used Chen Feng's theory of infinite genetic information and regarded it as further evidence in the field of quantum programming.

Moreover, this person also conducted several small psychology experiments like a TED lecture.

The pilot project was completely successful, and he really got the pulse of most of the audience's thinking.

He finally concluded that at the current rate of development of computer theoretical foundations, in a thousand years, when human quantum information networks are sufficiently developed and programming concepts reach a certain stage, humans will gain insights into thinking and evolution through breakthroughs in quantum computing. The essence of human beings, starting a dialogue with higher civilization, or entering the stage of struggle depicted in the movie "The Matrix".

Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

The theory sounds perfect, but it’s actually useless.

Among the eight timelines he has experienced, in addition to the basic science of materials and energy, the fastest progress made by mankind is artificial intelligence.

From the scattered and ordinary central intelligence to the first generation of stars, it took seven timelines.

Then this time the second generation of stars evolved, and the computing power increased countless times.

But he still hasn’t seen the day when programming will be used to decipher the human brain.

If it was really possible, he would also like to think about quantum immortality. How exciting does it sound?

Who doesn’t want eternal life?

If there is someone who can be the first to break through the boundaries of humanity, it must be him.

Okay, maybe it’s the mother of a child with a very evolved brain.

The second speaker is a famous physicist and a Nobel Prize winner ten years ago.

After the boss came up, he started from his own professional field and focused on analyzing some rare physical phenomena that ordinary people cannot know.

His theory is completely different from that of the AI ​​lords.

He also believes that there are aliens in the universe and that aliens have visited the earth in ancient times.

However, human beings have not been disturbed and helped by aliens during their growth.

He cited a lot of evidence.

Chen Feng was also surprised to hear this, because some of the evidence listed by the boss were "rumors" that had been repeatedly refuted by ordinary people.

Chen Feng also didn't expect these rumors to be true.

Physics experts believe that aliens are "observers" lurking in the universe, and their duty is to maintain the order of the universe and protect the new budding civilization.

When he heard this, Chen Feng almost laughed out loud.

I really believed your evil deeds.

If a person with compound eyes is a kind observer, then he can wake up laughing even when he falls asleep.

But he didn't laugh after all.

Although the physicists' conclusions are a bit skewed, the reasoning and calculation process are very convincing.

He actually accurately calculated that alien civilizations had visited the earth around 1019 AD and 2019.

Although the physicist seemed quite unsure when stating his conclusion, Master Chen expressed his great surprise.

According to Chen Feng's calculations, compound-eyed beings did indeed visit the earth at some stage from the 11th century to the 20th century AD.

It is assumed that the patrol route of the spherical warship is a round-trip polyline.

The straight-line distance between the Earth and the galactic center is about 27,000 light-years.

The radius of the Milky Way is about 80,000 light-years. The farther out, the lower the density of stars.

The earth itself is relatively close to the galactic center.

According to the information collected by the colonies, it took five hundred years for the spherical battleships and the prism fleet to reach the earth from the galactic center.

The time it takes for a spherical warship to complete a patrol is two thousand years.

If it is a round trip on a zigzag line, it will pass through a certain point twice with a time difference of one thousand years.

So assuming that the patrol route of the Compound Eyes is a broken line, the earth should be at the midpoint of the patrol route of the spherical warship.

And the compound eyes only patrol the high-density area 50,000 light-years away from the galactic center.

As for the low-density areas 50,000 light-years away from the galactic center, it is possible that the Compound Eyes only deployed some small intelligent units similar to Dragonfly fighter jets.

The spherical battleship should have passed through the solar system twice around 1000 AD and 2000 AD, which is very consistent with the physicist's "civilian science" calculation results.

Additionally, the Solar System Barrier took 2,500 years to reach the Solar System.

A paradox arises here.

The technological level of mankind in 2000 AD was certainly much higher than when Voyager was launched in 1977.

But at that time, the Compound Eyes did not decide to exterminate mankind. On the surface, this was very unreasonable.

It is assumed that the patrol route of the Compound Eyes is circular, and the earth is located at a certain point in the circular route.

Then there are two possibilities. The two previous times that the spherical battleship passed the earth should be in 1000 AD and 1000 BC (when the solar system was in the second half of the circular route), and in 2000 AD and the first year of AD (when the solar system was in the second half of the circular route). during the first half of the circular route).

Chen Feng previously thought that both broken line patrols and circular line patrols were possible, but now he feels that broken line patrols are more likely.

In 2019, compound-eyed beings may not have decided to take extreme action when they passed by the Earth. They probably did something "trivial and trivial" and prepared to come back to see the situation in a thousand years.

It's a pity that Chen Feng had not yet become a galactic human at that time, and the connection between the brain and the "wisdom of the universe" was not close. Otherwise, he would have been able to find some clues and give himself the most accurate conclusion last year.

So why did the compound-eyed man change his mind in 2500?

Of course, this is because the order to exterminate the earth's civilization did not come from within the Compound Eyes, but from a higher-level civilization that created electronic black holes and solar system barriers.

Although Chen Feng's estimate of the time point still has many issues worthy of discussion.

He couldn't produce conclusive evidence, but his intuition told him that he was getting closer to the truth.

Therefore, although some parts of the calculations of these contemporary scholars are outrageously wrong, some parts are also of great reference value.

To his surprise, the third person who came up to speak was Aeron Elwin.

Aeron's agenda surprised him even more.

This dear man actually used the warning hints that Chen Feng had given him, and then discussed it from the perspective of biology and psychology, focusing on invisible thought control and consciousness penetration, which is a bit like the sophon in "The Three-Body Problem". mean.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

I tricked you into boarding my warship. How could I have imagined that you actually took it seriously and spent a month seriously producing a paper that I couldn't directly refute.

You cowhide.

Elon made an in-depth analysis of the structure of the human brain and the way in which human brain thinking is formed, and proposed an invisible interference similar to the underlying quantum storm, treating it as a means of controlling the thinking of alien civilizations, which is a bit like "Outside the World" "Song" means.

Elon's views are somewhat similar to those of the computer tycoon, but the arguments are more complete and the conclusions are more horrifying.

Chen Feng clicked his tongue in surprise.

As expected, the wisdom of top scientists cannot be underestimated. If you give him a match, he can light a torch for you to light the way forward.

Aeron almost got to the bottom of the problem.

Sure enough, Elon's theory sparked a lot of controversy.

Some people agree, and some people firmly refute it.

Others angrily slapped the table in opposition, saying that according to what you, Aeron Irwin, mean, our achievements were all imparted to us by aliens who controlled our minds?

You say we are being controlled, then please provide some conclusive evidence.

You are a rigorous scientist, don't talk to us about unfathomable metaphysics.

Ellen didn't argue with anyone. After everyone shut up, he smiled and directed everyone's attention to Chen Feng.

"It cannot be said that aliens are imparting knowledge to us. I think they are suppressing us. But in my opinion, there is a person who has broken through the control of thought penetration and is leading human civilization forward. Who is this gentleman? I should No need to emphasize it in particular? I can also tell everyone that he has a sense of urgency and he is doing everything he can to promote the progress of civilization."

"In addition to the Star Frontier Research Institute, he just talked with me, Laurson, Spencer, and Dr. Wellington about the Human Scientists Life Support Association. The more he wants to do, the higher his ideals, the more I can I am sure that he has seen some mysteries that we cannot see.”

Everyone turned their attention to Chen Feng's face.


This is Mister Chen, who has written two consecutive "Madman's Conjectures" that spanned the ages!

He has a problem!

Chen Feng raised his finger and pointed at himself, twitching the corners of his mouth.


No wonder Aeron repeatedly emphasized that he must come.

So he is ambushing here?

Is he creating opportunities for himself?

Good old mille-feuille.

A new question suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Should I use my influence to reveal some secrets in advance at this particularly suitable opportunity?

How will the complete confirmation of the alien threat change the direction of history?

[June has begun. Let’s start to hit the monthly vote list. Let’s go as far as we can. Brothers and sisters, lend me your ripples! Just do it this time! 】

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