I, Qing Huan

Chapter 21:

After Li Dong called for an intermission, Xiaoye immediately ran over with water to give Zhu Qinghuan a drink, and the makeup artist also came over to make up for her. Zhu Qinghuan was holding the mineral water bottle, but she had no thought of drinking water at all. Her mind was filled with only the back of Nan Yang following Zhao Dan.

"Wish Zhu, why are you in a daze?" Xiaoye patted Zhu Qinghuan's hand holding the mineral water bottle.

Zhu Qinghuan suddenly stuffed the water bottle into Xiaoye's hand, seeming a little flustered between his eyebrows and eyes:

"You, you take it first, I have something to do."

After speaking, she picked up her skirt and hurriedly walked down the sacrificial platform. Except for Xiaoye who called her twice, everyone else was busy with their own affairs, and no one noticed her.

She wants to see Nanyang.

She wanted to know what she did with Zhao Dan.

Just like the last time she wanted to explore Nanyang when she was angry, she wanted to explore everything about Nanyang, and she couldn't help it. Just like the instinct of the body, she has no time to think about how despicable it is to follow, even if she herself hates others to follow her.

Zhu Qinghuan came to the corner of the city wall where they disappeared and quietly stood on the corner and looked over there.

Zhao Dan talked about him from the left and right, whispering some suggestive words, even Zhu Qinghuan could hear the dirty meaning in her words. And Nanyang stood opposite her, did not speak, did not respond, just lowered his head and peeled off one after another bonbons, and ate it madly.

Zhu Qinghuan looked at the chocolate in her hand, her ears were a little hot.

This is a gift to herself when a fan came to visit the class. She doesn't have much obsession with sweets. Moreover, she is an artist, so she is afraid to avoid this kind of high-calorie food. She thought about Nanyang’s sweet food, so in the morning, while Nanyang was still sleeping, she quietly took ten of them and stuffed them into her down jacket pocket.

There are 60 chocolates in a box, and there are a total of 10 flavors of wine. She picked one for each flavor. The intention was that Nanyang could taste all the flavors. But what she didn't expect was that Nanyang stood there, eating piece by piece without stopping, and ate it all at once.

Alcohol is the most taboo to mix drinking, it is very easy to get drunk. Although the amount of alcohol in the bonbon chocolate is not much, it is still a bit scary to drink ten kinds of alcohol together.

Sure enough, as Nanyang ate one by one, her eyes and cheekbones were visibly covered with pink. Her consciousness also seemed to be a little out of focus. She had eaten the tenth one, and she was still stunned for a long time in her empty pocket. Finally, he took out a handful of air and stared at it for ten seconds.

"So boss Nan, would you like it?"

Zhao Dan finally asked this sentence flushed with shame.

Nan Yang frowned and glanced at Zhao Dan who was opposite.

That look was so confused, Zhu Qinghuan was sure that she hadn't heard a word just now.

"You are noisy."

She said in disgust.

Nanyang’s bite character is very characteristic. She pronounced the word "noisy" so that it sounds like "noisy", but after a bit of aftertaste, it seems to be "ugly". The two pronunciations of "noisy" and "ugly" are somewhat similar. In addition, Nan Yang's speech was a bit vague at the moment, so it sounded like he was scolding each other and was noisy and ugly.

Zhao Dan was stunned, tears welled up in his eyes, and ran away crying aggrievedly.

Fortunately, she ran from the other side and didn't pass Zhu Qinghuan's side, otherwise the scene would be better.

Seeing her walking away, Zhu Qinghuan slowly walked towards Nanyang. Nan Yang shouldn't seem to be drunk. After all, she was fortunate to stand there upright, but her eyes were no longer focused. Originally, her eyes were red, but now her ears and neck are all red.

Nan Yang saw Zhu Qinghuan walk to him, closed his eyes, and grabbed Qing Huan's wrist.

"Send me back," her voice was trembling, she seemed to realize something, "I...drunk."

She can't stay outside drunk, it's not proper.

Nanyang's skin has always been cold, but the palm covering his wrist at this time is scorching hot. Zhu Qinghuan swallowed inexplicably, patted the back of Nanyang's hand with his other hand, and calmly said: "Don't worry, I will ask Xiaoye to take you back to the hotel."

"No, you send me..." Nan Yang squinted, his eyes glowing.

"I want to shoot, Xiaoye will send you back safely." Zhu Qinghuan said again.

Nan Yang shook his head and said stubbornly: "No, you send me...you must send..."

Zhu Qinghuan is a very easy-hearted person. Looking at Nan Yang's appearance, he sighed. It seems that he can only ask the director for leave. It's just a pity that after wearing the outfit for most of the day, I will get off work before taking a few moves.

She took the dizzy Nanyang back to the set, and roughly explained to the director. Li Dong originally wanted to refuse, but he glanced at Nanyang, who was indeed in poor condition at this time, and did not dare to offend the Mei Group, so he reluctantly agreed. Zhu Qinghuan let Nanyang sit in the fishing chair first, and went back to the dressing room to change clothes.

When she came back half an hour later, Nan Yang was still sitting in a daze on the fishing chair, what she looked like when she left and what she was like when she came back.

"Is it better?"

Zhu Qinghuan walked up to her, trying to reach out to touch her blushing face, but he held it in the air and didn't dare to touch it.

Nan Yang didn't speak, but his eyes were still open.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." She said softly.

Nan Yang's body trembled, as if her consciousness that had been asleep for a long time suddenly became awake, she lifted up the muddy beige eyes, and uttered a word between her lips and teeth:


Zhu Qinghuan was stunned, and even though she understood that she wanted to lead her by herself, her face was a little hot, but she nodded docilely and stretched out her hand.

Nanyang poke out four slender fingers from the cuffs of the thick down jacket and gently pulled her.

Zhu Qinghuan took Nanyang and said goodbye to other colleagues who were still working on the crew. The people on the crew watched the love scene between the two of them, and their hearts were sour.

The area of ​​Zangzuo Film and Television City is relatively large, and the shooting location of Shenwu is relatively inside, and it takes a long way to walk to the parking lot. Walking on the quaint streets, and shuttled through various shooting scenes, here we are shooting the Warring States Period, the other side is the Tang Dynasty, here is the princess and the general life and death, and the other is the capture and thieves, they are walking among them, It's like walking through many stories together, and through many years.

On the way, they ran into Dan Jin and Jiang Yanran who were filming the new version of The Legend of the Dragon Slayer. Jiang Yanran played Zhao Min and Dan Jin played Zhou Zhiruo. It was a break at this moment. Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo squatted together to eat a box lunch. Zhao Min was still picking vegetables in Zhou Zhiruo's lunch box, revealing a strange harmony.

"I wish!" Jiang Yanran waved to her.

Dan Jin held up his phone while eating, as if he was videoing with someone. Seeing Zhu Qinghuan, she smiled and pointed the camera of her mobile phone here, and said, "Early Autumn, say hello to my beautiful sister."

After a while, a milky voice came from the phone: "Not as pretty as you."

Dan Jinchao Zhu Qinghuan smiled apologetically, and Zhu Qinghuan waved his hand, indicating that he was not at ease at all.

I greeted Danjin and Jiang Yanran, and Zhu Qinghuan was about to pull Nanyang across here quickly, don't delay other people's shooting, unexpectedly I couldn't pull it.

Nanyang stopped.

Zhu Qinghuan had to stop with her and turned around, with a little doubt in her gentle eyes: "What's the matter?"

Nanyang stared straight at a little brother who played the role of a hawker. To be precise, she was staring at the pile of props candied haws in the little brother's hands.

She raised her hand and pointed at the red props: "I want to eat."

Zhu Qinghuan held her index finger, pressed it down, and whispered: "It's fake, you can't eat it."

Nan Yang slowly turned his head, staring at Qing Huan, and repeated blankly: "I want to eat."


Seeing this battle, she won't go if she can't eat it today.

"Go a little further, there is a small cart selling real candied haws, I will take you there to buy a bunch, okay?" Zhu Qinghuan coaxed softly.

Nanyang was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slightly.

So she took Nanyang, turned a few more intersections, and found the hawker pushing the trolley to sell candied haws. It must be somewhat background for hawkers to be able to sell things in such a place. It is not unusual for a star to see every day.

"What do you want to buy?" The hawker held a sign in his mouth. "I'm giving you a discount. My wife likes you. Your name is Zhuzhu, right?"

"Thank you for your love." Zhu Qinghuan thanked him politely, and then asked Nanyang, "Look, which one would you like to eat?"

Nanyang looked at the various candied haws in the cart in silence, and sighed for a long time.

She wants to eat.

Zhu Qinghuan understood what she meant. Of course, she couldn't buy all the candied haws, so she rushed to choose a bunch of candied haws with red bean paste before Nanyang spoke, and asked her to wrap it in kraft paper. In the bag.

"how much is it?"

"Thirty-one strings."

"Thirty?" Zhu Qinghuan frowned, "So expensive? It's only six yuan outside."

"You are a big star, but you can still have pity for this little money, and it was originally fifty. I'm giving you a discount," the little brother sighed, "Be considerate and considerate. After all, it's an attraction."


Although she is indeed a star and earns a lot, Zhu Qinghuan is still very frugal. No matter what, unnecessary waste can be avoided. If she left it in normal times, she would never pay 30 yuan to buy a bunch of candied haws.

"Here." She handed the candied haws to Nanyang.

Nanyang took the candied haws, and he was obedient, and ate without saying a word.

Zhu Qinghuan took her out for a while, and was walking, the ancestor behind said again: "I don't eat black."

"What?" Zhu Qinghuan turned and frowned.

Nanyang pointed to the piece of bean paste sandwiched between the hawthorn and said, "I won't eat this piece."

"You..." Zhu Qinghuan, such a good-tempered person, suddenly had an urge to knock Nan Yang out. Guai had to let Xiaoye come to deliver it. If Xiaoye came, he would have to jump up and beat himself on the head tomorrow.

"You helped me eat." After Nan Yang finished speaking, he forced the bunch of red bean paste candied haws into Qing Huan's hands.

Zhu Qinghuan was taken aback, looking at the bunch of candied haws in his hand, not understanding what Nan Yang meant.

Nanyang repeated it again: "You ate the black ones and left the ones for me."

I wish Qinghuan flushed her face all at once.

What kind of close relationship is necessary for one person to help eat part of the food with his mouth, leaving saliva on the surface of the food, and then let another person eat it bite by bite?

"Hurry up." Nan Yang urged a little impatiently.

"You..." Zhu Qinghuan stopped talking.


She really won't leave if she can't eat it, will she?

Forget it...

The less trouble, the better. If you spend it here, the paparazzi will notice.

Zhu Qinghuan sighed for a long time, blushing, tentatively bit the bunch of candied haws. To gnaw off the red bean paste sandwiched between the hawthorn is a technical job. She had to use her teeth to crush the icing, then stick her tongue out, carefully licking out the red bean paste. When a piece of bean paste is really licked out, basically the candied fruit is already full of saliva, and the icing is broken into residue.

How to eat this? ? ?

Nan Yang took it from her hand, took a bite without changing his face, wrapped it in her mouth, and chewed generously.

Zhu Qinghuan felt that her whole body was burning with shame.

What kind of woman is this? ?

Her face flushed, she pulled Nanyang to the parking lot quickly, desperately trying to go fast, she really didn't want to get out of the moth halfway.

Fortunately, I satisfactorily ate Nanyang of the candied haws without bean paste, and no more moths appeared.

But only before getting on the bus.

Xiaoye was supposed to be driving, but there were still a lot of his own things to pack on the set, so Xiaoye didn't follow. Zhu Qinghuan helped Nanyang into the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, got into the driver's seat, and started the car.

As the car drove halfway, Zhu Qinghuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Nan Yang, who was holding half a bunch of candied haws, suddenly stopped eating. She sat for a long time, frowning and tightening, and her face became redder. After a while, a lot of sweat came out on her forehead.

No, it stands to reason that the alcohol should be gone.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhu Qinghuan looked at her distractedly while driving.

Nan Yang's expression seemed to be trying his best to endure something, but his hands were no longer controlled, and he suddenly wanted to go behind him.

When Zhu Qinghuan saw her like this, he was still wondering, but suddenly his mind bounced and he understood.

Mei Zhongli told herself before that Nanyang has a minor illness called cholinergic urticaria. This is not a serious disease. It is mainly caused by heat, mental stress, hot drinks or alcoholic beverages, the body temperature rises, and conscious itching, tingling or burning sensation will usually occur on the upper trunk and upper limbs. Skin lesions. There is nothing to cure for this, as long as you keep your body cool and don't get hot.

Mei Zhongli exhorted her to not let Nanyang get hot. The place where she used to live was very cold and could not stand the heat. Especially don't give her a fever after drinking, otherwise it will be very serious.

Oops, the heater in the car seems to be turned on too much.

"You...are you itchy?" Zhu Qinghuan asked tentatively.

Nanyang's neck was already reddening in a large area, she couldn't help it, and she started to pant a little while breathing.

"I'll drive faster, you can bear it."

Zhu Qinghuan opened the car window on the Nanyang side to let the cold wind in. As the winter wind poured in, Nan Yang's expression looked a little better, but he still frowned.

The cold wind blew in like a knife, blowing on the back of Zhu Qinghuan's hand holding the steering wheel. She clenched her teeth, her hands trembling from the cold, but she still held the steering wheel tightly.

Fortunately, the hotel is not far from the studio, and it took only twenty minutes to arrive.

After getting out of the car, Nanyang walked faster than Zhu Qinghuan, her neck was still red, and it seemed that she had developed a papular wind mass. Zhu Qinghuan asked the company's driver who was waiting at the hotel to park the car, followed Nanyang and pinched the room card.

The moment Nanyang reached the door, she immediately opened the door. Nanyang pushed the door and walked in. Regardless of whether the back door was closed or not, he immediately began to undress.

She still kept her sanity, did not take it off all, just took off the down jacket and sweater. Wearing a thin white shirt, she stood at the window and opened a little window to let the cold wind blow into her neckline.

Zhu Qinghuan walked over carefully and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Nan Yang hasn't spoken for a long time. She pursed her lips, and seemed to have finally eased a little, and said dumbly, "I'm so dizzy."

"Then you lie down, I won't close the window."

Nanyang glanced at the sofa, walked over, and lay down on the sofa. Her back is itchy and must be exposed to the cold air.

Zhu Qinghuan squatted down on the sofa and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have given you bonbons."

"It's okay, it's delicious, I still want to eat it." Nan Yang lay on the soft cushion, his cheeks and ears still red.

Seeing that she still didn't blame herself, Zhu Qinghuan felt softer again.

"Tick me a bit."

Nan Yang whispered.

Zhu Qinghuan obediently placed her fingers on the white shirt on Nanyang's back. Her hands had no nails. After scratching them for a long time, Nanyang's expression didn't seem to improve.

Nan Yang raised his eyes, the corners of his eyes were stained with a light pink, and there was a soft water halo in his eyes. Suddenly she frowned, looked at Qing Huan with an uncomfortable look on her face, her lips shrunk to a seductive arc, and her voice was low and begged:

"...Go in."

In, in...

Go in?

Zhu Qinghuan's fingers paused on her back.

After a while, the ears were red.

She just wanted to get crooked for a moment? ? ?

Her pure mind, when did she stuff yellow waste? ? ?


She concealed a dry cough and slowly put her hand into the back neckline of the white shirt. The relatively cool fingers touched the hot and red skin there, and gently scratched it.

The skin is so slippery.

No wonder it's so delicate and tender, and it's normal that it can't stand heat.

The temperature of her fingers was very good, and the strength of her scratching was also very good. Slowly, Nan Yang gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep with Jiujin.

Zhu Qinghuan quietly withdrew his hand, took a quilt from the room, and put it on Nanyang.

As she was about to leave, she glanced at Nan Yang's sweating back neck again, thinking, is it too tight to cover it? Otherwise, expose your feet to dissipate heat.

She bent down and gently lifted the quilt, allowing Nan Yang's slender and white feet to be exposed.

But less than a second after it was exposed, the foot retracted back with a "swish".

Immediately, a little crying dream came tremblingly:

"Don't bite me..."

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