I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs

Chapter 416 World-renowned confrontation with fire oil attack

Pei Yuanxian's subordinates said loudly: "Listen up inside, Miss Bai is in our hands. If we don't want her to die, we will arrest her without a fight."

Huanyan led dozens of subordinates and approached Pei Yuanxian.

Baicaoshi stood beside Pei Yuanxian, her face was thin and haggard, her face was as white as her lips, but her eyes were still misty, her black hair was pulled into straight lines by the wind, she smiled slightly, and looked at the palace.

The sound of the gates sounded, the mortise and tenon and gears were turning, and the Xingdian opened up the space in front, and Zheyu, Shinichi, and Baixiaoshu stood on the slabs.

Opposite, is their beloved girl, is the elder sister.

Pei Yuanxian put his hand to his lips and coughed for a while. After he calmed down, he rested his hand weakly on Baicaoshi's shoulder, using his internal strength, "Mr. .People, in my hands, do as I say, or you will save a life."

Zhen Yilou took a step back, his eyes narrowed into a line, his gestures were ready, and he was ready to go, just waiting for Zhe Yu's command.

But Bai Xiaoshu has already raised his fist, his head can be broken, his life can be given up, in exchange for the safety of his sister.

Only Zheyu, one step forward, is as calm as Mount Tai.

"Regent, Pei Yuanxian, don't involve women in the war between men."

He has understood the same quilt Gu, so he can't hurt Pei Yuanxian any more, otherwise it will be passed on to Baicaoshi, which he can't tolerate.

Pei Yuanxian's palm fell on his abdomen, which was severely injured today. Although the wound has been bandaged, it will still hurt deeply if it is involved.

"You are not qualified to bargain with me. In front of the whole world, bend your knees and beg me to atone."

As soon as the words fell, Pei Yuanxian's men raised their weapons higher.

And Huanyan's sword was already pointing at Baicaoshi's back heart.

Has Mr. finally come to his senses?

Although she gets along well with Baicaoshi, she can't compare to Mr. In a word, she can kill anyone without blinking an eye.

Pei Yuanxian frowned slightly as he looked at the dazzling sword.

The heart of Baicaoshi is like being set on fire. But it turns out that acting is so difficult, it is so difficult to watch Yu Bao do things that go against his mind and bones. His head held high and his proud chest never bent even when he met Emperor Yanwu.

What will he do?

Zhe Yu stared at Baicao Poetry from the air.

He understood her restraint, her forbearance, her reluctance, and her thoughts.

It's just his knee, it's no big deal, as long as his girl is safe.

That was his fate, his calamity, and the greatest gift God gave him.

Slowly, slowly, he bent down and touched his knees to the ground with a weight as heavy as a thousand weights.

There has never been a moment like this that made Pei Yuanxian feel so happy and hearty.

The defeat of Honolulu, the arrow of Wanzhou, and the unknown confrontation, he got back 100 million.

Suddenly, he took the bow and arrow from the guards around him and handed it to Baicaoshi, "Shishi, fulfill your promise and shoot at his heart."

Baicaoshi breathed a sigh of relief, and took the bow and arrow.

"I'm a girl, not a sharpshooter. This distance is beyond the range of my strength."

However, what is it important to Pei Yuanxian?

All he wanted was for her to raise her bow and draw her arrow, and make a gesture of breaking in front of the world, all she needed was one movement.

The rest, as Zhe Yu said, is left to the man.

Anyway, no one dared to hurt him among the people in this world.

Baicaoshi is moving forward.

One step, two steps, five steps, she was five steps away from Pei Yuanxian and his men.

Well, don't worry about accidental injury.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds may be useless to Pei Yuanxian, and hurting him is hurting himself.

But Baicaoshi still has a secret weapon, the toad Gu spirit that was supposed to hibernate in her space.

The Gu spirit is under her control, the Gu spirit and the Gu spirit belong to the same clan, what will happen when the same clan meets?

She wanted to try it, and did.

Suddenly, Baicaoshi looked back, and a huge, half-human-tall toad stood in front of her, and then the witch doctor's spell from thousands of years ago sounded.

The toad looks huge, but its body is very flexible. It spit out venom and rushed towards Pei Yuanxian.

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

This is simply unbelievable. A giant monster descended from the sky, isn't this a punishment from heaven?

"Protect the Regent!" This sentence came from Huanyan.

She moved, and the long sword moved towards the toad. In an instant, more than a dozen cold weapons attacked the toad Gu spirit.

At the same time, Baicaoshi and Zheyu also moved.

Baicaoshi faced Pei Yuanxian's alley, but her body was going backwards, Zheyu flew up and took Baicaoshi into her arms.

At that moment, when he touched her weak body, Zhe Yu was ecstatic and his eyes shone brightly.

Another flash in the air.

As long as they return to the Xingdian, today's rescue will be half successful.

In midair, more than ten swords were thrown at the same time.

Those subordinates who didn't know what was going on thought that Baicaoshi and the regent were inseparable, and vowed to kill Baicaoshi and Zheyu.

At the critical moment, Shinichi made a move.

His sword danced like a flowing sword flower in the air, and a vortex formed in the air, attracting the enemy's swords so that none of them could touch Baicaoshi's body.

This trick looks like a domain, but it is not a domain.

Half domain at best.

With the potential of life stimulated, Zhenyilou entered the half-step master.

Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi landed safely in the hall.

"Guan Xingdian." Zhe Yu gave the order.

"Wait." Baicaoshi looked at the besieged toad Gu spirit, and couldn't bear it in her heart. If she summoned with a spell now, could she get back the Gu spirit? Without the Gu spirits to restrain Pei Yuanxian, can their palace get out of Fengcheng safely?

Seeing that under the siege of the crowd, the Gu spirit has been seriously injured, its body juice is flowing, and its vitality is rapidly disappearing.

It is winter now, which is not the season for toads to be active.

Its ability to play less than eleven.

"I'm sorry, Yu Bao, I..." Baicaoshi wanted to recall Toad.

"Don't feel guilty, do whatever you want." Zhe Yu gave her a warm look.

The spell sounded again, and the toad disappeared in place.

On Pei Yuanxian's side, the pressure was relieved immediately.

"Guan Xingdian." Zhe Yu ordered.

The sound of the gate sounded again. Once the walking hall is closed, it will revert to a walking super cold weapon, which is difficult to deal with.

Pei Yuanxian looked at the men and women embracing in the hall through the gap.

Forget it, if you can't own it, destroy it.

He raised his hand high, then lowered it, "Pour the oil."

With Yan Song's productivity at that time, the refining of kerosene was not an easy task, so Pei Yuanxian ordered his subordinates to bring only a small bucket.

If the same fire oil is sprinkled on the hall and attacked with fire, the people in the hall will definitely be wiped out and the whole army will be wiped out.

Pei Yuanxian closed his eyes.

In front of him, it was as if they met for the first time in Dongli Mountain Villa. The woman was like a clear spring in a mountain stream, and the delicacy made by him made him fly into the sky.

However, there are not so many first acquaintances in life, she finally chose Zhe Yu, and fought against him.

Then, one dies one hundred.

Suddenly, he felt a huge shadow in the sky, accompanied by a loud eagle cry.

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