I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs

Chapter 361 Chrysanthemum Garden Chrysanthemum House Chrysanthemum Sea

On September 29th, the sky is high and the air is refreshing. It's autumn.

Baicaoshi took Lilac and went to the Chrysanthemum Garden.

In fact, I really want to bring red koji. On such an occasion, the flowers are blooming like brocade, bustling and lively. I thought I would like red koji, but Hong koji refused. The reason is not clearly stated, but Baicao Poetry can think of it. It takes time to change a person's inner confidence.

The Chrysanthemum Garden is located in the west of the imperial city. In the early years, it was also part of the royal garden, but it was opened later, and the children of celebrities and aristocratic families can visit it. And because of the twice-yearly Chrysanthemum Appreciation Festival: the Jiujiu Chongyang Chrysanthemum Fair and the 29th Evening Chrysanthemum Fair, the Chrysanthemum Garden is more famous than other royal gardens.

Before the carriage reached the chrysanthemum garden, it was already difficult to move.

There is no other reason, too many people came. The noble ladies who usually don't leave the door and don't walk twice seem to be mobilized. There are also some young men in the meantime.

Du Zhong shouted into the car, "Ma'am, I'm afraid I'll have to walk next."

Whether it's a walk or a breath, Baicaoshi and Dingxiang get off the car.

Ding Xiang held a basket in her arm, because Baicaoshi gave her an order to harvest the basket today. She didn't know if this was in line with the rules, so she was a little apprehensive.

At the entrance, there are ladders and shelves, forming a chrysanthemum archway. Baicaoshi roughly counted, and there are seven or eight kinds of light colors. This archway contains at least ten varieties of chrysanthemums.

An archway shows that there are many varieties of chrysanthemums.

At the entrance, there are guards guarding the identity and letters.

Baicaoshi realized one thing, the eldest princess only invited her verbally, and did not give proof.

Come here, you have to try it. She can't wait to pick chrysanthemums... Oh no, it's time to enjoy chrysanthemums.

"Stop, please show the letter of invitation." The guard followed the rules.

Baicaoshi smiled lightly and told the truth. "I was invited by someone to attend the Chrysanthemum Fair. The person who invited didn't give me any letter."

The guard said with a cold face, "Then you can't let it go. Or you can go in after the person who invited you arrives."

Baicaoshi looked up into the garden, looking forward to the early arrival of the eldest princess.

It's nothing at all, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on blowing. There was a woman whispering next to her.

"Which family does this belong to? We've never seen it before."

"To attend this kind of occasion, you need a letter or a chapter. If you don't, you still want to enter. Could it be that you were blinded by eating lard, and heard that there are princes and sons-in-law from aristocratic families who are coming, and come here to catch a wealthy son-in-law?"

"I can't say which minister's concubine daughter or illegitimate child it is."

Baicaoshi: "...what?"

She came to the chrysanthemum appreciation party, not the blind date party. Which rich son-in-law can compare to Zhe Yu? But she didn't care about these people, so she couldn't do it.

Suddenly hearing giggles, Baicaoshi followed the sound and saw that it was Princess Qi and Princess Ying Zheyun whom she had met a few days ago. Several women greeted Princess Qi.

Princess Qi raised her hand as a signal, and when she saw Baicao Poetry, the corner of her mouth twitched.

The stench of copper all over the body has already reached the chrysanthemum garden.

"What you said is wrong. Let me see which merchant's daughter this is? Didn't you want to buy a shop a few days ago?"

As the so-called scholars, farmers, businessmen and merchants are at the bottom, they are not qualified to attend this kind of high-class gathering.

Those women even more sneered at Baicao Poetry.

Baicaoshi smiled calmly. Regarding the business, she has been living behind the scenes, and she doesn't want to be known. She is afraid that Zhe Yu's official career will not be good, and she can't imagine that someone will take advantage of it when she first arrived. "Madam, how do you know that I am the daughter of a merchant, and I still want to buy a shop? It seems that Madam often visits shops on weekdays. I always thought that women from aristocratic families do not go out of the door."

Princess Qi: "..."

I thought it was a soft persimmon, but it turned out to be a sharp-tongued one.

Baicaoshi went on to say: "I see that your clothes are gorgeous, but they are not belongings in the palace. Let me guess whether it is Yueshuangtong, Mu Huajin, or Fei Tilan, maybe I want to choose it in the elegant market. The person you like, go shopping in the streets and alleys to buy clothes?"

When others satirized her, Baicaoshi took it back intact.

"You really don't know good from bad." Ying Zheyun said bitterly.

Chrysanthemum Club is full of people coming and going, and many people have gone in. Another carriage drove up, and the curtain parted to reveal a well-kept hand.

Then a person got off the carriage, stepped forward and took Baicaoshi's hand, and said to the guard: "It's the person I made an appointment with, and I neglected to give the letter. Can I go through?"

Baicaoshi recognized the person, Princess Xun.

Since the last incident in Wanzhou, Baicaoshi has not seen Princess Xun for several months. The guard repeatedly said yes.

In this way, Baicaoshi successfully entered the Chrysanthemum Garden.

Princess Qi looked at their backs, and the fierce light in her eyes flashed away.

The chrysanthemum garden occupies a very large area, and a large piece of ornamental chrysanthemums came into view, like a sea of ​​chrysanthemums, and Baicaoshi suddenly couldn't move.

"Do you know what breed these are?" she asked.

Ding Xiang and Ju looked at each other with big eyes and smiled, "Hua Huhu Hu Lao Hua, she knows me, but I don't know her."

Baicao Poetry: "..."

It can't be seen that Lilac still has the potential of the second grade.

She doesn't understand, she has her own expert. Princess Xun pointed casually: "Look at Shishi, the lotus chamber with its yellow and white pistils is called 'Wanling Ju', the pink one is called 'Peach Blossom Chrysanthemum', the white sandalwood heart is called 'Wood Fragrance Chrysanthemum', and the yellow and round one is called 'Peach Blossom Chrysanthemum'. It is called 'Jinling Ju', and the pure white and big one is called 'Xi Rong Ju."

The ancient characters are extensive and profound, with five kinds of flowers, and the reputation is novel and moving.

At this time, Plantago Zi woke up in the sea of ​​consciousness. "Dear host, these are rare varieties. If you pick them up, you can not only redeem points, but also keep some for your own use, making chrysanthemum tea and chrysanthemum wine. Why not do it?"

Baicaoshi was moved and eager to try.

"Princess, you know me. I can't bear the noise of people, so I'll just enjoy the flowers here."

Princess Xun said, "Shishi, there are still many chrysanthemums waiting for you to appreciate."

Don't give up the whole forest for a leaf.

Baicaoshi understands that there are not only these kinds of chrysanthemum gardens, but they are their own when they are picked. Flowers will fade when they bloom, and they are only valuable if they are brewed into tea or wine.

"Princess, please go in first. I will find you when I go in."

Princess Xun didn't hesitate, and left first.

Herborist gave Lilac a color and walked deep into the chrysanthemum field.

Ding Xiang tremblingly picked a chrysanthemum and put it in the basket.

Seeing that she was distracted, Baicaoshi started her own harvesting. Her chrysanthemums are packed into the space, which is equivalent to the capacity of two sorting boxes, and the harvest is full.

He straightened up suddenly, and saw a woman walking forward surrounded by the crowd. There is also the high-pitched voice of the father-in-law: "The eldest princess is here!"

Not only did people come, but she was still wearing the most shocking costumes.

The warm white, elegant blue and white, and the flying red bird, when these meet the cheongsam, reflect the graceful figure of the eldest princess. At that moment, she seemed to have mastered Dayan's fashion code.

The woman's eyes rest on her body. There was light in the man's eyes.

Regarding the chrysanthemum that appeared above, it is quoted from "Tokyo Menghua Volume" written by Meng Yuanlao, a scholar of the Song Dynasty.

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