Chapter 168 Ninja Army!!

“Scorpion, don’t shoot yet?”

The Red Sand Scorpion hears the sound and pretends to strike, but is actually paddling.

Heading towards Kakashi’s side.

But in this way, there is no way to catch Naruto.

More ninja coalition forces came to their aid.

Konoha’s, Sunahide Village’s, Iwahi’s, and Kirihi’s.

There are even some small ninja villages.

Except for Yunyin Village, almost all of them came.

Because everyone knows very well that once the Xiao Organization completes the plan, it will inevitably be a disaster for the world.

Even if it is not for the world, it must be for these ninja villages of yourself.

The power of the nine tailed beasts gathered together is amazing.

No one in the Ninja Village can resist.

This is not the time it used to be.

There was no such amazing existence as Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara now.

Nagato’s eyes flickered.

“Only we can make a move.”

“Those people from the Ninja Village are here too.”

“Today is probably the final battle.”

“Defeat them and we can fulfill our long-cherished wish for many years.”

A figure came to the front of the ninja army.

It is the Heavenly Dao among the six paths of Payne.

Face the ninja army and raise your hand.

“Chao, Shinra Tianzheng!”

An extremely strong force crushed in the direction where the ninja army was.


It’s like some natural disaster has begun.

Those weak ninjas, when faced with such power, directly fell.

Even Shangnin has been greatly affected.

Only the elite tolerant and above can be regarded as able to carry this pressure relatively easily.

The effect of the Super Shinra Heavenly Sign is over.

However, most of the ninjas in the ninja army have lost the ability to fight.

Everyone’s faces became very ugly.

“Who is that?”

“What kind of power is that?”

“It’s terrifying!”

Onoki stood high in the air, looking down at Payne Rokudo.

“Dust, the art of stripping the original realm!”

But Payne Tiandao had already seen Onoki’s move and dodged in advance.

Between the six lanes of Payne, all visual sharing is controlled by Nagato.

Onoki’s sneak attack found a blind spot in Payne’s sight, but was seen by the other Payne…

Asura Dao stepped forward.

A laser shot towards Onoki, so that Onoki had to land, and in the sky, it was like a living target for Asura Dao.

Naruto looked at Payne Tendo.

The members of the Xiao Organization that appeared at present, Payne Tiandao obviously looked different.

Most likely, it is the chief.

This can also be seen in the attitude of the members of other organizations.

“It was not Konoha, not Iwain Village, not Yunyin Village that caused the Nine-Tails Rebellion back then, then it could only be these people, and these people were interested in the Nine-Tails.”

“There was a good reason for doing it to my parents.”

Naruto took the initiative to rush towards Payne Rokudo.


“Ice Escape, Ice Blade Storm!”

An ice blade storm fell, enveloping the entire nearby area.

“Shinra Heavenly Sign!”

Payne Tiandao raised his hand and pushed the area of the ice blade storm abruptly for more than ten meters.

Asura Dao shot at Naruto.

The Wave Feng Shui Gate appeared and stopped in front of the Asura Dao.

“Ice escape, ice world!”

Beast’s hands clapped.


More than a dozen giant psychic beasts appeared.

Those remaining ordinary ninjas were all pinned down.

Onoki came near Naruto.

There is also Luo Sha, who has already solved the flying section.

Using placer gold, the flying section was buried tens of meters underground.

With the strength of the flying section, there is no way to get out of the trap at all.

The strength of the flying section is not strong, but the ability is special.

Naruto looked at Payne Rokudō on the opposite side.

Naruto’s ice blade storm still had a certain effect before, and a Payne was severely damaged by Naruto’s attack and lost his ability to move.

However, at this time, the Hell Dao channeled Hades out and repaired the seriously injured Payne Six Dao.

Naruto’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Such a serious injury can be repaired in an instant?”

“This guy has to be solved first!”

Naruto’s eyes moved.


A powerful twisting force fell on the body of Hell Dao.


Under the action of this force, the Hell Dao was directly shattered.

Nagato saw Naruto’s thoughts and quickly controlled the other Payne to storm Naruto.

Give Hell Road a chance to leave.

However, Onoki’s attack had fallen ahead of schedule.

“Dust, the art of stripping the original realm!”

A huge dust escape, enveloping the entire Hell Dao in it.

In an instant, it turned into powder.

“Naruto, the two of us work together.”

Onoki proposed.

His state is no longer optimal, and the use of dust is also a very expensive ninjutsu.

It can be used a limited number of times.

Therefore, working with Naruto is the best choice.

Naruto was responsible for restraining the other party and seriously injured the ground.

Onoki gives the opponent a fatal blow.

In this way, there is no possibility of falling short.


Naruto nodded.

Nagato’s face became a little ugly.

But what is even more ugly is the face of Uchiha with Shitu.

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